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The Gillette Cup Boardgame

Object Number:
Ariel Productions Limited
cardboard, cardboard, plastic, paper
box: l x w x h: 31.5 x 50 x 3.5 cm
Object name
board game
Object category
games and gambling


A Boardgame based on the highly successful knock-out competition played by the County Championship sides. There are 16 sections on the board and are lettered on the outer rim A-S, and there are 64 areas on the field (all indicated in number and letter on the board). Each bowlers card is divided into three sections shwoing the pace of the bowling, and also the quality of delivery - ood/bad etc. Each batsmans card has nine sections indicating the batsmans possible respnse to all possible variatons that could arise from the bowlers card. If the ball has been hit - the area of the ground into which it falls will be indicated. Combinations (eg A3) shown in red show a ball has been hit in the air, whilst combinations in black shows a ball has been hit on the ground. The two packs of cards must be shuffled and faced downwards on the board. When the bowler as decided his speed and the field placed, the first card of his pack is turned over and read out to the batsman. The batsman does the same with his card. Ife the bowler has bowled a "fast, good" ball, the batsman looks to his card to find the area of the ground that type of ball would be hit to- eg R2, and the number of runs he would score. Play then proceeds in this manner. When a batsman is given out the packs of cards are re-shuffled. The process is repeated unil both sides have batted and a winner determined.