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Cricket Life 1898

1898-01-01 - 1898-12-31
Level of description
1 scrapbook
Part of
Alfred L Ford Scrapbooks (FORD)
Scope and Content
Scrapbook contains reproduced photographs of portraits of cricketers, team portraits and cricket matches, caricatures of cricketers, cartoons, reproduced photographs of cricket matches, engravings of scenes of cricket matches, caricatures of cricketers, montages of sketches of cricket matches, reports and scores of notable or quirky cricket matches, stories of great feats or funny events.

Page 1: Title page: Cricket Life 1898. Page includes 3 reproduced photographs of a batsman taking guard or walking from the pitch. Reproduced photograph of a cricketer on a bench. 2 engravings of batsmen taking guard. Engraving of a batsman with bat tucked underarm Cartoon of a caveman wicket-keeper. Caricature of Lord Harris. Cartoon of a batsman taking guard and is wearing a pince-nez. Engraved head portrait of Jack Blackham 1901. Reproduced photograph of head portrait of Thomas Mycroft 1901.

Page 2: Top: Engraving of a cricket match taking place in front of Reading Abbey, 1805. Middle-left: Caricature of ‘The Late “Bob” Fitzgerald’, originally by Alfred Bryan, Cricket of Yesterday and Today, 1902. Middle-centre: ‘”Play!”’ Engraving of a scenic cricket match from a drawing at Lord’s Cricket Ground by Mr. Heywood Sumner, taken from Fitzroy School Pictures, Cricket of Today and Yesterday 1902. Middle-right: Caricature of ‘”W.G.”’ Grace originally by Alfred Bryan, Cricket of Today and Yesterday, 1902. Bottom: Engraving of a cricket match at Caversham, Reading Abbey, with village buildings and countryside in background, 1805.

Page 3: Biography of William Lambert with 2 images, one of him standing in front of his cottage and the other of him practicing cricket in a barn with a lady, Badminton Magazine, December 1895.

Page 4: ‘A Midsummer Day-dream and its Waking Sequel’ Punch, 26 June 1895. Cartoon and Story of Mr. Punch playing in a cricket match with W.G. Grace.

Page 5: ‘The Three F’s.’ Punch, 22 August 1896. Cartoon of Mr. Punch as an umpire lifting a trophy with Grace standing to one side and 2 professional to the other ‘Mr. Punch, the Universal Umpire (addressing Dr. Grave and Ab-l and Tr-tt). “Now, Gentlemen all, I’ll give you a toast that every good cricketer may join in – “Fair Play, Fair Pay and Friendliness!”’ With story of the cricket match as a poem.

Page 6: ‘Memories of a great match.’ Punch, 23 August 1884. ‘”All England!”’ Captain John Bull (to his “confederates”). Ah, my boys, with such a team we’ll hold our own against the world!”’ Cartoon of cricketers cheering with story of a cricket match between England and Australia as a poem.

Page 7: Centre and top-left and top-right: ‘King Sol and King Cricket’ Punch, 6 June 1896. ‘Dr. Grace (addressing the Sun). “Bravo, old Sol! As long as you’re out, we batsmen will keep it!”’ With poem following Grace scoring 243 in a match between Sussex and Gloucestershire. Bottom-left and bottom-right: ‘The Third King of Cricket’ Punch, 20 June 1896. With comic of verse of ‘Jupiter Pluvius to Sol’ following a match with MCC defeating Australia on a wet wicket.

Page 8: ‘The End of the Cricketing Season’ Punch, 19 July 1885. Cartoon of notable cricketers of the day in the long room at Lord’s, with comic verse referencing the notable cricketers. Top-left and top-right: Caricature of a batsman. Middle-left: Reproduced photograph of a wicket-keeper posing behind stumps. Middle-right: Reproduced photograph of a fielder with his hands in front of him to catch a ball.

‘Page 9: Top: Article about W.G. Grace querying Phil May (cartoonist for Punch) why a square-leg was wearing wicket-keeping gloves in a cartoon. Vanity Fair, 19 December 1895. Bottom: ‘”The Twelve Labours of ‘Arry.” Fourth Labour – ‘Arry plays cricket, and “wishes he ‘adn’t.”’ Punch Almanack 1895. Cartoon of a batsman getting hit in the eye by a ball, he steps on his stumps and hits the wicket-keeper in the mouth with his bat, square-leg is wearing keeping gloves, by Phil May.

Page 10: ‘The Jubilee of I Zingari’ Daily Graphic, 21 June 1895. Article on I Zingari, including its founding and rules, with images of crest, paper heading, J.L. Baldwin fielding and Sir Spencer Ponsonby-Fane.

Page 11: ‘Our Weekly Interview. The Cricket Poet or the Man at the Oval.’ Westminster Budget, 24 May 1895. Interview with “The Oval Poet” Albert Craig, he describes his background, working methods and reasons for success.

Page 12: ‘Manners and Customs of ya Englishe in 1849, No.17: A View of Mr. Lorde hys Cryket Grounde.’ Comical diary entry of Mr. Pip attending a Surrey vs. English match at Lord’s on 18 June 1849.

Page 13: Left and right: ‘Cricket Curios of Brighton Museum’ Golden Penny, 8 August 1896. Article and cricket curiosities found in Brighton Museum, including old-style bats that look like giant spoons, glazed earthenware of children playing cricket and pottery. Middle: ‘Spectatum Veniunt’ Cartoon and comic verse of an elderly spectators who annoys people sitting by him, he doesn’t understand game and confuses cricketers.

Page 14: ‘W.G. Grace the Cricket King, A Sonnet Written at Lord’s’ Daily Courier, 10 July 1896. A poem serenading W.G. Grace with caricatures of Grace, other cricketers and spectators as a border.

Page 15: Top: Same two sketches of a cricket match. Middle: Vignette of bats, bails and ball. Bottom: ‘Duty before Pleasure’ Athletic News, 5 October 1896. Cartoon of W.G. Grace carrying a birdcage and furniture, ‘Dr. W.G. Grace wrote that he regretted being unable to attend the complimentary dinner to Prince Ranjitsinhji, as he was removing to a new house and could not get away.’ With a poem explaining the story underneath.

Page 16: Top-left: ‘A Change of Bowling’ Moonshine, 9 September 1899. Cartoon of bowler and captain in conversation with batsman standing at crease, ‘Alfred Milner: “Lobs are no good Captain: better send them down hard.”’ Top-right: ‘That Other Test Match’ Judy, 5 July 1899. Cartoon of an angry looking bowler with a monocle looking away from an elderly batsman, ‘Joe Chamberlain: “I can’t bowl him out yet, but I can prevent him from scoring!”’ Bottom: Montage of original sketches of Canterbury Cricket Week, including scenes of spectators, view of the ground from the grand stand and Dane Jon by night, Graphic.

Page 17: Top: Sketches of cricketers carrying cricket bags, Woburn Park School, 1882. Bottom: ‘Sketches of a cricket-match at Mandalay, Burmah.’ Illustrated London News, 14 January 1888. Montage of comic sketches of cricketers and natives and trying to improve a rough cricket pitch.

Page 18: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of England vs. Australia at Crystal Palace, Sketch, 17 May 1899. Crowd stand in background with houses nestled amongst trees. Middle-left: Engraving of a painting of batsmen running between wickets, Illustrated London News, 19 August 1899. Bottom-left: Engraving of a cricket match at Winchester between Eton and Winchester College, Illustrated London News, 1864. School boy spectators sit on ground in foreground with Winchester Cathedral in background. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of England vs. Australia at the Oval, Illustrated London News, 19 August 1899. Crowd stands in foreground whilst on the other side stands are filled with spectators. Middle-right: Engraving of a picture of batsmen running between wickets at the Oval. Bottom-right: Engraving of ‘Cricket match at Melbourne between the All-England Eleven and Twenty-Two of Victoria, Illustrated London News, 1864. Crowd stands in foreground with stands and tents on opposite side.

Page 19: Top: Cartoon of a Boys vs. Girls Match at Highgate, Daily Graphic, 31 July 1899. Middle: Engraving of a country cricket match with large tent in background and spectators standing in front of it. Bottom: ‘Notes at a Country Cricket Match’ by Harry Furniss, Penny Illustrated Paper, 31 August 1878. Montage of comic sketches include batsmen and fielders, and a scene of the match where batsman gets hit in the head by a ball.

Page 20: Top-centre: Cartoon of politicians and cricketers preparing for a cricket match on ground in front of Houses of Parliament, The Captain, June 1900. Top-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a cut shot. Bottom-left: Engraving of children playing cricket. Middle-centre: Cartoon of a missile-shell as a ball about to hit a batsman, Illustrated London News, 1 June 1900. Bottom-centre: ‘Cricket in New Zealand’ Sporting and Dramatic News, 14 April 1900. ‘An inter-provincial cricket match between Canterbury and Wellington on the Basin Reserve, Wellington. The illustration shows the winners – the Canterbury men – at the wickets.’ Wellington and hills in the background, 2 children pose for the camera in foreground. Top-right: Sketch of a fielder bending down to pick up a ball. Bottom-right: Sketch of a children’s cricket match with bowler about to bowl underarm.

Unnumbered page: Left: Cartoon of a young batsman taking guard, Tales of Charlton School, 1892. Top: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Crystal Palace, bowler is mid-delivery and batsman is at top of backswing, Sketch, 20 June 1900. 2nd top: ‘Keeping in Training: A Cricket Match at De Aar’ Graphic, 27 January 1900. Reproduced image of British army officers in South Africa playing a cricket match before they’re ordered to the front. 3rd top: Cartoon of a suited gentlemen with moustachioed cricketers ‘President Kruger’ (visiting his British prisoners who have been complaining of the fare): “Oh, well, give them some marmalade!” Daily Mail, 21 November 1900. 4th top: ‘Cricket at Pretoria, Major Poore’s Team v. Pretoria. Scores:- Poore’s Team 1990, Pretoria 176.’ Black and White, 10 September 1900. Reproduced photograph of a match in action, spectators stand around the ground, trees and hill in background. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Lord’s with a partially filled Mound Stand in background, Black and White, 14 July 1900. Right: Cartoon of a young batsman taking guard with wicket-keeping having his hands on hips, Tales of Charlton School, 1892.

Page 21: Top: Reproduced photograph of a group portrait of the Fijian Xi in 1896, A mixed of whites and natives wear flannels and blazers. 2nd top: Reproduced photograph of a group portrait of policemen and men dressed as clowns, women and black faces. 3rd top: Reproduced photograph of what appears to be cricket practice in Brighton, a batsman takes guard with wicket-keeper standing with hands on hips, 2 fielders look at the camera, 1899. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of a match between England and Australia in Sydney, a batsman has just played a shot, rows of spectators in foreground, trees in background.

Page 22: Top: ‘Birds of a Different Feather, the Ugly Duckling.’ Punch, 12 August 1903. Cartoon of a batsman walking past a school-master and 2 ladies. ‘Scene – A school cricket match, telegraph board reads 20-1-0. Music-master (to returning batsman). “Ach, so you have – now say you? – Zwanzig runs gemacht.” Batsman (gloomily). “Swan’s Egg? No. Duck’s Egg, unfortunately.”’ Bottom: ‘Recollections of Canterbury Cricket Week 1878. Faces on the Field.’ Sporting and Dramatic News, 31 August 1878. Montage of comic sketches, scenes include caricatures of cricketers and of spectators, a scene of a cricket match and a group of actors.

Page 23: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman walking with bat by his side. Bottom-left: Engraving of a batsman with bat at top of his backswing. Top-centre: ‘Tossing for Innings’ Cricket of Today and Yesterday, 1902. Engraving of a painting of a painting of a boy throwing a bat in the air as 3 others watch on. Bottom-centre: Engraving of a painting of a slip taking a low catch, 7 June, 1902. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman walking with bat by his side. Bottom-right: Engraving of a batsman holding his bat in the air.

Page 24: Top-centre: ‘The New Kent County Cricket Ground at Catford Bridge’ Sporting and Dramatic News, 29 April 1867. Engraving of a cricket match at Catford Bridge Ground, batsman takes guard with the pavilion on opposite side of the ground. Bottom-centre: ‘The Great International Match’ Funny Folks, 6 July 1878. Cartoon of England Playing Russia at cricket, a Russian batsman is bowled, ‘State of the game as we go to press – the champion English bowler scores the first point.’

Page 25: Top-centre: ‘A Cricket Match at Balmoral: The Royal Household at Play’ Black and White, 4 October 1902. Reproduced photograph of a scenic cricket match as players wait for bowler’s delivery, trees in background. 2nd top: Reproduced photograph of Brighton Cricket Ground, a cricket match takes place in middle distance, spectators sitting on benches in foreground, with bikes leaning against the back of benches, Brighton can be seen in the distance. 3rd top: Reproduced photograph of Eton and Harrow playing at Lord’s with a half filled Mound Stand, 1902. Bottom: ‘The Playing Fields of Eton, Eton vs. Winchester’ Cricket of Today and yesterday, 1902. Engraving of a painting, a cricket match takes place, male and female spectators stand and sit in foreground, trees on opposite side of the ground.

Page 26: Left and right: Reproduced photograph of Indian cricketers: 2 batsmen taking guard, 2 wicket-keepers crouching behind stumps, 2 bowlers mid-delivery. Top-centre: Reproduced photograph of cricket match on Ice at Sheffield Park. 2nd top: Reproduced photograph of ‘A Cricket Match’ by W.J. Bowden, a cricket match is in progress, 3 scorers and a scoreboard by edge of playing area, spectators on raised ground to the right, a church with a white tower in the distance to the left. 3rd top: Reproduced photograph of ‘Cricket at Moulsey Hirst’ by Robert Wilson. A cricket match in progress, groups of spectators line the field of play, classical buildings, river and trees: willow, fir and oak in the background, 2 scorers sit on chairs in foreground. Bottom: Engraving of ‘An Exact Representation of the Game of Cricket, Inscribed to all Gentlemen Lovers of that Diversion’ by Louis Pierre Boitard, 1758, Cricket of Today and Yesterday, 1902. Engraving of a Georgian cricket match with curved bats, 2 stump wickets and clothing of the time, some spectators in background, whilst 2 scorers sit on the ground.

Page 27: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of a bowler mid-delivery. Middle-left: Reproduced photograph of an Australian wicket-keeper crouching behind stumps. Bottom-left: Reproduced engraving of Thomas Box posing behind a wicket, wearing white shirt and top hat. Top-centre: Reproduced photographic group portrait of Lord Harris’s Cricket Team, players are wearing suits, with 3 women: Miss Ingram, Mrs Hornby and Lady Harris. Middle-centre: Reproduced photographic combined group portrait of Jockeys and Huntsman Cricket Teams, Cricket of Yesterday and Today. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of the English Cricketers in Australia in 1902, players are wearing suits and their scores in the previous match are by their name, Black and White, 8 February 1902. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of a bowler mid-delivery. Reproduced photograph of a Worcestershire wicket-keeper crouching behind a wicket. Bottom-right: reproduced photograph of George Griffith, wearing white shirt and trousers, bow tie and cap.

Page 28: Top: Reproduced photograph of a painting of a cricket match between Sussex and Kent at Brighton, male spectators in suits and top hats stand in foreground as match takes place behind, Church in background. Bottom: Engraving of a painting of a batsman at end of his shot looking in direction of ball, Bowlers’ Pavilion at Lord’s in background, Sporting and Dramatic News, 13 July 1901.

Page 29: ‘Trent Bridge Cricket Grounds, Nottingham – The Colt’s Match’ Illustrated Sporting News, 3 May 1862. Engraving of a young cricketers match, male and female spectators stand in foreground, one gentleman is on a horse, stands and buildings on opposite side of the ground. Engraving of a cricket match at Lord’s, male female spectators stand all the way round the field, play, tents on opposite of the ground, trees and buildings in background, Illustrated Sporting News, 8 July 1865.

Page 30: Top-left and top-right: 6 caricatures of 5 batsmen and 1 bowler. Top-centre: Engraving of a batting side standing by a club house all looking up in the air towards something, Boys own paper, 6 August 1901. Bottom: ‘Peace in the Soudan: The First Cricket Match Ever Played at Khartoum’ Graphic, 18 May 1899. Reproduction of British colonials playing a cricket match as Sudanese locals watch on.

Page 31: Top-left and top-right: 6 caricatures of 3 batsmen, a bowler, a fielder and wicket-keeper. Top-centre: Reproduced photograph of Cricket in Lavender Meads, a scenic cricket match with trees and church in background, Winchester by R.T. Warner, 1900. 2nd top: Reproduced picture of the Eton Eleven in 1858, players are wearing school clothing. 3rd top: Reproduced photograph of I Zingari sitting at tables and chairs in the Bois de Boulogne, trees in background. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of the MCC Eleven in Paris, 1867, [actually I Zingari] 13 men in a variety of hats and blazers. Six standing at rear in front of a large hedge, 4 are seated and 3 sit on ground, most looking to left. All photographs from Memories of Eton and Etonians by A. Lubbock, 1899.

Page 32: Top-left: Caricature of a batsman by Rip. Top-right: Caricature of a fielder in ready pose and then takes a one-handed catch, by Rip. Top-centre: Engraving of a cricket match taking place in the grounds of Clifton College, with school buildings in background. Bottom: Gentlemen Riders vs. Jockeys at the Orleans Club’ Sporting and Dramatic News, 24 June 1880. Montage of sketches of the cricket match featuring the 2 sides, cricketers during the match, a view of the cricket match and some of the spectators.

Page 33: Left and 8 right: 8 caricatures of cricketers, Sun Comic, 1901. Top-centre: ‘O’Connell Stumped Out (After the Popular Sketch by Seymour)’ Punch, 13 February 1847. Cartoon of a batsman with ‘repeal’ on his bat is stumped by wicket-keeper. Bottom-centre: ‘A Dull Innings’ Cartoon of an elderly bowler bowling underarm, ‘Umpire Mr. Punch (to himself) “Well, if they don’t score off this sort of bowling, they must be a feeble lot!”’

Page 34: Top-left: Sketch of a fielder taking a one-handed catch. Top-centre: Sketch of a cricket match at a cricket ground with filled stand in background. Bottom: ‘Cricket Incidents’ Sporting and Dramatic News, 19 June 1880. Montage of comic sketches of scenes during cricket matches including batsmen getting out, players getting hit by balls, and fielders taking chances.

Page 35: ‘Sports and Pastimes at Alexandria’ 18 November 1882. 2 scenes of a cricket match and fishing in Alexandria. Bottom: ‘A Country Cricket Match’ Sporting and Dramatic News, 4 August 1883. Montage of comic sketches including batsmen getting out, hit by balls and playing shots, one player and drinks and eats a pie, also shows the scorers and umpire.

Page 36: Top: ‘A Country Cricket Match in Ireland’ Sporting and Dramatic News, 6 Octobers 1883. Montage of comic sketches of an Irish cricket match, scenes include batsmen running into each other, a huge fight taking place and profiles of players involved. Bottom: ‘The Lungs of London: Regent’s Park’ Illustrated London News, 13 September 1890. Engraving of a cricket match taking place in Regents Park in background with spectators standing and sitting in foreground.

Top-left: Sketch of a batsman at the end of playing a flamboyant stroke. Top-centre: Sketch of male, female and child spectators and a cameraman following a cricket match. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman at the end of playing a forward shot. Bottom: ‘A Theatrical Cricket Match’ Sporting & Dramatic News, 3 July 1880. Comic sketch of actors for the Globe and Strand standing about and talking to ladies in front of a stand.

Page 38: Top-left: Cartoon by Rip of K.J. Key pointing at Tom Richardson sitting on bags of gold and silver, ‘” Can you give me a tip how to invest this little lot, guv’nor?” “Well, if I were as fat as you are, I’d invest it in a gymnasium for the winter!” 26 August 1899. Bottom-left: ‘A Bad Day for England’ by Rip, Evening News, 17 June 1899. Montage of comic sketches of England struggling against Australia, includes a dog admiring Victor Trumper and an angry fan reading a newspaper. Top-centre: ‘Somerset (& Robson) v. Surrey)’ by Rip, Evening News, 13 June 1900. Montage of comic sketches of a Surrey and Somerset mainly focusing on batsmen. Bottom-centre: K.J. Key and another figure stand in front of a scoreboard for Middlesex vs. Surrey ‘”Yes, I know all about your beating the Australians, but you’ve got to think about Middlesex. You don’t get County Championships given away with a pound for tea!”’ Morning Leader, 28 July 1899. Top-right: Cartoon of Lord Hawke as a Hawke flying as K.J. Key is a large bird surrounded by Surrey players as smaller birds ‘”Wot ho! Me country cockrels,” Cryed the Kay-Jay-Key! “there’s an ‘awk in the sky!” 11 August 1899. Bottom-right: ‘Players v. Gentleman’ by Rip, Evening News, 7 July 1899. Montage of comic sketches of a gentlemen and players match, including a batsman slipping over.

Page 39: Top-left: ‘First Test Match (Second Day)’ by Rip, Evening News 3 June 1899. Montage of the second day of the first Test Match between England and Australia in 1899. Centre, bottom-left and bottom-right: 9 caricatures of cricketers batting and bowling including Grace teaching a child how to bat. Top-right: Montage of comic sketches of England vs. Australia by Rip, Evening News, 15 August 1899. Bottom-centre: ‘Joe Darling Leads his Men into the Field’ Evening News, 14 August 1899. Cartoon of Joe Darling walking at the head of Australian Cricket Team.

Page 40: Top-left and top-right: 4 caricatures of cricketers. Top-centre: Sammioodcock and the Surrey Chick’ 2 part of cartoon: ‘The Beginning. S.M.J. Woods as a bird towers over small Bobby Abel, ‘And the End’ Abel now towers over Woods, reflects a Somerset vs. Surrey Match, 31 May 1899. Middle-centre: Cartoon of 2 players each looking through a pair of glasses which is tied together, ‘These two little twins of Tottenham, Could score runs by scores – quite a lot on ‘em, Yet they have made a pair of specs, I declare; I wonder what Tottenham thought on ‘em!’ 16 June 1900. Bottom-left: ‘First Appearance of the Australians 1899’ by Rip, 20 July 1899. Montage of comic sketches of Australian cricketers, also includes Grace banging a drum and symbol. Bottom-centre: Large head caricature of K.J. Key, Evening News, 26 July 1899. Bottom-right: ‘Our Tom’ by Rip, 25 August 1899. Montage of comic sketches of Tom Richardson batting and bowling.

Page 41: Top-left: Caricature silhouettes of Hugh Trumble and Victor Trumper, Rip Kricket Karicatures, 1899. Top-right: Caricature silhouettes of Henry Donnan, Joe Darling, John Worrall and J.J. Kelly, Rip Kricket Karicatures, 1899. Top-centre: ‘Stonewallers’ Silhouette outlines of Trumble, Worrall, Noble, Gregory and Darling with bodies filled in with bricks, 16 August 1899. Bottom-left: ‘The Match at Manchester’ Montage of comic sketches of England playing Australia at Manchester including Tom Hayward with score of 130 on his bat, 18 July 1899. Bottom-centre: Caricatures of 2 spectators during a Surrey vs. Yorkshire as facial expressions changes during the day, Evening News, 11 August 1899. Bottom-right: ‘Lancs vs. Middlesex’ by Rip, 18 August 1899. Montage of comic sketches of a Lancashire and Middlesex match, includes MacGregor and Maclaren fighting dressed as Scottish warriors.

Page 42: ‘Another Drawn Battle’ Morning Leader, 1899. Cartoon of a kangaroo and lion both badly injured and smoking pipes. Bottom-left: ‘Our Jack’s Day at Leeds’ by Rip, Evening News, 1 July 1899. Montage of comic sketches of Australian players batting. Top-centre: W.G. and Jerry Mason’ Evening News, 12 June 1900. Cartoon of Grace and Mason batting against racist stereotypes of West Indian cricketers [RACIALLY SENSITIVE, INCLUDES OFFENSIVE WORD.] Bottom-centre: Cartoon of W.G. Grace carrying soda water and a blanket with hot air balloon in background, ‘The crack “century” scorer assists the crack (aero)naut.’ Bat Ball and Wheel, 29 December 1898. Top-right: Cartoon of W.G. Grace looking dismayed at a team list ‘Against Gloucestershire yesterday Notts scored 438 for two wickets.’ Morning Leader, 9 June 1899. Bottom-right: ‘A Terrible Tug at Leeds’ Evening News, 30 June 1899. Montage of comic sketches of England vs. Australia scenes include Australians batting, Lilley keeping wicket and 2 players in a tug of war.

Page 43: Top-left: Cartoon of J.T. Hearne and Albert Trott holding stumps talking to Charlie Townsend, ‘Master Charlie (to Trott and Hearne): “Hello, you chaps, ‘picking sticks,’ I see. I hope to collect a few myself presently.”’ By Rip, 25 May 1899. Bottom-left: ‘The Third Test Match’ by Rip, 26 June 1899. Cartoon of Johnny Briggs in a clown outfit and Arthur Shrewsbury in woolly sweater, ‘Johnnie: “Sorry you can’t play, Arthur, old chap; but perhaps they’ll want me now.”’ Top-centre: ‘Last Appearance of the Australians’ by Rip, 5 September 1899. Montage of comic sketches of a match between South of England and Australia, scenes including Jessop batting, Ranji taking a catch and W.G. putting Australia into bat. Bottom-centre: ‘Test Match No.2’ by Rip, 16 June 1899. Montage of comic sketches of match between England and Australia, scenes include Darling caught by Ranji, Jessop batting and MacLaren being bowled. Top-right: Cartoon of W.G. Grace, Joe Darling and Albert Trott in conversation, ‘W.G.: “This is the little man we want in the Test Match,” Darling: “Ah! But want him too.”’ By Rip, 1 August 1899. Bottom-right: Cartoon of Hayward, Richardson and Brockwell looking at Bobby Abel, ‘Admiring Trio: “They will want him at Leeds.”’ 27 June 1899. All cartoons come from the Evening News.

Page 44: ‘Top-left: The Kay-Jay-Kay and The MacGreg’ 5 August 1899. Cartoon of a caricature of K.J. Key as a large bird stamping on Gregor MacGregor as a Scottish child. Bottom-left: Montage of comic sketches of a match against Australia, scenes include W.G. Grace saying he should be in next Test Match, by Rip, 6 June 1899. Top-centre: ‘Bank Holiday at the Oval’ by Rip, 8 August 1899. Montage of comic sketches include Abel batting and Richardson failing to stop a ball. Bottom-centre: Montage of comic sketches of Johnny Briggs batting, bowling and fielding, by Rip, 20 July 1899. Top-right: Cartoon of Hugh Trumble towering over a small K.J. Key in a Surrey vs. Australia match, ‘Trumble – “Didn’t hear you whisper anything about ‘revenge’ did I?”’ by Rip, 25 July 1899. Bottom-right: Montage of comic sketches of a match between an unknown team and Australia, scenes include Fry missing out on a century and Pelham Warner and Hayman walking out to bat, by Rip, 9 June 1899. All cartoons from Evening News.

Page 45: Top-left: ‘The Ranjipanther (India)’ Evening News Cricket Annual, 1899. Caricature of Ranjitinshji as a panther, 2nd top-left: Worms-eye views of Johnny Briggs, W.G. Grace and K.J. Kay by Rip, Evening News Cricket Annual, 1899. 2nd top-right: Worms-eye views of Arthur Shrewsbury, Bobby Abel, Ranjitsinhji and Charlie Townsend, Evening News Cricket Annual, 1899. Top-right: ‘The Albatrott’ Evening News Cricket Annual, 1899. Caricature of Albert Trott as a marsupial. Bottom-left: ‘Gents vs. Players at Lord’s’ by Rip, Evening News, 11 July 1899. Montage of comic sketches of a Gentleman and Players match, scenes include W.G. Grace talking to Bobby Abel. Bottom-right: ‘A Great Day for Little Eva’ by Rip, Evening News, 12 May 1899. Montage of comic sketches of a match against Australia, scenes include Lucas and Young as batsmen running into each other and Lucas keeling over. Top-centre: Caricature head silhouettes of Frank Iredale, Wardill and Hugh Trumble after being elected to Australia finance committee, Sydney Bulletin, 20 May 1899. 2nd top: Cartoon of Australians fighting to catch a ball after being hit by Ranjitsinhji, Sydney Bulletin, 2 September 1899. Reproduced photographic head portrait of Ranjitsinhji, Illustrated London News, 9 September 1899. Bottom: ‘The Two Graces, Sydney Bulletin, 10 June 1899’ Cartoon of silhouettes of an old man and child “And what shall we do to get Grace?” “Er-please sir, put Jones on at one end Bill ‘Owell at the other.”’

Page 46: Top-left: Sketch of W.G. Grace with bat tucked underarm. 2nd top-left: Cartoon of A.E Stoddart walking away from Lord’s Pavilion with cricket bag with Johnny Briggs in a clown outfit holds his hat, by Rip, Evening News Cricket Annual, 1899. 2nd top-right: Cartoon of Ranjitsinhji wearing a suit, carrying a cricket bag and doffing his boater ‘And we all feel gay when Ranji comes marching home!’ By Rip, Evening News cricket Annual, 1899. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman standing guard at the crease. Bottom-left: ‘Howell’s Day at the Oval’ by Rip, Evening News, 16 May 1899. Montage of comic sketches of W.P. Howell bowling against surrey, scenes including getting batsmen out, awarded the match ball and K.J. Key boasting his wicket wasn’t taken. Bottom: ‘The Kangaroo’s Tail Not Down Yet!’ by Rip, Evening News, 19 July 1899. Montage of comic sketches of Australia fighting back against England, scenes include a kangaroo with a cricket bat for a tail, and Noble batting for 6 hours for 119, and scene of spectators. Top-centre: Reproduced photograph of a batsman standing relaxed at the crease with wicket-keeper behind, Australasian, 31 December 1898. 2nd top: ‘The First Australian Eleven, 1878’ Melbourne Punch, 29 June 1899. Reproduced photograph of poster of photographic portraits of the first Australian eleven. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of Thomas Warne standing by a scoreboard stating he scored 402 in a match between Carlton and Richmond, Australasian, 24 December 1898.

Page 47: Bottom-left: ‘Howell’s Day at the Oval’ by Rip Karikatures, 1899. Montage of comic sketches of W.P. Howell bowling against surrey, scenes including getting batsmen out, awarded the match ball and K.J. Key boasting his wicket wasn’t taken [copy of cartoon on page 46.] Bottom-left: ‘First Appearance of the Australians 1899’ Rip Karikatures, 1899. Montage of comic sketches of Australian cricketers, also includes Grace banging a drum and symbol [copy of cartoon on page 40.] Top-right: ‘A Bad Day for England’ Rip Karikatures, 1899. Montage of comic sketches of England struggling against Australia, includes a dog admitting Victor Trumper and an angry fan reading a newspaper [copy of cartoon on page 38.] Bottom-right: ‘The Match at Manchester’ Montage of comic sketches of England playing Australia at Manchester including Tom Hayward with score of 130 on his bat [copy of cartoon on page 41.] Top-centre: Reproduced photograph and letter of a school cricket match where middle stump was removed but the ball and bails were found in a straight line in front of the wicket, Strand Magazine, September 1900. Middle-centre: ‘At Lord’s’ Rip Karikatures. Montage of comic sketches of a match at Lord’s Cricket Ground, scenes include Albert Trott with large hands, a grumpy W.G. Grace and fielders and bowlers. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match, a batsman is about to strike a ball, Sketch, 24 May 1899.

Page 48: Top-left: ‘Charlie Townsend’s Day Out’ Rip Kricket Karikatures, 1899. Montage of comic sketches of Charlie Townsend bowling and fielding. Bottom-left: ‘Test Match No.2’ Rip Kricket Karikatures’ Montage of comic sketches of match between England and Australia, scenes include Darling caught by Ranji, Jessop batting and MacLaren being bowled [copy of cartoon on Page 43.] Top-right: Montage of comic sketches of Johnny Briggs bowling and fielding, Rip Kricket Karikatures, 1899. Bottom-right: ‘A Terrible Tug at Leeds’ Rip Kricket Karikatures, 1899. Montage of comic sketches of England vs. Australia scenes include Australians batting, Lilley keeping and 2 players in a tug of war [copy of cartoon on page 43.] Top-centre: Cartoon of Harry Trott and Albert Trott in conversation standing by a wicket, Harmsworth Magazine, May 1899. 2nd top: ‘Face to Face at Trent Bridge. Just Before the Battle’ Cricket, 1 June 1899. Cartoon of a kangaroo and lion squaring off at Trent Bridge with pavilion behind. 3rd top: ‘Jubilation at the Oval over the Defeat of the Australians’ Rip Kricket Karikatures, 1899. Cartoon of Surrey cricketers celebrating defeating Australia. Bottom: ‘Ranji to the Rescue!’ Cartoon of Ranjitsinhji holding back a kangaroo from a lion in a boxing match, ‘It isn’t exactly as would have it, perhaps; but it’s just about what happened.’

Page 49: Top-left: Engraving of a male fielder lying on ground with ball in hand taking catch of a female batsman. Middle-left: Engraved head portrait of G.F. Grace, 1880. Bottom-left: ‘The Kangaroo’s Tail Not Down Yet!’ Rip Karikatures, 1899. Montage of comic sketches of Australia fighting back against England, scenes include a kangaroo with a cricket bat for a tail, and Noble batting for 6 hours for 119 and spectators [copy of cartoon on page 46.] Top-centre: Caricature of a batsman about to play a backward shot. 2nd top: Reproduced photograph of a batsman taking guard at the crease. 3rd top: Caricature of a batsman at the top of his swing. Bottom: Silhouetted caricature of a fielder, Cricket, 20 April 1899. Top-right: Engraving of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot, with fielders behind and crowds in background. Middle-right: Engraved head portrait of W.G. Grace, 1886. Bottom-right: ‘First Test Match (Second Day)’ Rip Karikatures, 1899. Montage of the second day of the first Test Match between England and Australia in 1899, scenes include Syd Gregory splitting his finger and W.G. Grace and Ranjitsinhji batting [copy of cartoon on page 39.]

Page 50: Top: ‘The Essex and the Surrey Man at Leyton, July 13th’ Rip Karikatures, 1899. Cartoon of 2 spectators whit changing facial expressions during the day. Bottom-left: ‘Players v. Gentleman’ Rip Karikatures 1899. Montage of comic sketches of a gentlemen and players match at the Oval on 6th July, including a batsman slipping over and being run out for 195 [copy of cartoon on page 38.] Bottom-right: ‘Gents vs. Players at Lord’s’ by Rip, Evening News, 11 July 1899. Montage of comic sketches of a Gentlemen and Players match, scenes include Bobby Abel getting bowled for 0, W.G. Grace consoling Abel and Fry scoring a century [copy of cartoon on page 45.] Bottom-centre: reproduction of advertisement for a match featuring Original Clown Cricketers at Richmond on Easter Monday, 1875.

Page 51: Cartoon of W.G. Grace standing at the crease, with bird on the wicket holding up a sign saying Grace is at home from 11 till 6, Comical Cricket, 1893. Middle-left: Caricature of a batsman with a monocle at the crease, by Rip. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a bowler just missing the wicket with a delivery ‘Bowler: “Whew!!! Wickets out to be wider.”’ By Rip, Evening News Annual, 1903. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a batsman getting bowled, ‘Batsman: “Whew!!! Wickets are quite wide enough.”’ Evening News Annual, 1903. Top-centre: ‘The Delivery of a Fast Bowler (as taken by the B.O.P.” cinematographer.) By Thomas Donnison, Boys Own Paper. 2nd top: Cartoon of a fielder stretching to take a catch, by Thomas Donnison, Pure for Boys of All Sizes, 1903. 3rd top: Cartoon of a batsman running and raising his foot into face of the other batsman, by Thomas Donnison, Pure for Boys of All Sizes, 1903. 4th top: Cartoon of a wicket-keeper being hit on the nose by a ball, Comical Cricket, 1893. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of a batsman hitting the ball into the eye of a fielder, Pure Fun for Boys of All Sizes, 1903. Top-right: Cartoon of a batsman getting bowled in the rain, Comical Cricket, 1893. Middle-right: Caricature of Gilbert Jessop playing an extravagant shot.

Page 52: Caricature of a fielder with large hair, Evening News, 27 June 1902. 2nd top-left: Cartoon of a batsman running into the wicket. 2nd left: Cartoon of children playing cricket, by Rip, Evening News Annual, 1903. 3rd left: Cartoon of a child batsman running towards W.G. Grace with sun-rays and ‘1903 Cricket Season’ coming from him, ‘Here we go again’ by Rip, Evening News Annual, 1903. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a women’s cricket match with a batsman falling over backwards into wicket and on top of wicket-keeper. Top-right: Cartoon of a batsman standing proud ‘Diggs heads the batting average’ by Thomas Donnison, Boys Own Paper, July 1902. 2nd top-right: Cartoon of a portly batsman. 2nd right: Cartoon of a batsman taking guard in front of a coconut shy, by Rip, Evening News Annual, 1903. 3rd right: Caricature of K.J. Key as Indian Rajah, by Rip, Evening News Annual, 1903. Bottom-right: ‘Country Cricket. The Wicket Question’ Punch, 13 May 1903. Cartoon of a wicket-keeper being hit in face by a ball with question posed should wickets be taller and wider? Top-centre: small sketch of batsman and wicket-keeper. 2nd top: Small sketch if batsman standing at crease. 3rd top: Vignette of bats, ball and wicket. 4th top: Small sketch of 2 people laying cricket. 5th top: Sketch of 2 young batsman carrying bats. 6th top: Reproduced small circular photograph of a country cricket match. 7th top: Reproduced small circular photograph of a country cricket match. 8th top: Sketch of a country cricket match with batsman at crease and fielders standing behind. 9th top: Small reproduced painting of a cricket match with players silhouetted. 10th top: Small reproduced painting of a silhouette of a batsman. 11th top: Reproduced photograph of a village cricket match with church in background.

Page 53: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman with bat right behind back about to strike ball, Comical Cricket, 1893. 2nd left: Cartoon of a wicket-keeper taking a stumping with bird on his head, Comical Cricket 1893. 3rd left: Cartoon of a batsman running through birds, Comical Cricket, 1893. Top-right: Cartoon of a cricketer wading through a waterlogged cricket pitch with a bird fishing for a snake, Comical Cricket, 1893. 2nd left: Cartoon of a batsman doing a handstand with bat between his legs and bird resting on it, Comical Cricket, 1893. 3rd right: Cartoon of an angry batsman with fielder doing cartwheel in background, Comical Cricket, 1893. Top-centre: Small reproduced photograph of a cricket match with large building in background. 2nd top: Small reproduced photograph of a country cricket match. 3rd top: Cartoon of a bowler at the top of his delivery. 4th top: Cartoon of a bowler bowling a no ball, by Thomas Donnison. 5th top: Cartoon of a batsman playing around a ball and getting bowled. 6th top: Cartoon of a rear view of a slip cordon. Bottom: 2 reproduced photographs of a cricket match at Southgate, 1900. Trees and church in background.

Page 54: Top: Cartoon of W.G. Grace hitting a ball with a winged all ancient figure as wicket-keeper, ‘”The Fiftieth Year of Grace, Not Out!”’ Punch, 16 July 1898. Middle: ‘More Kricket Sketches by the OrfisBoy’ Child-style drawing of a cricket match, Comic Cuts, 15 July 1899. Bottom: ‘Pobbles Playeth Cricket’ Ally Sloper, 20 July 1899. Montage of comic sketches of a cricketer getting hit by first three deliveries and bowled on the fourth.

Page 55: Top-left: Cartoon of batsman with bat behind his head, Ally Sloper, 10 May 1884. 2nd left: Cartoon of a batsman sharing a drink with a country man. 3rd left: ‘Bottles Plays Cricket’ Chips, 29 July 1899. Cartoon of a batsman walking and posing in the middle, text states the third picture has been destroyed due to him being bowled. 4th left: Cartoon of a women batsman and dog chewing on a bone, Judy, 16 May 1883. Bottom-left: Caricature of George Lohmann, Ally Sloper, 24 August 1899. Top-centre: ‘A Critical Cricket Critic’ Punch. Cartoon of 2 women watching a cricket match from a bench, ‘Aunt Jane, “I think it’s so clever, you know, of that man with the ball to hit the bat nearly every time!” 2nd top: ‘The Cricketing of the Future’ Punch, 25 April 1900. Cartoon of a cricket match being played in the rain with players on stilts. 4th top: Cartoon of a children organising a cricket match with a policeman looking away, ‘The recent decision of the Police Commissioner to allow no more cricket in the London streets has seriously affected the position of the Took’s Court Eleven. It was a very crack time – see windows.’ Punch, 9 August 1899. Bottom-centre: 2 stage cartoon of last batsman putting on gloves with 1 run to go, he is bowled first ball, Ally Sloper, 17 June 1899. Top-right: Cartoon of a woman batsman with bat tucked under her arm, Ally Sloper, 3 August 1889. 2nd right: Cartoon of Mr. Punch batting on a horse inside a giant C, Punch, 1 January 1878. 3rd right: Cartoon for a proposal for a bowlers statue as a modern equivalent for the Greek ‘Discobolus’ to be erected at Burlington House, Ally Sloper, 14 May 1887. 4th right: Cartoon of a scarecrow with a cricket bat. Bottom-right: caricature of W.G. Grace as part of leaves, Scraps, 7 October 1899.

Page 56: Top-left: Cartoon of a woman batsman standing at the crease, Ally Sloper, 13 June 1885. 2nd left: Cartoon of a batsman running to the make the crease, 3 May 1884. 3rd left: ‘The Darling, Noble Team of ’99, Australia with a Good Strong “Tail.” Cartoon of a kangaroo batsman, Ally Sloper, 15 July 1899. 4th left: Cartoon of a batsman’s monocle falling out of his eye, Ally Sloper, 9 September 1899. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a cricket match taking place over boats by islanders, the batsman is about to fall of his boat, Ally Sloper 11 March 1897. Top-centre-left: Caricature of a silhouette of a batsman. Top-centre: Cartoon of a batsman getting bowled. Top-right: Caricature of an elderly batsman. 2nd top: ‘The Poetry of Motion’ The Captain, June 1900. ‘The Surrey Chicken’s Extra Feathers’ Weekly Dispatch, 10 September 1899. Cartoon showing the stages of a bowler’s swing. 3rd top: Caricature of K.J. Key as abird with his chest puffed out. 4th top: Caricature of Billy Murdoch as a kangaroo with scoreboard showing 286 Not Out behind him, Judy, 31 May 1882. 5th top: Cartoon of a figure with a cricket ball and head and figure with bat for body and stumps for legs and arms, Judy, 19 September 1883. 6th top: Caricature silhouette of a batsman and fielder. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of a batsman getting very close to hitting wicket-keeper in head with bat, Pictorial Life, 16 June 1900. Top-right: Cartoon of a village cricketer taking guard, Ally Sloper, 27 June 1885. 2nd right: Cartoon of cricketers carrying oversized cricket equipment, Ally Sloper, 2 October 1886. 3rd right: Cartoon of 2 cricketers in conversation inside a tent, ‘”Are you playing in the Married v. Single match, Mr. Batter?” “No; I’m not eligible.” “How’s that? You’re not married, so I suppose you’re single, eh?” “Not at all; I’m a twin.”’ Devon and Exeter Gazette, 5 September 1900. 4th right: Cartoon of 2 batsmen holding hands, Ally Sloper, 12 July 1884. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a 2 people at cricket practice, with net behind batsman and pile of clothes by bowler, Judy, 16 April 1882.

Page 57: Top: ‘The Piglette Family and Others at Remarkable Cricket’ Comic Life, 15 July 1899. Cartoon of aborigines playing a cricket match against pigs. [THIS CARTOON IS RACIALLY SENSITIVE.] Middle: ‘The Rumfoozlers’ Club: its Members, its Influence, its Attendants and its Bye-Laws, The Staff Cricket Club’ 3 stage cartoon with story of satire of a private club playing a cricket match. Bottom: 3 stage cartoon of a cricket match in India with a Rajah batting, Chips, 1 July 1899. [THIS CARTOON IS RACIALLY SENSITIVE.]

Page 58: Top-left: ‘Ranji the Run Getter’ Ally Sloper, 9 September 1899. Cartoon of Ranjitsinhji riding a cricket bat towards the sun with ‘3000’ on it as other cricketers beneath ride cricket bats. Bottom-left: Cartoon of Ally Sloper getting hit in the head by a cricket ball from children playing cricket, Ally Sloper, 2 March 1899. Top-centre: Engraving of a girl standing by a pond holding a cricket bat, Illustrated London News, 4 November 1893. Bottom-centre: Caricature of a batsman taking guard. Top-right: Cartoon of 2 Eton and Harrow schoolboys shaking hands with cricket match taking place at Lord’s in background ‘”Where’ D’Jergit That’ At?”’ Ally Sloper, 15 July 1899. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a smokers vs. non-smokers cricket match, Ally Sloper, 2 April 1887.

Page 59: Top-left: ‘Common Politeness’ Moonshine, 23 June 1900. Cartoon of a French umpire looking apologetic ‘Monsieur Jules: “Zey say ze English are not polite! Comment! Venevare I promenade myself on zeir commons, it is ‘sank you!’ and ‘Sank you, Sir!’ All ze times!” 2nd left: ‘A Match for our Daughters’ Ally Sloper, 26 May 1888. Cartoon of a women’s cricket match taking place in the background as a man flirts with a batsman in the foreground. 3rd left: Cartoon of a fielder getting hit on the head by a cricket ball. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a batsman holding his leg after getting hit by a ball. Top-centre: Cartoon of a batsman getting hit by a cricket ball with ‘Dr’ on it, Judy, 5 May 1869. 2nd top: Cartoon of proud batsman putting his gloves on, Scraps, 1 July 1899. 3rd top: Caricature of Fred Spofforth, Ally Sloper, 6 June 1889. 4th top: ‘The “Anglo Saxon” Sportsman’ Evening News Cricket Annual, 1901. Cartoon of a German batsman stamping on his wicket, in an inset he’s playing football, ‘”Vy not mit der Cricket aindt it?”’ Bottom: ‘Ferdinand and Diana’ Punch Almanack, 1900. Cartoon of a batsman playing to impress a woman but he stamps on the wicket and hits the wicket-keeper with his bat. Top-right: ‘Cricket is Becoming a Favourite Game with the Girls’ Ally Sloper, 2 July 1887. Cartoon of women batsman and wicket-keeper ‘Wicket-Keeper (to battist): “How was that for a “maiden” over, Flo, old girl?” Flo: “How do you talk, Hetty! I saw no maidens fall over, and I am sure I should have seen them if they had.”’ 2nd right: ‘The Coming Kangaroo’ Ally Sloper, 29 April 1899. Cartoon of a kangaroo dressed as a cricket taking a giant leap and about to land on England, his tail holds a box containing the ‘Ashes of English Cricket’ a lion holds its hand to catch it. 3rd right: Cartoon of a tall think cricketer and stout batsman. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a batsman falling into his wicket.

Page 60: Top-left: Cartoon of a Tudor batsman, Judy, 11 December 1875. 2nd left: Cartoon of 2 Eton and Harrow schoolboys playing cricket with a top hat and boater covering their heads, Ally Sloper, 14 July 1900. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a W.G. Grace Statue, Ally Sloper, 9 September 1899. Top-centre: ‘Cricket Phrases Illuminated’ Punch, 16 August 1899. Cartoon of a cricketer sitting on a cosy chair, as text explains he has been rested for next Test Match. Middle-centre: ‘Catching a Tatar’ Scraps, 1 July 1899. Cartoon of a Parson joining a village cricket match and he dominates it. Bottom-centre: ‘An Incident with the Australians (Designed and write by Me – the Orfis Boy) Dan Leno Comic Journal, 15 July 1899. Cartoon of a dog swallowing a cricket ball and W.G. Grace hides it and stumps out a batsman. Top-right: Cartoon of a Tudor batsman, Ally Sloper 14 June 1884 [Same as cartoon in top-right.] Middle-right: Cartoon of 2 schoolboy’s cricketers, Judy, 10 October 1883. Bottom-right: Caricature of a batsman taking guard with ‘S’ on his cap, Ally Sloper, 26 August 1899.

Page 61: Top: ‘Sloper C.C. v. Australia’ Ally Sloper, 27 September 1884. Cartoon of Ally Sloper as a batsman seeing Billy Murdoch carrying a suitcase of money. Bottom: ‘Sloper’s Eleven v. Australia’ Ally Sloper, 23 June 1884. Cartoon of Ally Sloper dressed in knight’s armour behind hit on the backside by the ball and stamping on his wicket.

Page 62: Top: ‘Our Infirmary Cricket Club’ Ally Sloper, 20 August 1887. Cartoon of injured and disabled patients playing a cricket match. Bottom: ‘How’s That, Umpire?’ Ally Sloper, 4 June 1887. Cartoon of All-England vs. Ally Sloper Eleven, Ally Sloper is batting and his bat is broken by a ball and stamps on his wicket, the ball hits wicket-keeper in the gut.

Page 63: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman getting bowled, by Thomas Donnison. Middle-left: Cartoon of a figure, right half his body is batsman clothing and the left is football kit. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a nervous batsman, by Thomas Donnison. Top-centre: ‘The “Reformer’s” Dream’ Athletic News, 4 May 1903. Cartoon of a cricket match with a large ball and huge wicket, in background a batsman is carried off on a stretcher, ‘The barndoor wicket of 1910.’ Middle-centre: ‘”Joy, Joy For Ever.” Sun, 11 May 1903. Cartoon of a gentleman celebrating throwing his hit in the air, ‘Gentleman outfitter: “Hooray! No altered wickets – my old stock’s saleable.” Bottom-centre: Cartoon of a batsman in a ladies vs. gentlemen match after getting out due to running 8 as result of a lost ball, given out but ‘sat on wicket’ was not written as would look idiotic. Top-right: Cartoon of a batsman getting hit on the pad by a cricket ball, by Thomas Donnison. Middle-right: Cartoon of a figure, right half his body is batsman clothing and the left is the England football kit. Bottom-right: Sketch of a bowler at top of his delivery with umpire behind wicket.

Page 64: ‘Crick et Ball Iana’ Melbourne Punch Almanack, 1874. 7 Sketch cartoon, includes W.G. Grace eating a giant piece of meat, a cricket bat with umbrella coming out of the handle, and a cricket ball pudding. Middle: Cartoon of a cricket match, the fielder chases ball and falls onto spectators, crowd in foreground sits on horses and carriages. Bottom: ‘Brothers-in-Pads’ Punch, 20 August 1902. Cartoon of a lion polishing a trophy, a kangaroo batsman and Mr Punch as umpire watch on, ‘British Lion (to Kangaroo). “Here’s your health! You’re good all round. You helped us on the veld, and you’ve beaten us in the field!”’

Page 65: Top-left: ‘From Down Under’ Cartoon of worms eye view of Syd Gregory, Hugh Trumble and Joe Darling, by Rip, Evening News Annual 1902. 2nd Left: Caricature of Major Wardill banging a drum, by Rip, Evening News Annual 1902. 3rd left: Caricature of a woman batsman taking guard, by Rip, Evening News Annual 1902. Bottom-left: Caricature of Ernest Jones bowling out a batsman with lightening coming from his hand, Evening News Annual, 1902. Top-centre: ‘”The Cricket-Stoppaire’” Cartoon of a fancily dressed wicket-keeper, ‘M. Taine, in his book on England, says that the cricket-ball s’elance avec une velocite terrible!’ 2nd top: Cartoon of a cherub sitting on a wicket removing of the pince-nez of a batsman whose about to get hit by a cricket ball. 3rd top: Cartoon of a batsman getting bowled. Bottom: Cartoon of a lion batting, Fun & Frolic, 1902. Top-right: Caricature of Albert Trott by Rip, Evening News Annual 1902. 2nd right: Caricature of Joe Darling with Dan Leno as a batsman, by Rip, Evening News Annual 1902. 3rd right: Caricature of C.B. Fry painting a giant F, Evening News Annual 1902. Bottom-right: Caricature of Joe Darling as Napoleon, Evening News Annual 1902.

Page 66: Top: ’The Great Cricket Week’ Funny Folks, 8 July 1876. Cartoon using humorous sketches to illustrated cricketing terms. Bottom: ‘Tympkins Hys Cricket Match’ Funny Folks, 24 July 1875. Cartoon of a portly gentleman getting ready for and struggling in a cricket match.

Page 67: Top: ‘Cricket for Ladies’ Funny Folks, 16 June 1877. ‘First match of the season between the blue-belle and rosie-posie elevens.’ Cartoon of a women’s cricket match. Middle-left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Middle-centre: Sketch of a cricket match on the Upper Cricket Ground at Harrow, Old Harrow Days, 1898. Middle-right: Sketch of a batsman at the end of shot. Bottom: ‘Feminine Cricketers’ Funny Folks, 20 August 1881. 7 stage cartoon of a women’s cricket match which includes batsmen running into each other behind parasols, umpires arguing and a batsman falling on her stumps, ‘[“A cricket match has lately been played between the young ladies of Sandwell Park School and the Edgbaston High School for Girls.”-Globe.]’

Page 68: Top-left: ‘Stop That Throwing’ Caricature of an umpire with lamp attached to his belt and holds truncheon with ‘MCC Staff’ by Rip. 2nd left: Reproduced photograph of W.G. Grace and a child playing cricket, Sporting and Dramatic News, 15 June 1901. 3rd left: Sketch of underarm bowler. 4th left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat in the air standing ready. Top-centre: ‘The Cricket Season: Saturday Afternoon Experiences.’ 5 stage cartoon of a cricket match featuring players attempting to get the match and spectators. Middle-centre: Sketch of 4 cricketers standing in front of the Lord’s Pavilion as of the 19th century. Bottom-centre: ‘The Final Test’ Fun, 15 August 1899. ‘The Final Test’ Fun, 15 August 1899. A gentleman talk to a batsman, ‘Joe- “Look here, Kruger, don’t block so much this innings, play a straightforward game, everybody will like you all the better for it.” Mr. Chamberlain has proposed a joint commission of enquiry into the practical effect of Mr. Kruger’s new Franchise Law, which the Uitlanders denounce as illusory.’ Top-right: Cartoon of W.G. Grace and Father Time ‘Old Pals’ by Rip. 2nd right: Reproduced photograph of a painting of a country cricket match, Country Life, 13 June 1903. 3rd right: Cartoon of Indian batsman hit by a cricket ball. 4th right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard with unique grip and bending far over. Bottom-right. Sketch of a batsman in a pith helmet.

Page 69: Top-left: Caricature of Bobby Abel carrying a bat and umbrella, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. 2nd left: Caricature of Ranjitsinhji walking from a broken wicket, Sun Comic, 1901. 3rd left: Caricature of a batsman carrying a bat with ‘221’ and ‘117’ on it, Sun Comic, 1901. 4th left: Caricature of W.G. Grace, Sun Comic, 1901. Bottom-left: Caricature of a giant batsman carrying smaller cricketers on his body and bat, Sun Comic, 1901.Top-centre: Cartoon of a batsman walking into his wicket. 2nd top: Cartoon of a batsman and wicket-keeper struggling in the wind. 3rd top: ‘Prospects of the Cricket Season’ Funny Folks, 14 June 1879. 4 stage cartoon of cricketers playing in the rain. 4th top: Cartoon of many cricketers with their names on their shirts and sweaters ‘A lady writes to suggest that our cricketers should have their names tastefully embroidered on their woollen wear, so that their fair admirers may be able to distinguish them in the field.’ By Rip. Bottom: Cartoon of Lord Harris and J.E. Gooden riding a lion and kangaroo respectively. Top-right: Caricature of Bobby Abel taking shelter from rain, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. 2nd right: Caricature of a batsman with bat tucked underarm. 3rd right: Caricature of a cricketer holding a ball with ‘3 for 25’ on it, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. 4th top: Caricatures of cricketers playing in the rain, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. Bottom-right: Caricature of Gregor MacGregor dressed as a piper plays the bagpipes ‘Middlesex wins by 2 wickets’, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901.

Page 70: Top-left: Caricature of a tall thin batsman, Sun Comic 1901. 2nd left: Caricature of a bowler mid-delivery, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. 3rd left: Cartoon of group of spectators walking to the Oval for Lockwood Benefit, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. Bottom: Caricature of a cricketer holding a bat taking shelter underneath an umbrella, Sun Comic 1901. Top-Centre: ‘The Australian Cricketers’ Funny Folks, 15 June 1878. 4 stage cartoon of Bill Murdoch laying down the gauntlet to W.G. Grace and Grace getting pelted by cricket balls. Middle-centre: Cartoon of a cricket match with a fielder chasing a ball, Boys Own Paper, July 1902. Bottom-centre: ‘Cricket in Australia’ Funny Folks, 12 April 1879. 5 stage cartoon of England playing Australia with English cricketers wearing outfits with spikes and umpires as British judges. Top-right: Caricature of a cricketer with his hands in his pockets, Sun Comic 1901. 2nd right: Caricature of W.G. Grace putting his bat down, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. 3rd right: Cartoon of figure pouring water onto a box with ‘Lockwood’s Benefit’ on it, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. Bottom-right: Caricature of W.G. Grace walking with another batsman hidden behind him, Sun Comic 1901.

Page 71: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman using his bat as a guitar to serenade a woman, by Rip, Evening News Annual, 1902. 2nd left: Cartoon of a cat batsman with cap falling over its eye, Fun and Frolic, 1902. 3rd left: Caricature of a bowler with a large stride, by Sol, Sun Comic, 1901. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a vat batsman taking guard, Fun and frolic, 1901. Top-centre: Sketch of a batsman taking guard with ‘Gamage’ on his bat. ‘If Marsh had Been Picked’ Sydney Bulletin. Cartoon of a batsman wearing armoured casing. Bottom-centre: Engraving of a menacing looking batsman with bat raised, All Round Sport, 1887. Top-right: Caricature of Archie MacLaren and Tom Hayward walking next to each other, by Rip, Evening News Annual, 1902. 2nd right: Cartoon of a cat batsman getting hit in the eye by a ball, Fun and Frolic, 1902. 3rd right: Caricature of Ranjitsinhji, by Sol, Sun Comic, 1901. Bottom-right: A wooden puppet is bowled, Fun and Frolic, 1901.

Page 72: Top-left: Caricature of a batsman holding a sun hat. 2nd left: Caricature of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. 3rd left: Sketch of a fiddler on his hands and knees having taken a catch. 4th left: Caricature of batsman putting gloves on, Royal Magazine, August 1901. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman being bowled. Top-centre: ‘Our Jack’s Day at Leeds’ Rip’s Kricket Karikatures, 1899. Montage of comic sketch of Australian cricketers batting. Middle-centre: Cartoon of a ball heading towards the slip cordon, Illustrated London News, 25 May 1901. Bottom-centre: ‘The Lancashire Man and the Man Fra’ Sheffield’ Rip’s Kricket Karikatures, 1899. Cartoon of 2 fans whose facial expressions change as the match goes on. Top-right: Caricature of a batsman with a large bat. 2nd right: Caricature of a bowler mid-delivery. 3rd right: Sketch of a fielder lying on his back with arm up to catch a ball. 4th right: Caricature of a bowler at end of his delivery, Royal Magazine, August 1901. Bottom-right: Sketch of a young batsman with bat behind his head.

Page 73: Top-left: Caricature of a batsman playing a forward defensive, by Sol, Sun Comic, 1901. 2nd left: cartoon of cricketers carrying bags ‘for catches’, