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Philip Snow interviewed by David Rayvern Allen Part 2

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1 CD: 58 minutes 29 seconds
Part of
David Rayvern Allen Audio Archive (MCC/AAL/3)
Scope and Content
1 CD, Philip Snow, cricketer, colonial administrator and bursar of Rugby School, interviewed by David Rayvern Allen. The CD consists of 12 tracks.

Track 1: [0:00-1:32] Snow talks about hosting Sir Julien Cahn's XI in Fiji and Cahn wanting to organise a Fijian tour of the UK, [1:33-4:51] Snow talks about the impact of the Fijian Cricket Team touring New Zealand and the prospect of bringing a Ilikena Bula player to play in England.

Track 2: [0:00-4:23] Snow talks about the prospect of developing south seas cricket and the need for an MCC tour, [4:24-4:48] Snow confirms John Arlott tried to arrange a tour to Fiji.

Track 3: [0:00-0:19] Snow tries to find his place in his script, [0:20-3:22] Snow talks about being made captain of the Leicestershire 2nd XI and playing in a first team match as 12th man just before travelling to Fiji, [3:22-3:25] Track cuts out.

Track 4: [0:00-1:02] Snow talks about the amateur dressing room and talking to Malcom Lyon, [1:03-2:42] Snow talks about his first days in Fiji and joining a cricket club and wearing wrong footwear, [2:43-3:07] Snow talks about cricket administration not being popular in Fiji, [3:08-3:54] Snow talks about Albert Park and forming the Suva Cricketers Association, [3:55-4:29] Snow talks about the backlash against the Suva Cricketers Association by Europeans.

Track 5: [0:00-1:26] Snow talks about forming and developing multi-racial associations, receiving Tongans during Second World War and being a base for Paul Whitelaw and Norman Gallichan, [1:27-2:14] Snow talks about organising the 1947-1948 Fiji tour to New Zealand, [2:15-4:04] Snow talks about the Fijian tour of New Zealand in 1895.

Track 6: [0:00-1:16] Snow talks about matches played on the Fijian tour to New Zealand 1947-1948, [1:17-2:58] Snow talks about the prospect of a follow-up Fijian tour of New Zealand and looking at a possible tour of England whilst on leave, [2:59-3:31] Snow talks about if he stayed in Fiji cricket could have flourished, [3:32-5:21] Snow talks about why he moved back to England, [5:22-5:48] Snow states his intent to follow his chronology.

Track 7: [0:00-1:42] Snow talks about visiting England in 1946 and playing in a charity match for Leicestershire and other matches including for Pelham Warner involving some south seas players, [1:43-5:10] Snow talks about founding the Fiji Cricketers Association and the 3 month tour of New Zealand.

Track 8: [0:00-0:23] Snow talks about his book Cricket in the Fiji Islands, [0:24-0:52] Snow talks about his brothers book The History of Leicestershire Cricket, [0:53-2:19] Snow talks about the MCC team visiting Fiji on way back to England from Australia in 1951, [2:20-2:58] Snow talks about visiting Australia and meeting Lindsay Hassett. [2:59-3:58] Snow talks about reluctance from Leicestershire for Snow to play for them again in 1951, applying for jobs including at Surrey and broadcasting cricket on radio back to Fiji, [3:59-5:25] Snow talks about meeting C B Fry and Fry failing to remember A L Hosie.

Track 9: [0:00-1:13] Snow talks about what C B Fry said to him including Ranjitsinhji, [1:14-2:07] Snow talks about Denis Compton's voice, [2:08-3:53] Snow talks about Len Hutton getting out in a strange manner for England vs. South Africa in the last Test Match in 1951, [3:54-4:15] Interview pauses as doorbell rings, [4:16-4:40] Rayvern Allen asks how much more Snow has written, [4:41-5:29] Snow talks about being proposed as a playing member of MCC by Pelham Warner and getting 2 golden ducks in his first 2 qualifying matches for MCC.

Track 10: [0:00-1:16] Snow talks about never playing for Stragglers of Asia or de Flamingoes, [1:17-2:32] Snow talks about his third and remaining qualifying matches for MCC and playing matches with the actor Trevor Howard, [2:33-3:37] Snow talks about playing one of his qualifying matches under Gerald French, [3:38-3:49] Snow mentions playing for Rugby Town.

Track 11: [0:00-1:48] Snow talks about becoming bursar at Rugby School, [1:49-3:41] Snow talks about wanting to avoid going back to Fiji, [3:42-5:27] Snow talks about sending his daughter to school, [5:28-5:46] Snow rustles through his script.

Track 12: [0:00-2:18] Snow talks about playing cricket for Rugby Town, [2:19-4:32] Snow talks about joining Don Bradman in the President's box at Lord's on Bradman's birthday and telling him a story of a Fiji cricketer being shocked that Bradman was best in the world, [4:33-5:23] Snow talks about playing for the Author's XI against the Publishers and playing with Jack Fingleton and Arthur Morris, [5:24-6:48] Snow rustles his papers, [6:49-7:19] Snow talks about batting with Douglas Jardine against the bowling of Percy Fender and Ian Peebles.

A back-up copy of this CD is included.
Philip Albert Snow
David Rayvern Allen
Charles Percy Snow
Percy George Herbert Fender
Ian Alexander Ross Peebles
Douglas Robert Jardine
Arthur Robert Morris
John Henry Webb Fingleton
Sir Donald George Bradman
Rugby School
Trevor Wallace Howard-Smith
Denis Charles Scott Compton
Alexander Lindsay Hosie
Charles Burgess Fry
Sir Julien Cahn's XI
Sir Julien Cahn
Sir Pelham Francis Warner
John Symonds Udal
Norman Gallichan
Paul Erskine Whitelaw
Malcolm Douglas Lyon
William Ewart Astill
Fiji Cricket team
John Arlott
Ilikena Bula
Fiji, Fiji in New Zealand 1947-1948, Fijian cricket, Leicestershire cricketers, footwear, Fiji in New Zealand 1895, MCC in Fiji 1951, South Africa in England 1951
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1 CD: 58 minutes 29 seconds
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