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Secretary's Minutes, 1911-1922

1910-12-12 - 1923-01-08
Level of description
1 volume
Part of
MCC Committee (MCC/SEC/2/1)
Scope and Content
Minutes, memoranda, notices, agendas and correspondence compiled by the MCC Secretary (Sir F E Lacey). Includes minutes of the MCC Committee, minutes of the sub-committee meetings (Refreshment, Property and Works, Cricket and Selection, Finance, General Purposes) agendas for sub-committee meetings (Cricket and Selection, Property and Works, Refreshment, Tennis), table of accounts and investments, refreshment department accounts, list of probationary cricket candidates, correspondence relating to arrangements for MCC to play matches in Denmark and Holland in 1911, newspaper cuttings advertising notice of special general meetings and annual general meetings, copy of letter sent to Lacey by Lord Desborough discussing whether C B Fry should attend the MCC tour to Australia in 1911-1912, draft letter to players informing them of travel arrangements for the MCC tour of Australia in 1911-1912, letters from Lacey and P F Warner asking the consent of the MCC Committee for the selection of J W Hearne for the tour to Australia in 1911-1912, notification of changes to the Laws of Cricket in the 1911 Annual General Meeting with regards the definitions of 'no ball', 'run out' and 'stumped', copy of invitation sent by players to attend the MCC tour of Argentina in 1911-1912, minutes of the [County] Secretaries' conference held at Lord's in December 1911, list of suggestions for organising the catering at 21 Elm Tree Road submitted to the Refreshment Sub-Committee, minutes of a meeting of a Sub-Committee to draft alterations to the 'no-ball' law in 1912, copies of the MCC Annual Report for 1912-1922, report on the MCC tour of Australia in 1911-1912 by manager T Pawley, newspaper reports on the anniversary dinner and minutes of the annual general meetings, reports on the anniversary dinner, paper discussing the impact of the National Insurance Act 1911 on MCC employees, notification by Lacey of the purchase of 2 and 4 Grove End Road in 1912, recommendations on the improvement of the turf at Lord's in 1912, paper by R V Ryder, Warwickshire County Cricket Club Secretary, for the Cricket and Selection Sub-Committee discussing alterations to county boundaries and its impact upon cricket in 1913, arrangements with the Australian Board of Control to share gate money for future tours in England and Australia, letter from the South African Cricket Association discussing the behaviour of M C Bird and J W H T Douglas where they missed meeting the Mayor of Bloemfontein during the MCC tour of South Africa in 1913-1914, report of the Centenary Dinner Sub-Committee in 1914, letter from Douglas apologising for the incident, letter to the Committee from Lacey suggesting that because of the war and subsequent poverty in London MCC should arrange to give one meal a day to 100 children in London at the Lord's Hotel, newspaper cutting reporting that the County Championship had been abandoned in 1915 due to the war, letter from Lacey indicating his wish to retain Lord Hawke as MCC President, list of members whose subscriptions were returned in 1915-1916 owing to the war, list of cricket materials including bats, balls, gloves and stumps sent to naval and military units during 1916, list of candidates for election to MCC membership, report on a meeting held by the Committee of I Zingari in 1917, memorandum on donations to the Oxford and Cambridge teams in 1918, list of first-class matches in 1919-1921, list of applicants for the position of MCC Assistant Secretary in 1919 (including W Findlay, the successful candidate), minutes of the Advisory County Cricket Committee meeting held in 1919, notification to the MCC Committee by Lacey that a telegram had been sent by the Australian Board of Control considering a tour by Australia of England in 1920, copy of the Middlesex County Cricket Club annual report for 1919-1921, copy of staff wages list for 1919, arrangements between MCC and the Australian Board of Control for MCC to tour Australia in 1920-1921, list of fixtures for the County Championship Second XI competition in 1920, agenda for the Taste Sub-Committee meeting in 1920, minutes of the Board of Control for Test Matches at Home, memorandum by the Treasurer on the accounts of Oxford and Cambridge universities, minutes of the Imperial Cricket Conference in 1921, minutes of the Arts and Decorations Sub-Committee (previously referred to as the Taste Sub-Committee) in 1921, plan of Lord's and surrounding houses as of 1921, suggestions for the W G Grace Memorial inscription, arrangements for the MCC tour of Australia and New Zealand in 1922-1923.
Sir Francis Eden Lacey
John William Henry Tyler Douglas
George Robert Canning Harris
John William Hearne
Thomas Edward Pawley
Morice Carlos Bird
Middlesex County Cricket Club
Advisory County Cricket Committee
Board of Control for Test Matches in England
I Zingari
Charles Burgess Fry
William Henry Grenfell Desborough
Sir Pelham Francis Warner
Australian Board of Control
Warwickshire County Cricket Club
annual general meetings, cricket in Denmark, cricket in Holland, Grove End Road, Elm Tree Road, MCC in Australia 1922-1923, MCC in New Zealand 1922-1923, MCC in Australia 1911-1912, National Insurance Act, County Championship, MCC in South Africa 1913-1914, probationary cricket candidates, World War, 1914-1918
Institution name
Marylebone Cricket Club
Conditions governing access
1 volume
Hierarchy browser
  • MCC Committee (MCC/SEC/2/1)
    • Secretary's Minutes, 1911-1922 (MCC/SEC/2/1/35)