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1921 - 1973
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Scorecards acquired by MCC. Also includes a selection of newspaper cuttings relating to R E S Wyatt, an advertisment for a match at Lord's between Jack Hobbs' XI and an All-England XI, a newspaper cutting about a Hampshire vs. Middlesex match, a menu from a Lord's fixture, a Wembley Cricket and Sports Association annual report and a thank you card from MA J Hassan.

The file contains the following scorecards:

Middlesex vs. Warwickshire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Nottinghamshire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Yorkshire (Lord's), England vs. Australia (Lord's), Gentlemen vs. Players (The Oval), Oxford vs. Cambridge (Lord's), Eton vs. Harrow (Lord's), Gentlemen vs. Players (Lord's), Surrey vs. Middlesex (The Oval), Middlesex vs. Essex (Lord's), Clifton vs. Tonbridge (Lord's), Rugby vs. Marlborough (Lord's), Surrey vs. Kent (The Oval), MCC vs. Philadelphia Pilgrims (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Somerset (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Kent (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Surrey (Lord's)

Middlesex vs. West Indies (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Surrey (Lord's)

Middlesex vs. Somerset (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Sussex (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Yorkshire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Worcestershire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Lancashire (Lord's), Gentlemen vs. Players (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Hampshire (Lord's), Middlesex vs Nottinghamshire (Lord's)

Gentlemen vs. Players (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Nottinghamshire (Lord's), Surrey vs. Australia (The Oval), Australians vs. Public Schools XV, Middlesex vs. Kent (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Gloucestershire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Surrey (Lord's)

England vs. The Rest (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Worcestershire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Worcestershire (Lord's)

Middesex vs. Sussex (Lord's)

England vs. Australia (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Warwickshire (Lord's)

Middlesex vs. Gloucestershire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Sussex (Lord's), Middlesex vs. New Zealand (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Somerset (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Lancashire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Worcestershire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Nottinghamshire (Lord's), MCC vs. Kent (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Yorkshire (Lord's), MCC vs. Cambridge University (Lord's), England vs. New Zealand (Lord's), Gentlemen vs. Players (Lord's), Lord's Schools vs. The Rest (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Warwickshire (Lord's), Champion County vs. Rest of England (The Oval)

Middlesex vs. Glamorgan (Lord's), MCC vs. All India (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Nottinghamshire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Lancashire (Lord's), MCC vs. Kent (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Worcestershire (Lord's), MCC vs. South America (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Yorkshire (Lord's), England vs. All India (Lord's), Gentlemen vs. Players (Lord's), Middlesex vs. All India (Lord's), MCC vs. Lords and Commons (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Derbyshire (Lord's), Warwickshire vs. India (Edgbaston), Nottinghamshire vs. Worcestershire (Trent Bridge)

Middlesex vs. Hampshire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Gloucestershire (Lord's), MCC vs. West Indies (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Nottinghamshire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Glamorgan (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Sussex (Lord's), Middlesex vs. West Indies (Lord's), Somerset vs. Glamorgan (Clarence Park), Middlesex vs. Derbyshire (Lord's, attached is a newspaper cutting from the Telegraph about a Warwickshire vs. Gloucestershire fixture), An England XI vs. West Indies (Folkstone)

MCC vs Surrey (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Gloucestershire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Hampshire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Sussex (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Somerset (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Australia (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Warwickshire (Lord's), England vs. The Rest (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Northamptonshire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Yorkshire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Glamorgan (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Lancashire (Lord's), Gentlemen vs. Players (Lord's), Clifton vs. Tonbridge (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Surrey (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Derbyshire (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Surrey (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Kent (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Nottinghamshire (Lord's), Lancashire vs. Rest of England (The Oval)

MCC vs. Surrey (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Nottinghamshire (Lord's), England vs. South Africa (Lord's), Gentlemen vs. Players (Lord's), Surrey vs. Lancashire (The Oval), Middlesex vs. Hampshire (Lord's), Warwickshire vs. South Africa (Edgbaston, Newspaper clipping attached), Surrey vs. Middlesex (The Oval), Surrey vs. Hampshire (The Oval), England vs. South Africa (The Oval), Jack Hobbs' All-England XII vs. Actors and Musicians (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Kent (Lord's), Middlesex vs. Surrey (Lord's, Newspaper clipping attached), Y A of Surrey vs. Y A of Essex (The Oval)

Surrey vs. Gloucestershire (The Oval), ,Surrey II vs Kent II (The Oval), Y A of Surrey vs. Y A of Middlesex (The Oval)

