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Scrapbook of cricket newspaper cuttings

1904 - 1912
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1 volume
Scope and Content
Scrapbook of newspaper cuttings, drawings and cartoons relating to MCC matches, tours and matches at Lord's and county cricket.
Page 1: cartoon entitled 'The M.C.C. team in Australia - The Decisive Match at Sydney' with cartoon pictures of the MCC team which toured Australia in 1903-1904
Page 2-5: newspaper reports of matches from the MCC tour of Australia in 1903-1904
Page 6: 'Evening King' cartoon featuring an umpire and a rustic batsman
Page 7: Drawings of A Mold and J Phillips under the heading 'The Throwing Question'; picture of the Gentlemen taking the field [against Players at Lord's]
Page 8: Portraits of W G Grace, G A Lohmann and F S Jackson
Page 9: Pictures of Relf and Russell walking out to bat at Lord's, E W Dillon, Ernest Smith, T L Taylor, Lord Hawke, S M J Woods, A P Wickham, W G Grace with John Simpson, A E Trott returning from the field at Lord's
Page 10: Pictures of F H Greeson, P H Latham, A Collins, C B Fry, K S Ranjitsinhji, L C Braund, John Briggs, and Eton batting against Harrow at Lord's
Page 11: Portraits of C B Fry, L C H Palairet, F Mitchell, K S Ranjitsinhji, W O Hayes, J T Brown and T L Taylor
Page 12: Drawings of R Daft, John Briggs; Pictures of Eton vs. Harrow at Lord's, C J Burnup, and the MCC team taking the field at Lord's
Page 13: Pictures of G H Hirst, Hayward, R Abel, A O Jones, R V Buxton and K J Nicholl walking out to bat for Eton vs. Harrow at Lord's, E G Whateley of Eton, E W Mann of Harrow, F J V Hopley and A Buxton walking from the field for Harrow, R E Lambert and C Bewicke walking out to bat for Harrow
Page 14: Portraits of H Trumble, J J Kelly, K S Ranjitsinhji and C B Fry
Page 15: Drawings of G L Jessop and T Hearne (with an obituary of Hearne); pictures of W G Grace, K S Ranjitsinhji, Lord Hawke, Jessop and F S Jackson at The Oval
Page 16: Drawing of A C MacLaren; portraits of J R Mason and J T Tyledesley
Page 17: Statistics of the MCC tour of Australia in 1903-1904
Page 18: Portrait photographs of the Lancashire team which won the County Championship in 1904
Page 19: Team photographs of the West Indies vs. Mr R S Lucas's XI at Richmond
Page 20: Photographs of the Surrey and Middlesex teams walking on to the field at The Oval; photographs of the Harrow team taking the field at Lord's, H Eyre and G MacLaren walking out to bat for Harrow, and G G M Bennett and G A Phelps returning to the Lord's Pavilion for Harrow
Page 21: Cartoon drawing of the wedding of P F Warner and Agnes Blyth; portrait of Lord Hawke
Page 22: Drawing of the Eleven of England team in 1847; portrait photographs of P Perrin and J Iremonger; photographs of the luncheon interval during the Eton vs. Harrow match at Lord's
Page 23: Photographs of the MCC team on board the 'Ormuz' ship
Page 24: Photographs of the Warner's team vs. Rest of England match at Lord's
Page 25: Portrait photographs of K S Ranjitsinhji and J R Mason; drawings of Tom Richardson and Arthur Shrewsbury, photograph of W G Grace walking out to bat [location unknown; possibly Hove]
Page 26: Portrait photograph of K S Ranjitsinhji
Page 27: Drawings of W Attewell and A E Stoddart; portrait photograph of K S Ranjitsinhji with C B Fry
Page 28: Photograph of Mr Stoddart's team taking the field, and Brockwell and Abel walking out to bat [venue unknown]; portrait photographs of V Trumper and Clem Hill
Page 29: Photograph of King Edward VII's cricket bat and a photograph of a handbill for a match at Lord's in 1819 between Hants and England
Page 30: Portrait photographs of J T Tyledsley, Tom Hayward; W Findlay leading Eton onto the field at Lord's; photograph of the Australian wicket-keeper, Kelly, returning to the wicket after chasing a ball to the boundary at Lord's
Page 31: Portrait photographs of W G Quaife, Albert E Knight, and Haigh
Page 32: Portrait photograph of Charles McGahey
Page 33: Pictures of J Tunnicliffe, E M Grace, C L Townsend, L C H Palairet, L C Braund and W G Grace
Page 34: Drawing of E Peate; Photograph of F W Comber, H Macdonnell and K O Hunter returning from the nets
