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MCC Scrapbook

1844 - 1896
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1 volume
Scope and Content
Scrapbook of drawings, photographs, cartoons and newspaper cuttings relating to cricket, possibly compiled by MCC. Includes portrait drawings of Sir Spencer Ponsonby-Fane, Lord Charles Russell, Henry Perkins, photographs of Henry Perkins and the Earl of Bessborough, photograph of the Australian Cricket team in 1893, reports on unusual cricket matches, newspaper photograph of the Cambridge vs. Australians match in 1893, drawings by J C Anderson of Sherman, Julius Caesar, Caffyn and Lockyer, photograph of cricket at Cheltenham in 1891, Vanity Fair portrait of Lord Hawke, article on the encampment of Ioway Indians at Lord's in 1844, cartoon of a cricket match at Bucharest, drawing of C W Alcock, team photographs of Gloucestershire, Kent, Lancashire, Middlesex, Nottinghamshire and Surrey dated 1892, drawings of Thomas Box and Fuller Pilch by J C Anderson, copy of a play titled 'Our Dear Boys' set during an Eton vs. Harrow match at Lord's, Vanity Fair portrait of S M J Woods, photograph of R C N Palairet by E Hawkins and Co., cartoon entitled 'Cricket in the Tropics: The British Pacific Squadron at Bangkok and Penang, 1893', articles on the history of Lord's and MCC written in 1893, drawing by Vincent Brooks Day and Son of J M Blackham and W G Grace entitled 'The Captains', cartoon drawing of cricket being played on the Savannah in Barbados, drawings of Eton vs. Harrow matches, cartoon drawings of the Australin tour of England in 1893, team photograph of the Ottawa Cricket Club team in 1891, team photograph of Portage La Prairie Eleven in 1891, team photograph of the Gentlemen of Ireland XI, team photograph of the Veterans Cricket Match played by Toronto Cricket Club in 1891 - Hitters vs. Hivities, team photograph of the Hamilton Sixteen in 1888 which played against Gentlemen of Ireland, team photograph of Winnipeg Cricket Eleven in 1891, team photographs of Montreal Cricket Club XI in 1880, cricket poetry relating to the Lords and Ladies, handbills for the Kent vs. England match at Beverley Ground in Canterbury in 1842, handbill for a cricket match between Leeds Club and Dartford Club in August 1832, reproduction of scorecard for a match between one-armed Greenwich pensioners and one-legged Greenwich pensioners, Vanity Fair portrait of A E Stoddart, photographs of the England vs. Australia match at Chichester in 1882, front cover of the publication 'American Cricket and Kindred Games' in August 1890, team photographs of Sussex, Somerset, Yorkshire, Cambridge University and Oxford University in 1892, report on the Oxford vs. Cambridge match at Lord's in 1893, cartoon drawing of W G Grace sat inside a hot-air balloon, cartoon drawing of Lord Salisbury, cartoons from Moonshine and Punch, or the London Charivari, drawing of the England vs. Australia Test match at The Oval in 1882, Vanity Fair portrait of J Loraine Baldwin, newspaper article on the Jubilee year of I Zingari in 1895, portrait drawing of John Wisden, cartoon of W G Grace in different poses entitled 'A Century of Grace' originally published in 'The New Budget', drawing by Paul Renouard of W G Grace and A E Stoddart entitled 'England Versus Australia at The Oval', interview with Henry Perkins published in 'Chats on the Cricket Field', photograph of cricket at Cheltenham in 1892, copy of the front cover of 'American Cricketer: A Journal of the Cricket Field Volume XVI 1893', portrait photograph of H H Stephenson, photograph of the George Inn at Hambledon, drawing of Robert Grimston, copy of handbill for the MCC vs. Middlesex match at Lord's on 27 May 1816, team photograph of W G Grace's XI vs. W W Read's XI at Reigate in 1894, Vanity Fair portrait of General Frederick Marshall, team photograph of the Nottinghamshire team which played Sussex in May 1895, portrait drawings of A Palmer and G F Grace, portrait photograph of A Shrewsbury, drawing of Richard Daft, photograph of a ladies' cricket match in Lynton, Devon in 1894, team photograph of the England XI which toured Australia in 1876, team photograph of Cheltenham in 1891, drawing of the Pavilion at Lord's during the England vs. Australia Test match in 1896, scorecard from a match (Australia vs. Oxford and Cambridge Past and Present) where the Australian team made a record score of 843 at Portsmouth in July-August 1893, article on the tunneling work conducted by Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway near Lord's in 1897.
Sir Spencer Cecil Brabazon Ponsonby-Fane
Henry Perkins
George Frederick Brabazon (The Hon. later 6th Earl of Bessborough) Ponsonby
Charles Albert George Russell
John Corbet Anderson
Thomas Sherman
Julius Caesar
William Caffyn
Thomas Lockyer
Martin Bladen Hawke
Charles William Alcock
Thomas Box
Fuller Pilch
Samuel Moses James Woods
Richard Cameron North Palairet
John McCarthy Blackham
William Gilbert Grace
Ottawa Cricket Club
Toronto Cricket Club
Montreal Cricket Club
Vanity Fair
Andrew Ernest Stoddart
John Loraine Baldwin
I Zingari
Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Manchester
George Frederick Grace
Arnold Nottage Palmer
Heathfield Harman Stephenson
John Wisden
Australia in England 1882, Australia in England 1893, cricket in USA, cricket in Canada
Institution name
Marylebone Cricket Club
Conditions governing access
English, French
1 volume
Hierarchy browser
  • MCC Scrapbook (SCR423)