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Scores of matches compiled by F S Ashley-Cooper

1930-11-12 - 1931-04-14
Level of description
1 volume
Scope and Content
Handwritten scores of matches compiled by F S Ashley-Cooper. The volume includes scores from matches played in Argentina, Australia, Egypt, New Zealand and South Africa, the MCC tour of South Africa, and West Indies tour of Australia and New Zealand, all in the 1930-1931 season:

West Indies vs. Wellington (Wellington), Australian Team vs. The Rest (Melbourne), England vs. Griqualand West (Kimberley), England vs. Natal (Durban), West Indies vs. New South Wales (Sydney), West Indies vs. Victoria (Melbourne), Queensland vs. New South Wales (Brisbane), England vs. Transvaal (Johannesburg), West Indies vs. South Australia (Adelaide), Western Province vs. Griqualand West (Cape Town), England vs. Rhodesia (Bulawayo), England vs. Northern Rhodesia (Livingstone), New South Wales vs. Queensland (Sydney), West Indies vs. Australia (First Test, Adelaide), Griqualand West vs. Orange Free State (Kimberley), England vs. Transvaal (Johannesburg), South Australia vs. New South Wales (Adelaide), Victoria vs. Queensland (Melbourne), England vs. Transvaal Cricket Union (Pretoria), West Indies vs. Tasmania (Launceston), England vs. South Africa (First Test, Johannesburg), West Indies vs. Tasmania (Hobart), Victoria vs. New South Wales (Melbourne), South Australia vs. Queensland (Adelaide), Wellington vs. Otago (Wellington), Canterbury vs. Auckland (Christchurch), Otago vs. Auckland (Dunedin), Canterbury vs. New Zealand (Christchurch), West Indies vs. Australia (Second Test, Sydney), England vs. South Africa (Second Test, Cape Town), Victoria vs. South Australia (Melbourne), England vs. Natal (Pietermaritzburg), West Indies vs. Queensland (Brisbane), West Indies vs. Australia (Third Test, Brisbane), England vs. South Africa (Third Test, Durban), Tasmania vs. Victoria (Hobart), Otago vs. Canterbury (Dunedin), West Indies vs. Combined Country of New South Wales (Newcastle), Tasmania vs. Victoria (Launceston), England vs. Cape Province (East London), Auckland vs. Wellington (Auckland), New South Wales vs. Victoria (Sydney), West Indies vs. Combined Country of Victoria (Geelong), England vs. Eastern Province (Port Elizabeth), Victoria vs. West Indies (Melbourne), Queensland vs. Victoria (Brisbane), England vs. Orange Free State (Bloemfontein), West Indies vs. South Australia (Adelaide), Otago vs. Southland (Dunedin), West Indies vs. Australia (Fourth Test, Melbourne), England vs. South Africa (Fourth Test, Johannesburg), North vs. South of Argentine (Belgrano), South Australia vs. Victoria (Adelaide), West Indies vs. New South Wales (Sydney), England vs. South Africa (Fifth Test, Durban), Victoria vs. Tasmania (Melbourne), West Indies vs. Australia (Fifth Test, Sydney), South Australia vs. Tasmania (Adelaide), England vs. South African Schools (Grahamstown), England vs. Western Province (Cape Town), H M Martineau's XI vs. Alexandria (Alexandria), H M Martineau's XI vs. United Services (Cairo), North vs. South of Tasmania (Cairo), H M Martineau's XI vs. Gezira Sporting Club (Cairo), H M Martineau's XI vs. Egypt (Cairo), H M Martineau's XI vs. Egypt (Alexandria).
Frederick Samuel Ashley-Cooper
MCC in South Africa 1930-1931, West Indies in Australia 1930-1931, West Indies in New Zealand 1930-1931
Institution name
Marylebone Cricket Club
Conditions governing access
1 volume
Hierarchy browser
  • Scores of matches compiled by F S Ashley-Cooper (SCO15)