Page 35: Cricketers walking to the wicket and returning to the Pavilion at venues including Lord's
Page 36: Portrait of A N Hornby; photograph of Clem Hill picking up a ball whilst on the field of play [venue unknown]
Page 37: Photograph of R S Darling and M Bonham-Carter walking out to bat for Winchester; photograph of F S Jackson returning a ball from the Pavilion; drawing of spectators watching the Eton vs. Harrow match at Lord's in 1872
Page 38: Cartoon drawing of the England vs. Australia Test match at The Oval in 1899; Harrow taking the field at Lord's; C B Fry attempting to save a boundary during a match [venue known]
Page 39: Photograph of C E McLeod; photograph of H K Longman and E B Denison walking out to bat for Eton
Page 40-59: Newspaper reports on MCC matches and out-matches for 1904; batting and bowling averages, reports on the MCC Annual General Meeting and Pelham Warner's marriage to Agnes Blyth
Page 60: Photographs of the South of England Senior Flags Lacrosse Final at Lord's Nursery Ground between Surbiton and Catford; drawings of G J Thompson and A E Trott
Page 61: Portrait photographs of wicket-keepers Russell (Essex), Strudwick (Surrey), Huish (Kent), Hunter (Yorkshire), Board (Gloucestershire), W Findlay (Lancashire), Wheldon (Worcestershire), G MacGregor (Middlesex)
Page 62: Portrait photograph of F C Holland; the Lancashire team returning to the Pavilion; S H Day and E W Dillon of Kent returning to the Pavilion for lunch
Page 63: Portrait photographs of E W Dillon and Lord Harris; Team photographs of the England and Australia teams at The Oval in 1905
Page 64: Portrait photographs of F L Fane, W W Odell, I D Walker; photograph of E W Dillon batting for Kent at Canterbury
Page 65: Portrait photographs of E G Wynyard and A P Day
Page 66: Photographs of R A Young, A N Hornby, and scenes from the England vs. Australia Test match at The Oval in 1905
Page 67: Photographs of G Hirst, W Rhodes, A Fielder, J N Crawford, B J T Bosanquet and J T Hearne
Page 68: Photographs of J Tunnicliffe, J T Brown, and scenes from the Gentlemen of England vs. Australians match at Lord's in 1905
Page 69: Photographs of J Gunn, L C Braund, F W Tate and W Lees; drawing of the Kent vs. Lancashire match by S T Dadd
Page 70: Photograph of J B Hobbs; team photograph of Northampton
Page 71-88: Newspaper cuttings relating to the MCC Annual General Meeting, MCC outmatches in 1905, reports on the England vs. Australia Test matches at the MCC tour of America in 1905
Page 89: Portrait photographs of J Worrall and H Trumble; photographs of a cricket match at Manheim between Gentlemen of Philadelphia and MCC
Page 90: Report on the Irish cricket season in 1905, and of the status of matches involving the Irish cricket team
Page 91: Portrait photographs of W P Howell and F A Iredale; cartoon drawings of a woman entitled 'What They Think of the Australians'
Page 92: Reports of a meeting of the Associated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia
Page 93: Newspaper cutting relating to the MCC vs. Metropolitan District Cricket League match; portrait photographs of the Australian team which toured England in 1905
Page 94: Newspaper reports on the MCC tour of America in 1905
Page 95: Portrait photographs of B J Wardill, V Trumper and J T Hearne; cartoon advertisement for The Sportsman Cricket News with a kangaroo holding a cricket bat and a lion behind the stumps
Page 96: Newspaper report from the MCC vs. Gentlemen of Toronto match
Page 97: Cartoon drawing of Sir John Murdoch receiving a cake; portrait photographs of Frank Laver, J J Kelly and M A Noble
Page 98: Newspaper report from the MCC vs. Gentlemen of Toronto match
Page 99: Portrait photographs of C Hill, S E Gregory, S H Day, R E Foster, E Jones and A E Johns
Page 100-111: Newspaper cuttings relating to obituaries, reports on the MCC tour of South Africa in 1905-1906
Page 112: Portrait photographs of the Kent team which won the County Championship in 1906
Page 113: Photographs of E A Halliwell, S M J Woods, A Fielder; Drawing of Basil Foster
Page 114: Photographs of C B Fry, A E Relf, Vine, W Rhodes, Colin Blythe and G L Jessop
Page 115: Photographs of the batsman who made the six highest scores in first-class cricket: I C Hill, A Hirst, P A Perrin, A C Maclaren, W G Grace, R Abel.
Page 116: Photographs of the Oxford vs. Cambridge match at Lord's in 1906
Page 117: Photographs of A E Lawton, A E Bailey, J Tunnicliffe, L C Braund and A A Lilley; portrait photograph of F Harry
Page 118: Photographs of the Eton vs. Harrow match at Lord's in 1906
Page 119-131: Reports of MCC outmatches in 1906
Page 131-139: Reports on meetings of the Advisory County Cricket Committee, death of C W Alcock, and an account of the Eton vs. Harrow match in 1869
Page 139: Drawing of F P Miller
Page 140: Team photograph of Surrey; drawing of the Gentlemen vs. Players match at The Oval in 1891; photographs of Maurice Read and J Shuter
Page 141: Drawing of Trent Bridge cricket ground; account of the history of cricket in 1865
Page 142: Cartoon drawing entitled 'I Zingari and Old Stagers'; drawing of G A Lohmann; photograph of the Long Room at Lord's
Page 143: Photographs of the England vs. South Africa Test Match at Headingley in 1907; drawings of Fuller Pilch, the Earl of Bessborough and Joseph Guy of Nottingham
Page 144: Cartoon drawing of F R Spofforth bowling with demon wings on his back [menu for Hampstead Cricket Club Annual Dinner]; photograph of members of the Borad of Control of Australian Cricket
Page 145: Portrait photographs of the English cricket team which toured Australia in 1907-1908; photographs of the Nottinghamshire team
Page 146: Photographs of the Middlesex team in 1907; Photographs of the Kent team in 1907
Page 147: Photographs of the Lancashire team in 1907
Page 148: Photograph of the England vs. South Africa Test match at The Oval in 1907
Page 149: Cartoon drawing for a dinner to honour the MCC team which toured Australia in 1903-1904
Page 150: Cartoon drawing for the Hampstead Cricket Club Annual Dinner
Page 151: Photographs of the Actors vs. Authors match at Lord's in 1907; photographs of G MacGregor, P F Warner, B J T Bosanquet; drawings of W W Read and Alfred Shaw
Page 152: Cartoon drawings of cricket in 'Punch' magazine, May-June 1906
Page 153: Drawing of the Eleven of New England, 1850; photograph of the Rosedale Cricket Club ground in Canada; drawings of John Briggs, T C O'Brien and Barnes
Page 154: Cartoon from the Brisbane Observer relating to the Ashes including a lion hiding the Ashes from a kangaroo; drawing of a young cricketer by Gainsborough
Page 155: engraving of W G Grace's portrait by A Stuart Wortley; drawings of J A Dixon and the Honorable Robert Grimston
Page 156: Cartoon drawings of Arthur Shrewsbury, Tom Hayward, Yorkshire
Page 157: Reproductions of Lord's in 1837, Robert Grimston, Alfred Mynn, cartoon drawings of the Yorkshire team as animals
Page 158: Cricket drawings of the Royal Academy Club in Marylebone Fields, A J Webbe, A G Steel, E M Grace
Page 159: Portraits of Mordecai Sherwin, W Attewell, C W Alcock; cartoon drawing of Strudwick
Page 160: Reproductions of 'Cricket at the Artillery Ground' by Hayman; A Cricket Match by Louis Belanger; drawing of George Richmond
Page 161: Drawing of a view of Harrow School; drawing of Arthur Shrewsbury; portrait of C H Eyre
Page 162: Copy of resolution issued by MCC in 1873 regarding county cricket qualifications
Page 163: Reports on cricket in London, Harrow School and cricket legislation
Page 164-171: Articles and anecdotes on cricket
Page 172-183: Reports on MCC outmatches
Page 184: Results, batting and bowling averages of MCC matches in 1907
Page 185: Photographs of a Lacrosse match between Surrey and Middlesex played on the Nursery Ground at Lord's
Page 186: Photographs of Tunbridge Wells week; photographs of Wilfred Rhodes, George Hirst, E M Sprot and Seymour
Page 187: Photographs of B L Bisgood and F C Holland; photographs of the opening match of the Canadian Lacrosse tour at Lord's and a match between Canada and South of England on the nursery ground at Lord's
Page 188: Photographs of the Yorkshire team, c1908
