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Cricket Life 1897

1897-01-01 - 1897-12-31
Level of description
1 scrapbook
Part of
Alfred L Ford Scrapbooks (FORD)
Scope and Content
Scrapbook contains: Engraved portraits of cricketers, caricatures of cricketers, cartoons, poster advertisements for cricket matches, sketches of batsmen, bowlers and fielders, reproduced photographs of cricketers and cricket matches, cut-outs of cricketers, crests of cricket clubs.

Page 1: Title Page: Cricket Life 1897. Top-left: Reproduced photograph of a bowler at the top of his delivery. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of black children playing cricket, a batsman takes guard and wearing shirt and trousers, a naked wicket-keeper, Sporting and Dramatic News, 15 June 1901. Top-centre: Cartoon of a very tall batsman and small wicket-keeper. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a bowler at the top of his delivery. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of a bowler at the point of release. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman playing forward as wicket-keeper yells ‘Going!’ Illustrated London News, 25 May 1901.

Page 2: Top-left: Small sketch of children playing cricket. 2nd left: Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot as a bowler is still in his delivery action. 3rd left: Sketch of W.G. Grace standing and wearing cricket whites. 4th left: Sketch of a cricket match, bowler is bowling underarm, Ironsides Australian Cricketers’ Handbook, 1880. Bottom-left: Two small sketches of a wicket-keeper and bowler. Top-centre: Engraving of children playing cricket with curved bat and two-stump wicket, underneath is a description of a cricket match with reference to the above picture, Sports of Childhood, 1813. Middle-centre: Sketch of an underarm bowler. Bottom-centre: Engraving of a country cricket match, a fielder is about to take a catch, boys play in foreground, a boy plays with a wheel in the background, 1811. Top-right: Small sketch of a cricket match as the batsman is about to play the ball. 2nd right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard with wicket-keeper behind stumps. 3rd right: Sketch of W.G. Grace leaning on his bat with hand on hip. 4th right: Sketch of a cricket match, bowler is bowling underarm, Ironsides Australian Cricketers’ Handbook, 1880 [Same as 4th left but on red paper.] Bottom-right: Two small sketches of a fielder knocking off bails and a batsman taking guard.

Page 3: Top-left: Cut-out of a fielder with arms to catch a ball. 2nd left: Small sketch of a batsman holding a bat in front of him. 3rd left: Cricket bats spell out letter M. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard with keeper behind wicket and fielder in foreground. Top-centre: Cartoon of a batsman holding arm up calling for refreshments, Cricket Field, 19 May 1894. Middle-centre: Cartoon of humorous figures playing cricket, Heath’s Comic Album. Bottom-centre: Cut-out of a snake chasing a fielder as, with description underneath stating it was J.T. Rawlin as part of Vernon’s cricket team playing in New South Wales, Cricket, 23 May 1895. Top-right: Cut-out of a wicket-keeper with arms out. 2nd right: Small sketch of two boy batsmen. 3rd right: Vignettes of bats, balls and wickets. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsmen taking guard with keeper behind wicket, fielder in background, all are wearing top hats.

Page 4: Top-left: Engraving of a batsman taking guard blocking whole wicket. Middle-left: Sketch of a wicket-keeper standing behind a wicket. Bottom-left: Sketch of a female batsman holding a bat in front of her. Top-centre: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat by his side. Middle-centre: Sketch of a batsman taking guard with wicket-keeper crouching behind wicket. Bottom: Coloured engraving of schoolboys playing at Harrow School, one of them holds a cricket bat. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Middle-right: Sketch of a round-arm bowler. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard.

Page 5: Top-left: Engraved head portrait of F.P. Fenner, English Illustrated Magazine, May 1891. Middle-left: Engraved portrait of Thomas Hearne, he is sitting down and wearing a striped shirt and tie, holding a cricket bat by his side, 1860. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a gentlemen getting hit in the face by a ball as a net fails to stop it. Top-centre: Cartoon of a batsman getting hit in the chest by a ball and falls onto his wicket. 2nd top: Small sketch of a country cricket match. 3rd top: Engraving of schoolboys playing a cricket match, some of them misbehave. 4th top: Small sketch of a country cricket match. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of two gentlemen standing in the rain outside Old Trafford as water levels rise, 1891. Top-right: Engraved head portrait of Alfred Mynn, English Illustrated Magazine, June 1891. Middle-right; Engraving of George Parr standing by a wicket and holding a cricket bat, he is holding a spotted shirt, 1860. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a barefooted Indian batsman clutching his leg in pain.

Page 6: Poster of an advertisement for West Kent Cricket Club on Chislehurst Common, not filled in, Annals of West Kent Cricket Club by Norman, 1897. 2nd left: Engraved head portrait of Thomas Richardson, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 22 July 1893. 3rd left: Small sketch of a cricket bat. Bottom-left: Sketch of a cricketer holding a ball. Top-centre: Cartoon of a country vicar batting, Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday, 24 April 1897. 2nd top: Sketch of a cricket bat leaning against a wicket with a ball on the ground. 3rd top: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat high up in the air about to play a shot. Bottom-centre: Crossed cricket bats with cricket ball and crest of a cricket club. Top-right: Poster for Princes Plain Club advertising when matches will be played in 1817, Annals of West Kent Cricket Club by Norman, 1897. 2nd right: Engraved head portrait of George Giffen, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 22 July 1893. 3rd right: Small sketch of a cricket bat. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat by his side.

Page 7: Top-left: Engraving of two schoolboys in a classroom as a cricket match takes place outside in the background. Top-centre: Small sketch of three people playing cricket. Top-right: Engraving of children playing cricket, bowler is mid-delivery. Centre and bottom: Four overhead sketches of cricket matches showing positions of fielders.

Page 8: Top-left: Cut-out of a fielder about to throw a ball. Bottom-left: Cut-out of a fielder raising an arm in the air to take a high catch. Top-centre: Sketch of a country cricket match, a round-arm bowler is mid-delivery. 2nd top: Sketch of a batsman losing balance as he plays a shot. 3rd top: Engraving of a country cricket match, large bridge in background. Bottom: Engraving of a cricket match, players are wearing top hats, tents on far side of ground. Top-right: Cut-out of a batsman playing a defensive shot. Bottom-right: Cut-out of a cricketer holding a ball up to his chest.

Page 9: Reproduced photograph of a batsman playing a cricket ball him towards the camera. Left: Cartoon of a batsman talking to a lady, ‘”Alice: Oh Jack! Please do me a favour.” “Jack: Certainly, if it lies in my power. What is it?” “Alice: Why, knock a ball onto that Rose Trimmer’s hat, and spoil it! The horrid creators knew I wanted it, and she went and bought it out of spite on Saturday last! I do detest spiteful people!”’ Bottom-centre: Engraving of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Right: A wicket-keeper of the Original English Ladies Cricket Team knocking off the bails of a wicket.

Page 10: Top: Rule of Lancashire County Cricket stating only rules necessary for the County Eleven are that they shall neither have been born or reside in Lancashire. Engraving of an image of a lion and a kangaroo playing cricket on a cricket ball at Melbourne, 1889. Bottom: Sketch of a batsman taking guard in front of a wicket.

Page 11: Top-left: Cut-out of a batsman having just played a shot. Middle-left: Cut-out of a round-arm bowler. Bottom: Cartoon of spectators parting as a ball approaches them, The Public School Matches by a Wykehamist, 1853. Top-centre: Two stage cartoon of a batsman boasting going into bat boasting he’ll get 22 and then he is bowled first ball, The Public School Matches by a Wykehamist, 1853. Top-right: Cut-out of a batsman holding bat in the air. Middle-right: Cut-out of a bowler mid-delivery. Bottom-right: Cartoon of male and female spectators not paying to attention to cricket match in the background, The Public School Matches by a Wykehamist, 1853.