Surrey Trial Match (The Oval), Bar vs. Barristers' Clerks (The Oval), Clergy of Southwark vs. Clergy of Chelmsford (The Oval), Bec. Schl. vs. Archb. Tenison's School (The Oval), Surrey vs. Derbyshire (The Oval), Achb. Tenison's Schl. vs. Old Tenisonians (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Middlesex II (The Oval), Old Olavians vs. Ferrets (The Oval), Surrey vs. Essex (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Suffolk (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Kent II (The Oval), Ldn. Meat Traders vs. Ldn. Cent. Mkts. Tenants (The Oval), C & G vs. Wanderers (The Oval), South London Schools - East vs. West (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Wiltshire (The Oval), Oundle vs. Stowe (The Oval), Lords & Commons vs. I Zingari (The Oval), C & G vs. Public Schools of South London (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Cornwall (The Oval), Stoics vs. HMS Dolphin (The Oval), London Coal Exchange vs. A Midland Collieries XI (The Oval), Club & Ground vs. Young Amateurs of Surrey (The Oval), Y A of Surrey vs. Y A of Middlesex (The Oval), Y A of Surrey vs. Y A of Essex (The Oval), Y A of Surrey vs. Y A of Kent (The Oval)

Surrey Trial Match (The Oval), C & G vs. Mitcham (The Oval), Bec School vs. Achb. Tenison's School (The Oval), Wilson's Grammar Schl. vs. St. Dunstan's College (The Oval), Stoics vs. Thespids (The Oval), Surrey Second XI vs. Kent Second XI (The Oval), Law Society vs. Bar (The Oval), Old Olavians vs. Ferrets (The Oval), Bar vs. Barristers' Clerks (The Oval), C & G vs. Public Schools of South London (The Oval), Lords and Commons vs. Houses of Parliament Staff (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Devon (The Oval) Whitgift School vs. Epsom College (The Oval), Surrey vs. Oxford University (The Oval), Oundle vs. Stowe (The Oval), South London Schools - East vs. West (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Wiltshire (The Oval), Archb. Tenison's School vs. Old Tenisonians (The Oval), Surrey vs, Kent (The Oval), London Meat Traders vs. London Central Markets Tenants (The Oval), Lords and Commons vs. I Zingari (The Oval), Stoics vs HMS Dolphin (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Cornwall (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Middlesex II (The Oval), London Coal Exchange vs. A Collieries XI (The Oval), C & G vs. Y P of Surrey (The Oval), Y A of Surrey vs. Y A of Middlesex (The Oval), Y A of Surrey vs. Y A of Essex (The Oval), Y A of Surrey vs. Y A of Kent (The Oval)

Surrey Trial Match (The Oval), Bar vs. Barristers' Clerks (The Oval), Bec School vs. Archb. Tenison's School (The Oval), Wilson's Grammar School vs. St. Dunstan's College (The Oval), Law Society vs. The Bar (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Kent II (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Wanderers (The Oval), Archb. Tenison's School vs. Old Tenisonians (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Gloucestershire (The Oval), Stoics vs. Thespids (The Oval), Lords and Commons vs. I Zingari,(The Oval), St. Thomas's Hospital vs. St. Bartholomew's Hospital (The Oval), London Fire Brigade vs. City of London Police (The Oval), Lords and Commons vs. House of Parliament Staff (The Oval), Law Society vs. Inst. Chartered Accountants (The Oval), South London Schools - East vs. West (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Wiltshire II (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Richmond (The Oval), Touring Team for Australia vs. Rest of England (The Oval), C & G vs. Public Schools of South London (The Oval), Surrey II vs. Cornwall (The Oval), London Coal Exchange vs. A Welsh Collieries XI (The Oval), Mr. C F Tufnell's XI vs. Mr. C B Ponsonby's XI (Under 16) (The Oval)

England vs. Australia (Lord's)

Eton vs. Harrow (Lord's)

England vs. South Africa (Lord's), Oxford vs. Cambridge (Lord's), Marlborough vs. Malvern (Lord's), England vs. South Africa (The Oval)

Surrey vs. Australia (The Oval), MCC vs. Australia (Lord's), England vs. Australia (Lord's)

Surrey vs. West Indies (The Oval), England vs. West Indies (Lord's)

Kent vs. Surrey (Maidstone signed by Colin Cowdrey)
Oxford University
Cambridge University
Harrow School
Clifton College
Tonbridge School
Rugby School
Marlborough College
Oundle School
Stowe School
Whitgift School
Epsom College
Malvern College
Archbishop Tenison's School
Bec School
Wilson's Grammar School
St. Dunstan's College
Australia in England 1921, West Indies in England 1923, Australia in England 1926, Australia in England 1930, New Zealand in England 1931, All India in England 1932, South America in England 1932, West Indies in England 1933, Australia in England 1934, South Africa in England 1935, Australia in England 1945, South Africa in England 1947, Australia in England 1948, West Indies in England 1950, scorecards
Institution name
Marylebone Cricket Club
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  • Scorecards (SCO5)