Page 189: Portrait photograph of P J Buckley; photographs of the Essex vs. Kent match at Leyton (c1908)
Page 190-200: Reports of MCC outmatches in 1908
Page 201: Photograph of Prince Kadavu's Team of Fijian Cricketers, taken at the Sydney Cricket Ground, with Prince Ratu Kadavu Levu seated in the centre of the ground with Lieutenant Marsden seated to his right
Page 202: Photograph of Fijian cricketers in Sydney
Page 203: Photograph of Fijian cricketers playing against a Sydney XI; Photograph of E Hume and E P Barbour, New South Wales selectors
Page 204: Photographs of the Canterbury week in August 1908; team photographs of Yokohama vs. The Fleet in 1863
Page 205: Photographs of the Scarborough Cricket Festival match between Lord Londesborough's England XI and the MCC Australian XI in 1908; photographs of A M Wood and Frank Iredale
Page 206: Photographs of Australian spectators watching the Australia vs. England Test series in 1907-1908; photograph of spectators on the outfield during the interval for the Eton vs. Harrow match at Lord's in 1908
Page 207: Photographs and drawings of the Eton vs. Harrow match at Lord's in 1908
Page 208: Photograph of J H Mason of Philadelphia Cricket Club; photographs of Essex vs. Northamptonshire at Leyton in July-August 1908; obituary of T Bowring
Page 209: Photograph of Surrey vs. Worcestershire at Worcester; photograph of Boston Zingari team at Niagara Falls; photograph of Prospect Park Cricket Team
Page 210: Photographs of the Cheltenham Cricket Festival and the match between Gloucestershire and Warwickshire; article and picture relating to royal caps to be worn by Test match cricketers; photograph of J N Crawford
Page 211: Team photographs of Yokohama vs. The Fleet in 1863; photographs of the Fijian Cricket Team
Page 212: Photographs of the Australia vs. England Test match at Melbourne in 1908; photograph of Major Wardill, Melbourne Cricket Club Secretary; photograph of Lord Hawke
Page 213: Photograph of Major Trevor; photograph of Alfred Mynn's grave
Page 214: Photographs of the Gentlemen vs. Players match at Lord's; photograph of the scoreboard at the end of the New South Wales vs. South Australia match
Page 215: Newspaper report on the MCC vs. All New York match; photograph of the Ladies' Pavilion at Sydney Cricket Ground
Page 216: Photograph of G P Barbour, President of the Australian Cricket Board of Control; photographs of the Australia vs. England Test match at Melbourne in 1908
Page 217: Photographs of G W Clegg, C Kelleway, H Whiddon, and G Hazlitt
Page 218: Report of Middlesex County Cricket Club's annual meeting in 1909
Page 219-226: Reports on MCC outmatches in 1909
Page 228: Photographs of the Kent County Cricket team which won the County Championship in 1909; photograph of the Australian team arriving at Plymouth
Page 229: Photographs of Australia vs. Oxford University at Oxford; photographs of Eton vs. Harrow at Lord's
Page 230: Photographs of England vs. Australia at Old Trafford and The Oval
Page 231: Photographs of England vs. Australia at Lord's; photographs of matches involving Hampshire, Kent and Northamptonshire
Page 232: Photographs of A E Trott, Albert Craig, E A Shaw, G C W Sweet, J C Gow, F E Woolley, A Fielder, A H Lang and G E V Crutchley
Page 233: Photographs of the Notts vs. Australians match at Trent Bridge; photographs of C Pigg, R H Twining and A R Lang
Page 234: Photographs of H V Hordern bowling; the Middlesex XI
Page 235: Cartoon drawing of cricket in the Stone Age; photographs of the Australian cricketers practicing at Lord's; drawing of E M Grace
Page 236: Team photograph of the MCC team which toured South Africa in 1909-1910 on board the RMS Saxon; biography of E H Budd; drawing by G T Pearson of new buildings at Philadelphia Cricket Club
Page 237: MCC menu card for a complimentary banquet to the Australian Cricketers in June 1888; photographs of A C MacLaren, A P Day, Lord Hawke and W Rhodes
Page 238: Team photograph of the United States Cricket Team which played Canada in 1908; menu for a dinner to members of the MCC team in Egypt at the Savoy Hotel on 19 March 1909
Page 239: Photograph of the Philadelphia Cricket Team which toured Jamaica; photographs of Hayward and Carpenter; photographs of an MCC exhibit demonstrating the evolution of bats; sketch of the MCC Ground in 1856
Page 240: Photograph of C M Keddie; drawing of George Marshall and Sam Cosstick
Page 241: Photographs of the MCC team which toured South Africa in 1909-1910; photograph of the MCC team at a civic welcome in Cape Town
Page 242: Fixture card for the MCC tour of South Africa in 1909-1910; cartoons of G H Simpson Hayward, W Rhodes, H D G Leveson-Gower, and E G Wynyard
Page 243-246: Newspaper articles on cricket from Australian newspapers
Page 247: Article on the death of T A Hearne, Lord's Groundsman
Page 248: Poem entitled 'The Lobs of Simpson-Hayward' by F C Madden
Page 249-255: Newspaper articles on the impact of the sports budget on cricket
Page 256-267: Reports on MCC outmatches in 1910
Page 268: Team photograph of the Kent team which won the County Championship in 1910, and the Surrey team which finished runners-up
Page 269: Photographs of the MCC vs. Leicestershire match at Lord's; photographs of the Middlesex vs. Surrey Southern Counties Lacrosse Championship on the Nursery Ground at Lord's; photographs of J M Hillyard, T B Wilson, R S L Fowler, T O Jameson and G W V Hopley
Page 270: Photographs of Essex vs. Yorkshire at Leyton; photograph of MCC vs. Nottinghamshire at Lord's; photographs of Lancashire vs. Somersetshire at Old Trafford; photographs of G F Earle, Mordecai Sherwin and R H Spooner
Page 271: Photographs of K L Hutchings, H K Foster, N A Knox, G A Hirst, R Fielder, A Hartley, H R Nicoll, W T Birchenough, S Hill-Wood and F A Tarrant
Page 272: Photographs of W T Monckton, W C Smith and H Dean; drawing of spectators on the pitch during the Eton vs. Harrow match entitled 'Hero Worship' by Balliol Salmon
Page 273: Photograph of the Oxford vs. Cambridge match at Lord's; photographs of J N Crawford, R H Lubbock and G White
Page 274: Cartoon drawings of cricket by S T Dadd
Page 275: Drawing entitled 'A popular event of the cricket season: Fathers versus Sons' by H M Paget
Page 276: Cartoon drawing by F H Townsend of Lord's being surrounded by a funfair with roller coasters and helter skelters
Page 277: Poster advertising the MCC Tennis Court Gold and Silver Racquets prizes at Lord's, 1870
Page 278: Photograph of Victor Trumper, F R Spofforth, F S Jackson, A A Lilley and M A Noble
Page 279: Manuscript on MCC-headed newspaper entitled 'Cricket in the Gold Coast' (author unknown); photograph of the Belmont Cricket Club in 1909
Page 280: Photograph of K S Ranjitsinhji and F R Spofforth
Page 281: Reports of a match between R Leigh's side and C Louch's side in The Star newspaper in 1794; photograph of Richmond Cricket Club in Bermuda
Page 282: Newspaper article by R S Holmes entitled 'Who Belongs to the M.C.C.? A Fascinating Roll of Membership'; report on a match in Brussels between Belgium and MCC
Page 283: Photograph of A C MacLaren; articles on the Australian tour of England in 1909
Page 284: Photographs of C B Fry, J Tunnicliffe, E A Shaw, W R King
Page 285: Cartoon drawings of cricket by S T Dadd
Page 286: Cartoon drawing of cricket at The Oval by S T Dadd; toast list for a Centenary Dinner [possibly to Lord's], team photograph of H H Stephenson's XI which toured Australia in 1861-1862; photographs of G L B James and C K Waller
Page 287: Photograph of Hambledon Memorial; photographs of E C Coleman, D Boumphrey, A B Read, G A Morrow and G D Wood
Page 288: Newspaper article and drawing of the new [first] Grand Stand at Lord's Cricket Ground