Page 12: Top-left: Cartoon of a wicket-keeper holding a batsman’s leg. 2nd left: Cartoon of W.G. Grace sitting on a wicket. 3rd left: Caricature of an Australia batsman carrying all six stumps. Bottom-left: Caricature of a very tall Australian batsman taking guard with massive bend in the middle of his body. Top-centre: Cut-out of a batsman about to hit a ball with a face on it. Bottom-centre: Cut-out of W.G. Grace taking guard. Top-right: Cartoon of two cricketers in dispute one is significantly taller than the other. 2nd right: Caricature of W.G. Grace with bat tucked underarm. 3rd right: Caricature of a cricketer holding a cricket ball and standing on one leg. Bottom-right: Caricature of a batsman holding a bat across his chest.

Page 13: Top: ‘Sketches of “W.G.” During the Surrey v. Gloucestershire Match’ Penny Illustrated Paper, 26 May 1894. Cartoon of W.G. Grace showing a montage of poses. Left: Engraving of three children playing cricket, Book of Games, 1805. Middle-centre: Silhouette of a figure smoking a pipe and holding a cricket bag looking at two ducks in the sky, Cricket Field, 12 May 1894. Bottom-centre: Sketch of W.G. Grace Bowling, Cricket Field, 9 June 1894. Bottom-right: Engraving of children playing cricket, Book of Games, 1805.

Page 14: Top-left: Sketch of Ranjitsinhji wearing cricket whites and has arms by his side. Middle-left: Sketch of a female batsmen taking guard, she is wearing a dress. Bottom-left: Caricature of a female batsmen with bat raised behind her head. Top-centre: Sketch of a batsman stretching far back to play a ball, Punch, 26 July 1884. Middle-centre: Photograph an article of the new cricket shield trophy for the Dundee and District Cricket Union, Illustrated London News, 10 September 1898. Bottom-centre: Engraving of the Sheffield Australian Shield. Top-right: Sketch of A.E. Stoddart wearing a striped blazer and holding a cricket bat by his side. Middle-right: Sketch of a female bowler having just released a ball. Bottom-right: Sketch of a cricket of the Original English Lady Cricketers holding a ball in the air.

Page 15: Ten cartoons of frogs playing cricket, each one is batting or fielding, Pall Mall Budget, 31 May 1894.

Page 16: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Sussex County Ground at Hove, spectators on seating in foreground, Windsor Magazine, May 1898. Top-centre: ‘Richardson, from a Batsman’s Point of View’ Sydney Bulletin, 1 January 1898. Cartoon of Thomas Richardson bowling. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Essex County Ground at Leyton, no spectators, Leyton in background, Windsor Magazine, May 1898. Bottom: ‘Grand Cricket Match – Frogs of Surrey Versus Frogs of Nottinghamshire’ Five part cartoon of bowling, getting hit in chest at longstop, getting a leg broken off, getting bowled and retired hurt.

Page 17: Top-left: Sketch of a left-handed batsman playing a shot to the leg-side. 2nd left: Cartoon of a bowler about to start his action. 3rd left: Cartoon of a bowler having just released the ball. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Top-centre: Engraving of babies holding cricket equipment such as bats and stumps, one looks at scoresheets and Wisden. Middle-centre: Engraving of a cricket match as spectators sit in foreground. Bottom-centre: Engraving of the ‘Captain of the Eleven’. Top-right: Sketch of a female batsman and wicket-keeper. 2nd right: Cartoon of a fielder with arms on knees. 3rd right: Cartoon of a bowler bending down to pick up a ball. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman blocking a ball.

Page 18: Top-left: Cut-out of a batsman taking guard. Middle-left: Cut-out of a fielder holding a ball with arm outstretched. Bottom-left: Cut-out of a batsman with bat raised in the air. Top-centre: Small sketch of cherub with cricket bat and ball. 2nd top: Vignette of cricket bats, ball, wicket and keeper gloves. 3rd top: Sketch of a cricket bat leaning against a wicket with ball and a glove on floor. 4th top: Crest for the Union Club with two bats leaning against a wicket. 5th top: Sketch of a cricketer lying on ground next to a wicket with a bat by his side. 6th top: The name Lillywhite is spelt out with cricket bats, bails and balls. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Sydney Cricket Ground taking in the whole ground, spectators stand around the edge of playing area, 1894. Top-right: Cut-out of Tom Richardson at the top of his delivery. Middle-right: Cut-out of a bowler mid-delivery. Bottom-right: Cut of a batsman resting on his cricket bat.

Page 19: Sketch of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman with his bat raised in the air. Top-centre: Sketch of a net session on board the S.S. Alameda, 1888. Middle-centre: Engraving of a children playing cricket in a parkland setting. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a row of batsman practicing the forward defensive shot in unison. Top-right: Sketch of a round-arm bowler mid-delivery. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman with his bat raised behind his head.

Page 20: Top-left: Sketch of an underarm bowler. Middle-left: Cartoon of a portly batsman standing proudly by a sign stating ‘100’, The World, 20 November 1889. Bottom-left: Engraving of a cricket match taking place in the grounds of a mansion. Top-centre: ‘The Old Style’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 23 August 1884. Caricature of a batsman wearing braces, a large cravat and top hat. Middle-centre: Caricature of Sir Spencer Ponsonby Fane, The World, 20 November 1889. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Middle-right: Caricature of Charles Absolon. Bottom-right: Sketch of a country cricket match taking place in front of a large tree.

Page 21: Top: Sketch of Greek Gods playing a cricket match, Universal Review, 15 August 1888. Middle: ‘Parleyings with Certain People’ Universal Review, 15 August 1888. Sketch of batsman from different ages of cricket in conversation, one holds a curved bat and stands in front of a wicket. Bottom: Engraving of the painting ‘Tossing for the Innings’ Universal Review, 15 August 1888.

Page 22: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman with his bat tucked underarm. Middle-left: Sketch of a schoolboy batsman. Bottom-left: Engraving of two scorers in a tent, 1860. Top-centre: Caricature of George Osbaldeston wearing a coat and top hat. Bottom-centre: ‘From the Antique’ Cartoon of a portly cricketer sitting in an armchair by a wicket, with story explaining Lord Frederick Beauclerk was great fan of Harris’s bowling but due to gout now has to sit in a chair. Top-right: Sketch of a cricketer holding a cricket ball in both hands. Middle-right: Cartoon of a fielder with a ridiculously large sun hat. Bottom-right: Engraving of a small crowd of people standing by a Lillywhite’s scoring tent, 1860.

Page 23: Top-left: Sketch of a bowler of the Original English Lady Cricketers. Middle-let: Sketch of a wicket-keeper of the Original English Lady Cricketers crouching behind a wicket. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman of the Original English lady Cricketers taking guard. Top-centre: Sketch of a lady in a fancy dress with a cricket bat tucked underarm. 2nd top: Sketch of a woman in a fancy dress and hat holding a curved bat and standing by a 2-stump wicket, Men Maidens and Manners by Ashton, 1888. 3rd top: Sketch of a female batsman taking guard. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a batsman Cartoon of a batsman as a plant holding a cricket bat, Moonshine, 19 September 1885. Top-right: Sketch of a female batsman wearing a striped dress taking guard in front of a wicket. Middle-right: Sketch of a bowler of the Original English Lady Cricketers. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman of the Original English lady Cricketers with her bat raised behind her head.

Page 24: Top-left: Engraving of a batsman and bowler, the batsman is portly, wearing braces and a top hat and smoking a pipe, a scorer sits watching on. 2nd left: Cut-out of a fielder bending low to pick up a ball. 3rd left: Sketch of a young batsman taking guard, on orange paper. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a horse batting. Top-centre: Sketch of W.G. Grace standing at the crease with ‘The Centurion A.D. 1895’. 2nd top: Sketch of a cricket match at Lord’s Cricket Ground. 3rd top: Sketch of a bearded batsman standing in a tent, holding a cricket bat by his side with cricket ball on the ground. 4th top: Small sketch of a batsman taking guard. Top-right: Cartoon of a cricket match with a very large fielder, Cambridge Scrapbook. 2nd right: Cut-out of a bowler who has just released the ball. 3rd right: Sketch of a young batsman taking guard, on blue paper [copy of 3rd left.] Bottom-right: Cartoon of a very tall cricketer bending over and picking up a whole wicket.

Page 25: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman with bat raised high up in the air, Cricket, Badminton Library. Bottom-left: A group of women admire an elegant looking batsman with bat tucked underarm. To-centre: Sketch of a child batsman about to strike a cricket ball, Cricket, Badminton Library. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a batsman adjusting his gloves with bat between his legs. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman about to play a defensive shot. Cricket, Badminton Library. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman standing forthright at the crease.

Page 26: Top-left: Cut-out of a batsman trailing a bat behind him. 2nd left: Sketch of a cricket match with tent in background, on pink paper, Aberdeenshire Cricket Club Bazaar Album, 1888. 3rd left: Cut-out of a young batsman. Bottom-left: Cut-out of a batsman taking guard. Top-centre: Engraving of a country cricket match. 2nd top: Sketch of an All-England cricket match with round-arm bowler mid-delivery. 3rd top: Sketch of a cricket match with batsman holding bat up in the air about to strike the ball. 4th top: Engraving of a cricket match at Lord’s with many spectators in front of the Pavilion. Bottom-centre: Sketch of the show room of John Lillywhite’s cricket Warehouse, a figure stands in centre in the centre of the floor looking at cricket bats covering the walls, 1871. Top-right: Cut-out of a batsman taking guard. 2nd right: Sketch of a cricket match with tent in background, [copy of 2nd left on white paper] Aberdeenshire Cricket Club Bazaar Album, 1888. 3rd right: Cut-out of a batsman about to strike a ball. Bottom-right: Cut-out of a batsman holding a cricket bat by his side.

Page 27: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman with bat raised behind his head, wicket-keeper behind wicket. Bottom-left: Sketch of a bearded batsman taking guard in front of a wicket. Top-centre: Sketch of a batsman taking guard in front of a wicket. 2nd top: Sketch of a cricket match in a fenced area, curved bat and 2-stump wickets are used. 3rd top: Sketch of a country cricket match, Boy’s Handy Book of Sports. Bottom-centre: A bat and a pad lean against a fence as a glove hangs from it, a wicket to one side, ball and cricket boots on the ground, Boy’s handy Book of Sports, 1894. Top-right: Sketch of an underarm bowler as non-strike batsman stands next to him. Bottom-right: Sketch of same batsman as in bottom-left but taking guard in a slightly different position.

Page 28: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman with bat raised behind his head. Bottom-left. Engraving of James Dean taking guard in front of a wicket, 1857. Top-centre: Sketch of an underarm bowler mid-delivery as batsman takes guard, spectators stand against a fence in background. Bottom-centre: Sketch of gentlemen sat round a table underneath a tree, Cricket Field, 5 May 1894. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Bottom-right: Sketch of Thomas Locker wearing gloves and pads, holding a cricket ball and standing by a wicket, 1857.

Page 29: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman in an aggressive stance wit bat raised above head. 2nd left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. 3rd left: Cut-out of a batsman with bat raised in the air. Bottom-left: Cut-out of a batsman holding a bat by his side. Top-centre: Sketch of two batsman holding up a frame with an image of bowler bowling at a batsman inside of it. Middle-centre: Two cricket bats leaning against a wicket with two balls and two boots on the ground, gloves and pads hang from a wall. Bottom-centre: ‘Le Vainqueur du Match’ Les Jeux de la Jeunesse by F. Dillaye, 1885. Engraving of a cricketer hoisted in the air by celebrating teammates. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman leaning back with bat raised behind his head. 2nd right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. 3rd right: Cut-out of a fielder picking a ball up. Bottom-right: Cut-out of a nonchalant batsman holding a bat by his side.

Page 30: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman with bat raised above head. Middle-left: Sketch of a boy bowling, other boys in background, church in far distance. Bottom-left: Sketch of a moustachioed batsman taking guard in front of a wicket. Top-centre: Sketch of man and woman watching a cricket match at a ground. 2nd top: Sketch of a long stop taking a catch. 3rd top: Sketch of a batsman wearing a naval style cap taking guard. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a bowler at point of release as umpire watches on. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard in front of a wicket. Middle-right: Sketch of female batsman wicket-keeper, a child is on a swing in background. Bottom-right: Sketch of a fielder holding a cricket ball by his side.

Page 31: Top-left: Sketch of a country cricket match, ball is halfway down the pitch. Bottom-left: Sketch of the old Pavilion at Lord’s Cricket Ground, Tinsley Magazine, June 1890. Top-centre: Sketch of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Bottom-centre: Sketch of the monument to William Lillywhite in Highgate Cemetery, Illustrated News of the World, 22 May 1898. Top-right: Sketch of a cricket match in front of a country mansion. Bottom-right: Sketch of the new Pavilion at Lord’ sCricke Ground, June 1890.

Page 32: Top-left: Sketch of a ball breaking the wicket as wicket-keeper crouches behind it. Bottom-left: Sketch of a wicket-keeper standing up with hands behind his back. Top-centre: Sketch of a wicket-keeper crouching behind stumps with arms out, Cricket, Badminton Library. Centre-left: Small sketch of a wicket-keeper stand up behind a wicket. Middle-centre: Cut-out of John Blackham resting his hand on a wicket as a ball is between his legs. Centre-right: Small sketch of a ball breaking a wicket as wicket-keeper stands behind it. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a wicket-keeper holding his hands out to a wicket, Cricket, Badminton Library, 1888. Top-right: Sketch of a wicket-keeper crouching behind a wicket, tent in background. Bottom-right: Sketch of a wicket-keeper whipping off the bails of a wicket.

Page 33: Top-left: Engraved portrait of a batsman taking guard at the crease. Bottom-left: Engraved portrait of a bowler at the top of his delivery. Top-centre Sketch of a boy with a bat standing by an A frame with the letter D on it. 2nd top: Sketch of a boy in a sailor outfit holding a bat behind him. 3rd top: Cartoon of a kangaroo batsman getting bowled. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of a boy batsman struggling to hold a cricket in the air to hit a ball, Moonshine, 8 August 1896. Top-right: Engraved portrait of a batsman taking guard at the crease. Bottom-right: Engraved portrait of Thomas Richardson at the top of his delivery.

Page 34: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman looking at his broken wicket. Middle-left: Cartoon of an umpire ducking from a ball being hit in his direction. Bottom-left: Sketch of two school boys carrying bats leaving through a gate in a wall. Top-centre: Cartoon of a little boy holding a bat and stumps, Punch, 28 February 1880. 2nd top: Caricature of a batsman standing defiantly in front of a wicket. 3rd top: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a fielder dropping a catch. Top-right: Sketch of a moustachioed batsman taking guard. Middle-right: Sketch of a fielder having just taken a catch as batsman, wicket-keeper and umpire watch on. Bottom-right: Sketch of a wicket-keeper taking a ball immediately behind a batsman’s bat.

Page 35: Top-left: Cut-out of a batsman with face blacked out playing a push shot to the leg side. 2nd left: Cut-out of a batsman with face blacked out walking with a long stride with bat by his side, 3rd left: Cut-out of a batsman with face blacked out standing on one leg with bat raised in the air. Bottom-left: Caricature of a batsman wearing braces, large cravat and top hat holding a bat by his side, Judy, 13 April 1892. Top-centre: Sketch of fielder stretching out to take a catch. Middle-centre: ‘”Ranji” A Study in Curves’ by Rip, Harmsworth Magazine, August 1898. Caricature of Ranjitsinhji with his face blacked out taking guard in front of a wicket. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of Ranjitsinhji in India sitting on a chair with a floral reef around his neck and holding a bouquet, Cricket, 4 August 1898. Top-right: Cut-out of a batsman with face blacked out with legs together holding bat by his side. 2nd right: Cut-out of a batsman with face blacked out playing a forward defensive shot. 3rd right: Cut-out of a batsman with face blacked out holding a bat out to his side. Bottom-right: Caricature of a batsman at the crease with bat raised above his head, Judy, 26 May 1886.

