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Five Cricket Ties

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Two Minor County Cricket Association ties 1951 (red, blue silver) & 52/53 (unicorns) Combined Services Tie, (wings & anchor) Bedfordshire CCC tie (purple silver black) and Norfolk CCC tie (crest and silver stripe)

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Dear Mr Chadwick I visited the Museum when at Lords for the Test Match and spoke to one of the lady stewards to enquire whether the Tie Collection was closed or if additional ties might be added. As it happens the lady concerned is involved in the cataloguing of the ties. The reason I asked is that have 2 Minor County Cricket Association ties, which obviously you may already have but as they were issued in the early 1950's you may not. Photographs of the ties are attached. In 1951 I played for the Minor Counties vs Kent and the South Africans and obtained a tie with red, blue and silver stripes which were the colours on the sweater. Although at the time I thought the tie was for players, it proved not to be as MCCA officials were wearing it! In 1952 and 1953 I was fortunate to play again for the Minor Counties vs the Indians and Australians and a specific player's tie was created - navy blue with a golden unicorn - the same as the cap and blazer badge. If you wish to have the ties I will certainly forward them. Additionally I have players' ties of the Combined Services, Bedfordshire and Norfolk if they are of any interest. Sincerely Arthur Coomb