Page 289: Team photographs of Warwickshire (1911 Champion County) and Kent (1910 Champion County)
Page 290: Photographs of the Oxford vs. Cambridge match at Lord's; photographs of A L Fleming, William Pollock and P J Richardson
Page 291: Photographs of County Captains in 1911
Page 292: Photograph of a cricket match at Cumberland Lodge in Windsor Park: Prince Albert of Schleswig Holstein's team vs. Charterhouse; photograph of Surrey vs. Kent at The Oval
Page 293: Photograph of the First-Class County captains meeting at Lord's; photograph of the old Pavilion at Lord's; photograph of D W Carr, F Woolley and T A L Whittington
Page 294: Drawing of a cricket match at Lord's between the Earls of Winchilsea and Darnley in 1793; drawings of C I Thornton and Lord Harris; photograph of M Woosnam
Page 295: Cartoon drawing of the Scarborough Festival match between Lord Londesborough's XI and MCC Australian XI
Page 296: Photograph of F R Spofforth, M A Noble, N V H Riches, W P Geen, C H Tomlin; drawings of Alfred Mynn and Felix; photograph of a ladies' lacrosse match at Lord's between Southern Ladies Club and Bedford Physical Training College
Page 297: Cartoon drawings of Kent cricketers
Page 298: Team photographs of Eton and Harrow at Lord's, the players all in batting poses
Page 299: Cartoon drawings of cricketers
Page 300: Photographs of R H Lambert, C W Tufnell, I Evans, T L G Turnbull, W L Murdoch
Page 301: Team photograph of MCC in Trinidad in 1911; team photograph of University of Pennsylvania, inter-collegiate champions in 1911
Page 302: Team photographs of Bermuda and Philadelphia Cricket Club Second XI
Page 303: List of results for matches played by the Fijian cricketers on their tour of Australia in 1907-1908; photograph of R A Haywood
Page 304: Photograph of Surrey groundsmen S Apted and Tom Martin; photograph of Reverend Canon J M Lee
Page 305: Photograph of the MCC team which toured Australia in 1911-1912
Page 306-308: Reports on the MCC tour of Australia in 1911-1912
Page 309: Cartoon drawing of W G Grace playing a banjo on top of a piece of Gloucester cheese with Surrey cricketers being squashed underneath at The Oval, with the caption 'The Surrey breakdown - gracefully played on The Oval - on eleven flat's'
Page 310: Article on the 1912 cricket season; photograph of F R Foster
Page 311: Photographs of the South African team which toured England in 1912
Page 312: Cartoon of a kangaroo in bruises entitled 'Advance Australia!?'
Page 313: Photographs of the Harlequin FC vs. Outcasts Cricket match for the Titanic fund at Twickenham; cartoon drawings of G A Faulkner, Nourse, Snooke and Frank Mitchell; photograph of J W H T Douglas
Page 314: Team photograph of the Australians which toured England in 1912; drawing of evolutions of the cricket bat; cartoons of A E Relf, Jennings, Hayes, Roy Minnett, Beaumont and Stricker
Page 315: Photographs of members of the Sussex cricket team
Page 316: Photograph of the Australia vs. England match at Melbourne Cricket Ground in 1912
Page 317: Photographs of C Hill, Hugh Trumble Secretary of Melbourne Cricket Club; cartoon drawings of Surrey cricketers by Charles Ambrose
Page 318: Cartoon drawings of Australian cricketers by Charles Ambrose; photograph of England vs. Victoria at Melbourne Cricket Ground; photographs of Oxford University cricketers H H the Prince Gaekwad of Baroda, E A Shaw, K A Lister Kaye, G E V Crutchley.

MCC in Australia 1911-1912, lacrosse, Fiji in Australia 1907-1908, MCC in Australia 1903-1904, Australia in England 1912, South Africa in England 1912, Australia in England 1909, weddings, Australia in England 1905, MCC in North America 1905
Institution name
Marylebone Cricket Club
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1 volume
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  • Scrapbook of cricket newspaper cuttings (SCR99)