Page 36: Top-left: Sketch of a fielder taking a great catch at Denver, 1888. Bottom-left: Caricature of a cricketer playing with his lips with his fingers, Cricket Field, 5 May 1894. Top-centre: Chart of W.G. Grace’s batting averages, Sketch, 20 July 1898. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of Eton and Harrow gentlemen looking menacingly at each other. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman watching a cricket match from a bench, 1888. Bottom-right: Caricature of an old batsman wearing a top hat with a bat with tucked underarm and walking slowly, Cricket Field, 5 May 1894.

Page 37: Top-left: Cut-out of a batsman with large stride forward and bat raised in the air. 2n top-left: Cut-out of a bowler mid-deliver. 2nd left: Cut-out of a batsman taking guard. 3rd left. Small sketch of a batsman standing in front of a wicket. 4th left: Small sketch of a wicket-keeper crouching behind a wicket. 5th left: Small sketch of a bat leaning against a wicket. 6th left: Small sketch of a bowler mid-delivery. Bottom-left: Small sketch of a batsman holding a bat in mid-air. Top-centre: Crest of Gloucestershire County Cricket Club. 2nd top: Cartoon of a W.G. Grace walking with a bag of £6000 ‘Cricket Goes out’ Scraps, 28 September 1895. 3rd top: Sketch head portrait of W.G. Grace in a frame with crossed cricket bats, wicket and cricket balls. 4th top: Sketch of crossed bats in front of a wicket with a cricket ball on the ground. 5th top: Crest of Free Foresters, 1894. Bottom-centre: Crest of Free Foresters, 1894. Top-right: Cut-out of a fielder with his arms out. 2nd top-right: Cut-out of a wicket keeper with his arms in the air to take a ball. 2nd right: Cut-out of a batsman holding a bat in mid-air. 3rd right: Small sketch of a bowler mid-delivery. 4th right: Small sketch of a batsman holding bat high in the air. 5th right: Small sketch of a bat leaning against a wicket. 6th right: Small sketch of a bowler mid-delivery. 7th right: Small sketch of a batsman holding a bat above his head. Bottom-right: Small sketch of a bowler mid-delivery.

Page 38: Sketch of a fielder sticking his arm out to catch a ball. 2nd left: Cartoon of a batsman rubbing his leg after getting hit. 3rd left: Sketch of a bowler at the start of his action. Bottom-left sketch of a batsman taking guard. Top-centre: Small sketch of W.G. Grace standing in front of a wicket. 2nd top: Small sketch of a batsman taking guard. 3rd top: Small sketch of a batsman running and holding his bat in front of him. 4th top: Small sketch of crossed bats with a wicket. 6th top: Sketch of two bats leaning on a wicket. 7th top: Sketch of two bats leaning on a wicket. 8th top: Crest for Revellers Cricket Club. 9th top: Crest for Priory Park Cricket Club. Left inside-centre: Caricature of a portly batsman wearing braces and a Pince-Nez, Judy, 17 May 1893. Right inside-centre: Caricature of a cricketer wearing a striped blazer and pads and gloves, also has a large moustache. 10th top: Vignette of bat stumps and a ball. 11th top: Crest of Gloucestershire County Cricket Club. 12 top: Crest for S. Maw, Son and Thompson’s Cricket Club. Bottom-centre: Crest for the R.P.C. Club. Top-right: Cartoon of a batsman having all three stumps dislodged, inset is a duck laying an egg. 2nd right: Cartoon of clumsy batsman breaking his wicket and hitting wicket-keeper in the head with his bat. 3rd right: Cartoon of a batsman hitting his own wicket. Bottom-centre: Caricature of a wicket-keeper crouching behind a stump.

Page 39: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman being hit on the backside by a ball, Pall Mall Magazine, January 1898. 2nd left: Sketch of wicket, cricket bat and cricket ball in front of a fireplace ‘Cricket on the Hearth’, Pall Mall Magazine, January 1898. 3rd left: Caricature of Bobby Abel smiling. 4th left: Sketch of a batsman getting bowled, with wicket-keeper crouching behind wicket. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Top-centre: Caricature of a batsman taking guard. Middle-centre: ‘Mr K.J. Key – A Stately Procession of One’ by Rip, Harmsworth Magazine, Key is waking proudly, Bottom: Cartoon of William Yardley holding his bat with ‘Scalded Back’ on it, ‘Mr. Yardley goes in to score.’ Top-right: Cartoon of a batsman stretching his bat out. 2nd right: Cartoon of two boys playing a makeshift game of cricket in a garden, Pall Mall Magazine, January 1898. 3rd right: Caricature of a cricketer with arms crossed ‘Not good enuff I spose.’ 4th right: Sketch of a wicket-keeper running out a batsman. Bottom-right: Sketch of a bowler mid-delivery.

Page 40: Top-left: Sketch of a fielder with his arms by his side, Crickety Cricket by Moffat, 1898. 2nd top-left: Sketch of a batsman standing on ‘Ranji’s Book’ Pall Mall Magazine, 1 January 1898. Bottom-left: Engraving of a picture of a fielder taking a close-in catch off a batsman. Top-centre: Sketch of a batsman in traditional Scottish clothing, the wicket-keeper plays the bagpipes, Crickety Cricket by Moffat, 1898. Middle-centre: Sketch of a cricket match ‘To take part in a cricket match and field out all day in sweltering sun’ Judy, 27 June 1888. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of 2 batsmen in traditional Scottish Clothing, two figures play bagpipes in background, Crickety Cricket by Moffat, 1898. Top-right: Sketch of a bowler running in holding a ball in front of him, Crickety Cricket by Moffat, 1898. Bottom-right: Sketch of an umpire standing one leg, the batsman is in his guard pose, the wicket-keeper and W.G. Grace look towards the umpire.

Page 41: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat up in the air. Middle-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat in mid-air, a cricket ball is by his side. Top-centre: ‘The Nursery of Talent’ Sketch of three people playing cricket with trousers rolled up to their knees. 2nd top: Sketch of W.G. Grace hitting his own wicket. 3rd top: Cartoon of a batsman recoiling from getting hit by a cricket ball. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a batsman taking guard with wicket-keeper and close in slip behind, Our Scratch Eleven by Hutcheson, 1896. Top-right: Sketch of a bowler mid-delivery. Middle-right: Sketch of a bowler playing a defensive shot. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat up in the air.

Page 42: Top-left: Cartoon of W.G. Grace as a batsman walking and playing with his gloves, Ally Sloper, 23 July 1898. 2nd left: Caricature of a bowler mid-delivery, by Rip. 3rd left: Caricature of W.G. Grace playing a forward defensive shot. Bottom-left: Sketch of a fielder with his hands behind is back. Top-centre: Caricature of a batsman wearing a monocle, striped blazer and cap and holding a bat by his side. Middle-centre: Cartoon of an umpire removing stumps, ‘Finis’ Ally Sloper, 24 September 1898. Bottom-centre: Overhead sketch of a cricket match showing positions of fielders. Top-right: Caricature of a tall W.G. Grace taking guard at the crease, much smaller wicket-keeper behind wicket. 2nd right: Caricature of Johnny Briggs playing a cricket bat as a guitar ‘”Tis the last Ro-o-ose of summer.”’, by Rip. 3rd right: Caricature of W.G. Grace taking guard. Bottom-right: Caricature of a batsman holding a bat up in the air, by Rip.

Page 43: Top-left: Top-left: Cut-out of a fielder sticking his arm out to take a catch, 2nd left: Cut-out of a batsman takin guard. 3rd left: Cut-out of a wicket-keeper in an awkward position to take a ball. Bottom-left: Cut-out of a batsman playing a defensive shot. Top-centre: Caricature of W.G. Grace looking angry with bails removed from stumps, 1895. Bottom-centre: Sketch of W.G. Grace holding his bat high up in the air, 1895. Top-right: Cut-out of a bowler mid-delivery, 2nd right: Cut-out of a batsman playing a defensive shot. 3rd right: Cut-out of a wicket-keeper crouching. Bottom-right: Cut-out of a batsman taking guard.

Page 44: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat in mid-air. 2nd left: Cartoon of W.G. Grace marking out a crease. 3rd left: Sketch of a black batsman, Bottom-left: Engraving of two people playing cricket in a country setting, a cricket ball knocks over middle-stump. Top-centre: Cartoon of a batsman looking away as a ball hits his wicket. 2nd top: Small sketch of a batsman taking guard. 3rd top: A crest with a shield. 4th top: Sketch of a cricket match, a batsman takes guard with wicket-keeper behind and fielder in foreground, two buildings with spectators in background. 5th top: Sketch of an island native batsman taking guard, Pall Mall Magazine, January 1898. 6th top: Sketch of a batsman trudging off looking distraught. 7th top: Sketch of a portly batsman. Bottom-centre: Sketch of weeds growing out of a wicket. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. 2nd right: Sketch of a cricket team and umpire in a huddle by a broken wicket, ‘A curious ball that “took” Barlow. 3rd right: ‘G.J. Bonnor the Giant’ Cartoon of Bonnor towering over a fielder. Bottom-right: Engraving of two batsmen taking a run.

Page 45: Top-left: Sketch of a fielder sticking out two arms to take a catch. 2nd left: Engraving of a young batsman in contemporary cricket clothing, Strand Magazine, February 1896. 3rd left: Cut-out of a fielder holding an arm out. Bottom-left: Small sketch of a batsman holding a bat in mid-air. Top-centre: Sketch of a young bowler. 2nd top: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat high in the air, wicket-keeper behind a wicket, 2 fielders behind the keeper, Ironside’s Australian Cricketers’ Handbook, 1880. 3rd top: Sketch of a country cricket match as groups of spectators watch on, Illustrated London News, 18 August 1860. 4th top: Sketch of a country cricket match with two large tents. 5th top: Sketch of a country cricket match as bowler is mid-delivery, inside a frame, Church Bells, 24 April 1896. Bottom: Sketch of the Bat and Ball Inn, Rugby Advertiser, 5 May 1896. Top-right: Sketch of a bowler about to start his delivery. 2nd right: Engraving of a batsman taking guard in traditional cricket clothing such as a cravat and top hat. 3rd right: Cut-out of a bowler mid-delivery. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot.

Page 46: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman holding his bat up in the air. Middle-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a shot in a garden. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot. Top-centre: Sketch of Ranjitsinhji taking guard, Joker, 6 August 1896. Middle-centre: Caricature of a batsman wearing a striped cap with a bat tucked underarm, outlines of spectators in background. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a batsman taking guard and wearing a striped cap. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman holding his bat up in the air. Middle-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a shot in a garden. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman standing in front of a crease and holding his bat in mid-air.

Page 47: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Middle-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a ball by his feet. Bottom-left: Sketch of a fielder about to take a catch in front of him. Top-centre: Cartoon of a batsman getting bowled middle-stump, How’s That by Furniss. Middle-centre: Sketch of a bowler about to start his delivery. Bottom-centre: Sketch of George Giffen standing in front of a wicket holding his bat in the air, 1896. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman wearing a sun hat taking guard. Middle-right: Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot far in front of him. Bottom-right: Sketch of a fielder holding a ball in both hands in front him.

Page 48: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman stretching whilst leaning on his bat. 2nd left: Sketch of a batsman in traditional cricket clothing taking guard in front of a wicket. 3rd left: Cartoon of a wicket with a bat with a face as middle stump, Cricketers Guyed. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman with bat high in the air about to strike a ball. Top-centre: Cartoon of two gentlemen in suits and boaters in conversation, English Sports, 26 August 1893. 2nd top: Engraving of a country cricket match in open countryside, British Rural Sports. 3rd top: Engraving of a batsman swinging his bat far behind him. Bottom-centre: Engraving two fielders and a batsman, both fielders have one hand in the air. Top-right: Sketch of a fielder bending down to pick up a ball. 2nd right: Sketch of a batsman about to strike a ball. 3rd right: Cartoon of a bent bat smoking a pipe and mug dangling from its handle. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat by his side.

Page 49: Top-left: Sketch of a bowler about to take a caught and bowled chance. Middle-left: Sketch of batsman getting bowled and a stump out of the ground. Bottom-left: Cartoon of Mr. Punch taking guard, 6 September 1851. Top-centre: Reproduced photograph of a group of cricketer standing behind a wicket with one bail resting on leg stump, underneath is a report of the incident in Perth. Middle-centre: Reproduced photograph of John Brown and John Tunnicliffe standing in front of scoreboard sowing their record partnership score of 378 at Bramall Lane, Sheffield, Windsor Magazine, May 1898. Bottom-centre: Reproduce photograph of a cricket score painted on a wall, with account of underneath explaining it’s a custom of the rival towns of Church and Accrington in the Lancashire Cricket League, Strand Magazine, June 1895. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman with bat above his head about to strike a ball. Middle-right: Sketch of W.G. Grace standing beside an umpire, at non-strikers end. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a batsman in Arabian clothing about to play a defensive shot, Punch, 10 June 1854.

Page 50: Top-left: Cut-out of W.G. Grace leaning on a bat and smoking a pipe. Middle-left: Sketch of a cricket bat leaning on a wicket. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a batsman arguing with a wicket-keeper, The Joker, 11 September 1894. Top-centre: Caricature of William Gladstone as a wicket-keeper. Bottom-centre: ‘Lords v Commoners’ Punch, 28 March 1891. Series of caricatures of contemporary figures including Peel, Harcourt, Balfour, Mundella, James and Courtney. Top-right: Cut-out of a batsman leaning on a bat and holding a cap. Middle-right: Vignette of crossed bats and a wicket. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman with bat raised above his head about to strike a ball.

Page 51: Top-left: Cartoon of a lion holding a bat. Top-centre: Cartoon of Lord Harris hitting his own wicket with story of him making a mistake with his own Bill in the House of Lords, Westminster Gazette, 16 July 1896. Bottom-centre: ‘’The End of the Season’ Morning Leader, 4 September 1896. Sketch of a young batsman wit bat tucked underarm and a setting Sun ‘By-Bye band ball, Cricket will soon have a fall, Football’s rising in the sky, Bat and ball,by-bye.’ Top-right: Cartoon of a kangaroo carrying a cricket bag with ‘1896’ on it.

Page 52: Top: Sketch of a batsman holding a cricket in both hands as wicket-keeper crouches behind a wicket, Fun, 21 June 1862. Middle: Cartoon of W.G. Grace and Ranjitsinhji standing proudly side by side ‘”Oh. That we two were maying!”’ Star, 16 January 1897. Bottom: A sketch of a female batsmen as boy bends down to pick up the ball, 1896.

Page 53: Top-left: Cut-out of a fielder with arms raised in the air to take a catch. Middle-centre: Cut-out of a bowler in Tudor clothing. Bottom-left: Cut-out of a batsman playing a ball underneath his legs. Top-centre: Sketch of a woman holding a bat with ‘Lady Cricketers on it’. Middle-centre: ‘England v. Australians at Lord’s on Monday Last’ Penny Illustrated Paper, 27 June 1896. Montage of comic sketch of England vs. Australia including Tom Richardson bowling, W.G Grace batting and a kangaroo wiping its brow. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of a kangaroo batsman and a lion whose trousers are falling down showing Union Jack underwear, Punch, 18 September 1880. Top-right: Cut-out of a bowler having just released. Middle-right: Cut-out of W.G. Grace having just thrown a ball. Bottom-right: Cut-out of a young fielder about to take a catch.

Page 54: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a shot in a garden. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a shot in a garden. Top-centre: Cartoon of W.G. Grace and Harry Trott looking at a coin after a toss, ‘”The Doctor” wins the toss’ Maidenhead College Magazine, October 1896. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of a batsman asking for his guard from the umpire ‘The Opening Match’ Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday, 16 May 1895. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a shot in a garden. Bottom-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a shot in a garden.

Page 55: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Top-centre: Cartoon of a batsman completely missing the ball and gets bowled, How’s That by Furniss, 1895. Bottom: Engraving of a batsman with bat raised behind his head about to strike a ball. Top-right: Sketch of a round-arm bowler mid-delivery.

Page 56: Top-left: Sketch of W.G. Grace with bat behind his head. Middle-left. Sketch of W.G. Grace as a fielder standing still. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a bowler holding a small wicket in his and. To-centre: Sketch of a batsman taking guard, wicket-keeper crouching and W.G. grace fielding at silly mid-off, Lloyd’s Weekly Paper, 16 August 1896. Bottom-centre: Sketch of Tom Richardson bowling mid-delivery, 1896. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Middle-right: Sketch of W.G. Grace as a fielder placing his hands on his thighs. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a bowler standing over a very small wicket.

Page 57: Top-left: Sketch of a wicket-keeper behind a wicket wearing a boater and no gloves. Bottom-left: Engraving of an All-England batsman taking guard. Top-centre: Cartoon of frogs laying cricket, Punch, 8 August 1857. 2nd top: Tinted engraving of a country cricket match, Country Life. 3rd top: Cartoon of batsmen putting on pads in a dressing room, Daily Graphic, 11 September 1894. Bottom-centre: Sketch of 3 cricketers standing in front of scoreboard reading a total of 700 in Australia vs. Past and Present of Universities match at Portsmouth, Cricket Field, 12 August 1893.

Page 56 [The page numbering goes back to 56]: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman holding his bat in mid-air. Middle-left Caricature of Ranjitsinhji taking guard. Bottom-left: Caricature of W.G. Grace raising his bat and fist in the air. Top-centre: Cartoon of a duck hatching ‘Out’ and an egg ‘Not Out’ as a cricket match takes place in the background. Middle-centre: Caricature of a batsman taking guard. Head caricature of W.G. Grace. Top-right: Cartoon of a batsman getting bowled. Middle-right: Caricature of A.E. Stoddart taking guard. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a batsman getting hit in the face by a cricket ball.

Page 57: Top-left: Engraving of a wicket-keeper with no gloves crouching behind a wicket, Cricket, badminton Library. Top-centre: Engraving of a batsman swinging is bat far back to strike a ball, as wicket-keeper crouches behind wicket, Cricket, Badminton Library. Top-right: Engraving of a batsman and wicket-keeper looking into the air, Cricket, Badminton Library. Bottom: ‘On the Way to Glory’ Engraving of a young boy resting a cricket bat on his shoulder and holding a cricket ball.

Page 58: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a shot at point of contact with a cricket ball. Bottom-left: Engraving of a wicket-keeper crouching with hands out, Cricket Field, 9 June 1894. Top-centre: Caricature of a portly batsman wiping his brow. Middle-centre: Sketch of a batsman wearing a top at playing a forward defensive shot. Bottom-centre: ‘Old Fashioned Cricket’ Sketch of an underarm bowler wearing a jacket and top hat. Top-right: Engraving of a batsman just getting bowled as wicket-keeper takes the ball. Bottom-right: Engraving of a batsman jumping in the air to play a shot.

Page 59: Top-left: Sketch of a pad leaning against a wicket with glove on the ground. Middle left: Sketch of a batsman leaning forward with a bat behind his head. Bottom-left: Sketch of a fielder holding his hands out in front of his face to take a catch. Top-centre: Engraving of two cricket bats leaning against each with ball on top, cricket a match takes place in background, Sporting Magazine, 1832. Middle-centre: Sketch of W.G. Grace holding his bat in mid-air, The Popular Recreator, 1873. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a cricket match as bowler is mid-delivery, taking place in fenced area, The Popular Recreator, 1873. Top-right: Sketch of a cricket bat leaning against a wicket. Middle-right: Sketch of a batsman blocking a cricket ball. Bottom-right: Sketch of a fielder holding his hands by his waist to take a catch.

Page 60: Top-left: Engraving of a batsman placing his foot forward to strike a ball, church in background, Game and Amusements by Frith, 1897. Cartoon of a bowler with an overly-large arm mid-delivery, Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday, 17 July 1897. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a lion batsman taking guard. Top-centre: Cartoon of a female batsman holding a bat in both hands, Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday, 10 April 1897. Middle-centre: Overhead sketch of a cricket match showing fielders placings. Bottom-centre: ‘A Study in Legs’ by Rip, Cartoon showing the legs of Harry Trott, W.G. Grace’s, Johnny Briggs’, Archie Maclaren’s, Ranjitsinhji’s and A.E. Stoddart’s. Top-right: ‘Telephoning’ Scraps, 9 October 1897. Cartoon of a lion and kangaroo having a phone conversation through a globe, Mr. Stoddart’s team of cricketers for Australia leaves on Sept. 17 – vide press.’ Daddy Leo: “Are you there Kangy? I’m just shipping oft my lads to you, are you there?” Kangaroo: “Ay, ay! Tell ‘em I hope they’ll find us ‘all there.’” And Old Sol smiles as if he knew a thing or two.’ Middle-right: Cartoon of a schoolboy batsman raising a bat to strike a ball, Boys Own Paper, November 1897. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a bear bowling, Micky Magee’s Menagerie, 1897.

Page 61; Top-left: Engraving of a batsman with a bat raised above his head. Bottom-left: Engraving of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot. Top-centre: Engraving of a team of cricketers ‘England’s Champions’ 1859. Middle-centre: Engraving of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Bottom-centre: Engraving of a country cricket match with a tent and spectators in background. Top-right: Engraving of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot. Bottom-right: Engraving of a batsman taking guard in front of a wicket.

Page 62: Top-left: Cut-out of a batsman holding a bat behind him. Middle-left: ‘A Rush for the Pavilion After the Match’ Cartoon of many Eton Harrow Schoolboys running holding sticks in the air, Westminster Budget, 21 July 1893. Top-centre: Cartoon of a batsman at still at the top of his backswing as ball goes past him and about to hit the wicket, Punch, 27 February 1892. Bottom-centre: Engraving of a cricket match being played at Southgate Cricket Ground with church in background, English Illustrated Magazine, July 1893. Top-right: Cut-out of a bowler mid-delivery. Middle-right: Cartoon of Australian Cricket Team walking through long grass, Cricket Field, 17 June 1893.

Page 63: Top-left: Caricature of a long stopper with hands behind his back, World, 20 November 1889. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman walking out of a pavilion being watched on by spectators. Top-centre: ‘Cricketers of the Past’ Illustrated London News, 30 September 1882. Sketch of cricketers wearing top hats in conversation. 2nd top: ‘Cricketers of the Present’ Illustrated London News, 30 September 1882. Cricketers in contemporary clothing such a caps and pads stand in a group. 3rd top: Carton of a fielder falling on is backside as he fails to take a catch. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of three toddlers playing cricket as one falls on his backside. Top-right: Caricature of a fielder holding his hands in front of him. Bottom-right: Engraving of a nervous fielder with arms hands out to take a catch as spectators in background watch on, by Lucien Davies.

Page 64: Top-left: Small sketch of a batsman about to strike a ball. 2nd left: Small sketch of a cherub batsman taking guard. 3rd left: Small sketch of a batsman with bat raised behind his head. 4th left: Small sketch of a batsman taking guard. Bottom-left: Cut-out of a boy batsman. Top-centre: Reproduced photograph of a batsman playing a shot on tip-toes. 2nd top: Engraving of a nervous fielder with arms hands out to take a catch as spectators in background watch on, by Lucien Davies. [Copy of same image on page 63.] 3rd top: Engraving of a country cricket match. Bottom-centre: Sketch of four silhouettes playing cricket, Arbroath United Club Bazaar Album, 1889. Top-right: Small sketch of a batsman about to play a shot. 2nd right: Small sketch of a cherub batsman taking guard. 3rd right: Small sketch of a batsman reaching out to play a shot. 4th right: Small sketch of a round-arm bowler mid-delivery. Bottom-right: Cut-out of a boy fielder with a ball in front of him.

Page 65: Cut-out of a fielder running with arms by his side. 2nd left: Cut-out of a fielder with arms out to catch a ball. 3rd left: Cut-out of an umpire with stumps tucked underarm. Bottom-left: Cut-out of a fielder with hands in his pockets. Top-centre: Cartoon of a female batsman taking guard, Punch, 22 June 1895. 2nd top: Cartoon of a lion getting bowled, Ivo and the Ashes, 1883. 3rd top: Cartoon of a fielder sticking his arm out to catch a ball. 4th top: Engraving of a country cricket match with players silhouetted. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a lizard on is back feet, underneath is a description of it in a zoo which in Australian politician likened to looking like a batsman running between wickets, Cricket Field, 10 August 1895. Top-right: Cut-out of a fielder bending low to pick up a ball as his cap falls off. 2nd right: Cut-out of a fielder wearing a blazer chasing a cricket ball. 3rd right: Cut-out of a fielder with his hands in his pockets. Bottom-right: Cut-out of a batsman holding a bat in mid-air.

Page 66: Top-left: Cut-out of a round-arm bowler. 2nd left: Cut-out of a young bowler. 3rd left: Cut-out of a fielder holding his hands in front of him. 4th left: Cut-out of a fielder taking a one-armed catch. Top-centre: ‘Master Gussie Harris’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 8 October 1879. Cartoon of a batsman wearing a fancy shirt and cap with a tether, with ‘Drury Lane’ on his bat sand says ‘”Hi! Come and play with me.”’ Bottom-centre: Cartoon of Britannia holding up a flag stating ‘Six wickets’ and ‘Australian duck eggs’ on a shield, Sydney Bulletin, 4 July 1896. Top-right: Cut-out of a wicket-keeper holding up a hand. 2nd right: Cut-out of a fielder stretching up to catch a ball. 3rd right: Cut-out of a fielder holding out his arms in front of him to catch a ball. Bottom-right Cut-out of a fielder taking a one-armed catch.

Page 67: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a shot in a garden. Middle-left: Sketch of a batsman holding his bat mid-air. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a shot in a garden. Top-centre: Sketch of a batsman leaning back to play a shot, wicket-keeper crouches behind wicket, umpire in background. 2nd top: ‘At Regents Park in the Evening’ Penny Illustrated Paper, 20 June 1896. Sketch of multiple cricket matches taking place in Regents Park. 3rd top: Sketch of the backs of spectators watching a cricket match in the background, at the top a cricket teams takes a drinks break. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a fielder taking a low catch during a match, with three sketches of fielders trying to take a ball. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a shot in a garden. Middle-right: Sketch of a batsman holding his bat in the air. Bottom-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a shot in a garden.

Page 68: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot 2nd left: Sketch of a wicket-keeper crouching behind stumps. 3rd left: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat in front of him. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat behind his head. Top-centre: A batsman wearing a striped suit and a panama hat and smoking a pipe with bat tucked underarm, Snapshots, 19 September 1896. 2nd top: ‘Went one Better’ Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday, 15 August 1896. Cartoon of two young cricketers, ‘Budding Grace: “Made a blob, eh?” Budding Stoddart: “You needn’t buck, so did! Budding Grace (stumped for a second) “Yes but I ran a bye!” 3rd top: Sketch of a batsman leaning back with bat behind his head. 4th top: Sketch of a fielder bending down low sticking an arm out to take a ball. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of a batsman being hit in the middle of his face as he kicks over his wicket, Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday, 27 June 1896. Top-right: Sketch of a wicket-keeper crouching behind a wicket. 2nd right: Sketch of a bearded wicket-keeper crouching behind a wicket. 3rd right: Sketch of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot.

Page 69: Top-left: Sketch of an underarm bowler mid-delivery. Middle-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a ball behind him to the leg side. Bottom-left: Sketch of a fielder standing with his arms by his side. Top-centre: Sketch of W.G. Grace fielding with his hands on his knees as a batsman takes guard. Middle-centre: ‘The Black Prince (of Cricketers), Punch, 12 September 1896. Caricature of Ranjitsinhji with bat raised behind his head. Bottom-centre: ‘Ranji the Run-Getter’ All Sloper’s Half Holiday, 5 September 1896. Cartoon of Ranjitsinhji raising cap as notable cricketers including W.G. Grace, stand in the background. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot. Middle-right: Sketch of a bowler bowling a batsman middle stump from the bowlers end. Bottom-right: Sketch of a cricketer with his hand in his pockets and smoking a pipe.

Page 70: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Middle-left: Sketch of a batsman raising his bat in the air to strike a ball. Bottom-left: Sketch of a round-arm bowler mid-delivery. Top-centre: Engraving of a young cricketer holding a bat in front of him. Middle-centre: Sketch of W.G. Grace holding a slightly raised bat by his side. Bottom-centre: Sketch of three cricketers standing together, one of which is W.G. Grace, with crossed bats, gloves and ball on the ground. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman striding forward with bat raised above his head. Middle-right: Sketch of a bearded batsman with a bat raised above his head. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman with bat raised above his head about to strike a ball.

Page 71: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman in a defensive pose. 2nd left: Sketch of a batsman with a bat raised above his head about to strike a ball. 2nd left: Sketch of a batsman with a braised behind his head with all weight on his back foot. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Top centre-left and top centre right: Vignette of crossed bats in front of a wicket and ball hanging in the middle, all attached to a stand. Top-centre: Sketch of a cricket bat. 2nd top: Sketch of a ribbon around a bat. 3rd top: Small sketch of a batsman taking guard. 4th top: Sketch of stumps crossing a bat and holding a bails and a ball. 5th top: Sketch of four cricket bats, six stumps and tree balls in a rack. 6th top: Sketch of a wicket-keeper crouching behind a wicket. Bottom-centre: Sketch of two cricket bats leaning against a wicket with a ball on top. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman swinging his bat behind his body. 2nd right: Sketch of a batsman leaning above a ball about to strike it to the leg side. 3rd right: Sketch of a batsman swinging a bat behind his body. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman swinging a bat behind his body.

Page 72: Top-left: Cut-out of a batsman holding his bat horizontally to him. Top-centre: Sketch of a figure holding a ‘Daily News’ flag in one hand and a cricket bat with ‘Lang’ on it, in an oval frame with crossed bats and reef. 2nd top: Sketch of crossed cricket bats. 3rd top: Three reproduced photographs of a batsman practicing a cricket shot in a garden with a handwritten note stating illustrating how not to play. Bottom: Engraving of the new [previous] Lord’s Pavilion with construction details and description, Lillywhite Cricketer’s Companion, 1866. Top-right: Cut-out of a batsman with bat raised in the air.

Page 73: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman with a bat raised in the air above his head. Middle-left: Cartoon of a shocked looking batsman getting bowled and dropping his bat. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Top-centre: Vignette of two cricket bats leaning against each other with small wicket with cricket ball on top in-between them. 3rd top: Coloured sketch of cricket with gloves hanging from the handle. 4th top: Cut-out of a cricket ball with images of a cricket bat, wicket, gloves and pads on it. 5th top: Sketch of a batsman taking guard with three cricketers standing to the side of him. Bottom-centre: Sketch of two silhouetted cricketers standing either side of a tent. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman raising his cricket bat above his head. Middle-right: Cartoon of a batsman standing nonchalantly resting his hand on top of his bat handle. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard.

Page 74: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a cricket shot in a garden. Middle-left: Sketch of schoolmasters as batsman and wicket-keeper, they are wearing their robes and mortar boards. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a cricket shot in a garden, with handwritten note stating he is playing the wrong way. Top-centre: Sketch of W.G. Grace in front of a wicket with ornate floral background. 2nd top: Caricature of a batsman with a photographed head superimposed on a sketches body, Photographic Review, June 1896. 3rd top: Sketch of a batsman with bat raised behind his head about to strike a ball. 4th top: Sketch of a batsman with bat raised horizontal to his body. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a batsman with bat raised behind his head. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a cricket shot in a garden, with handwritten note stating he is playing the wrong way. Middle-right: Sketch of 2 school boys watching on as a batsman takes guard. Bottom-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman practicing a cricket shot in a garden.

Page 75: Top-left: Sketch of a wicket-keeper crouching behind a wicket. Middle-left: Sketch of a batsman pushing a ball to the leg side. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman holding his cricket bat by his side in a defensive manner. Top-right: Crest of Walsall Cricket Club, 1896. 2nd top: Crest of Hawks’ Cricket Club, 1896. 3rd top: Crest Incogniti Cricket Club, 1896. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of monk taking guard in front of a wicket, Arbroath Cricket Club Bazaar Album, 1889. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Middle-right: Sketch of a batsman looking at his wicket. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard.

Page 76: Top-left: ‘The Last match of the Season’ Cartoon of a cricket and a woman holding hands. Outside middle-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman taking guard. Inside middle-left: Reproduce photograph of a fielder attempting a high one-handed catch. Bottom-left: Engraving of the Lord’s Pavilion. Top-centre: Cartoon of cricket bat, gloves and pads. Bottom-centre: ‘Eton up with Conceit’ Scraps, 1 September 1897. Cartoon of an Eton schoolboy playing with his hands. Top-right: Cartoon of a wicket-keeper wearing face and body armour, ‘Ally’s patent Anti-Richardson chest and face preserver. Made both for batsmen and wicket-keepers, Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday, 5 June 1897. Middle outside-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman taking guard. Middle inside-right: Reproduced photograph of a bowler mid-delivery. Bottom-right: Engraving of a country cricket match.

Page 77: Top-left: Small sketch of a fielder taking a two-handed catch. 2nd left: Small engraving of three people playing an old-fashioned cricket match. 3rd left: Engraved portrait of a young boy wearing a cap, jacket and short trousers, standing in front of a wicket, holding a cricket bat, Strand Magazine, October 1895. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman with bat raised behind head about to strike a ball. Top-centre: Engraving of a cricketer holding a curved cricket bat and a ball, wearing Georgian clothing, in frame ‘Oxfordshire Cricket Club’ underneath it states ‘to be distributed, Lord Parkers Tickets 1787 for the Cricket Club, Strand Magazine, September 1895. Middle-centre: Engraved portrait of a young Prince Adolphus Frederick [Duke of Cambridge] wearing Georgian clothing and holding a curved bat ‘Born 24 February 1774’. Strand Magazine, September Magazine. Bottom-centre: Engraving children playing a cricket as a girl watches on in the foreground. Top-right: Small sketch of a batsman reaching out far in front of him to play shot. 2nd right: Small engraving of three people playing on old-style cricket match using a 2-stump wicket and curved bat. 3rd right: Engraved portrait of young batsman wearing cricket whites and holding a bat by his side. Bottom-right: Sketch of a bowling running into the crease.

Page 78: Top-left: Cut-out of a bowler mid-delivery. Middle-left: Cut-out of a fielder throwing a ball. Bottom-left: Cut out of a bowler at end of bowling action having just released the ball. Top-centre: Cartoon of an Etonian schoolboy having lunch with two ladies ‘Well looked after’, Eton vs. Harrow, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 22 July 1895. Middle-centre: Cartoon of ladies watching an Eton and Harrow cricket match with their views blocked by fancy hats, ‘What one sees for half-a crown’ Cricket Field, 22 July 1893. Bottom-centre: ‘Gaul and Albion’ Punch, 11 September 1880. Cartoon of a two French and English boys and girls, ‘Tom: “Ask them to come and play Cricket with us, Effie.” Effie “Voulez-vous venir jouer Cricket avec nous?” Alphonse: “No sank you, meess! My parents say it is no genteel for ze leetle messes to play ze Cricket! Ve vill play ze skippinrope if you vill, or ze shuttledore and ze battlecock!” Top-right: Cut-out of a fielder throwing a ball. Middle-right: Cut-out of a fielder holding his hand out. Bottom-right: Cut-out of a fielder throwing a ball.

Page 79: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot. Middle-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a cut shot off his front foot. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman with bat raised behind his head and playing off back foot. Top-centre: Caricature of a lady with cricket bat arms, Punch, 7 December 1895. 2nd top: Caricature of a batsman with his middle stump knocked over. 3rd top: Cartoon of a fielder reaching out to catch a ball, Punch, 14 September 1895. 4th top: Cartoon of W.G. Grace riding a cricket bat with cheques for legs, Moonshine 28 December 1895. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of a young batsman taking guard. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman holding his bat mid-air. Middle-right: Sketch of a batsman playing a cut shot off his back foot. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman playing a hook shot. Caricature of a moustachioed bowler mid-delivery. Middle-left: Caricature of W.G. Grace carrying a Gloucestershire cricket bag. Bottom-left: Caricature of a bowler at point of release in his delivery. Top-centre: Caricature of a bowler at the top of his delivery. Bottom-centre: ‘Puzzle Picture the Batsman Find the Bowler’ Joker, 1 September 1894. Cartoon of solemn looking batsman taking guard. Top-right: Caricature of a bowler at the top of his delivery, his shirt is completely unbuttoned. Middle-right: Caricature of a very round W.G. Grace. Bottom-right: Caricature of a moustachioed batsman taking guard.

Page 81: Top-left: Caricature of a batsman who is smaller than a wicket. 2nd left: Sketch of a bearded batsman with bat raised above his head. 3rd left: Sketch of a batsman with a bat raised above his head stepping forward to strike a ball. 4th left: Caricature of a fielder crouching with hands out. 5th left: Sketch of a lady wearing a dress with bat tucked underarm. 6th left: Sketch of a batsman running. 7th left: Cartoon of a fielder falling backwards and taking a catch. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of a bowler mid-delivery. Top-centre: Cartoon of a cricket match with trees in background, Out of Door Games by Lyttelton, 1901. 2nd top: Reproduced photograph of the Sydney Cricket Ground Scoreboard showing world record score of 918 runs, scored by New South Wales against South Australia, Sporting and Dramatic News, 22 June 1901. ‘”Society” at the Oval’ Sporting and Dramatic News, 15 June 1901. Reproduced poster of a cricket match between Hampshire and England for one thousand guineas a side, on 28 and 29 June 1819. Top-right: Caricature of a batsman with a short cricket bat. 2nd right: Caricature of a batsman playing a defensive shot, by Rip. 3rd right: Caricature of W.G. Grace with a wild and bushy beard. 4th right: Sketch of a female batsman tying her hair. 5th right: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat by his side. 6th right: Sketch of a wicket-keeper crouching behind a wicket. 7th right: Cartoon of a kangaroo with a cricket bat resting on its shoulder, silhouettes of kangaroos in the background. Bottom-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman taking guard in front of a wicket. ‘Finis’.
Illustrated London News
Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News
Francis Phillips Fenner
Thomas Hearne
Alfred Mynn
George Parr
Thomas Richardson
Ally Sloper
George Giffen
Original English Lady Cricketers
Frederick Gale
Kumar Shri Ranjitsinhji
Andrew Ernest Stoddart
Sir Spencer Cecil Brabazon Ponsonby-Fane
Charles Absolon
George Osbaldeston
James Dean
Thomas Lockyer
William Lillywhite
John McCarthy Blackham
William Gilbert Grace
Free Foresters Cricket Club
Robert Abel
Gloucestershire County Cricket Club
Roland Pretty Hill
William Yardley
John Briggs
George John Bonnor
John Thomas Brown
John Tunnicliffe
William Ewart Gladstone
George Robert Canning Harris
George Henry Stevens Trott
Ally Sloper
Harry Furniss
Archibald Campbell MacLaren
Wilfred John Hutton Curwen
Walsall Cricket Club
Arbroath Cricket Club
Eton College
Duke of Cambridge Prince Adolphus Frederick
Incogniti Cricket Club
New South Wales Cricket Club
19th century cricket, 19th century cricketers, women's cricket, children's cricket, Cartoons, caricatures and cartoons, Sheffield Shield, trophies, wicket keeper, wicketkeeping, Eton vs Harrow, politics, Satire, cricket poetry, animals, England in Australia 1897-1898, Regents Park, school cricket, Sydney Cricket Ground
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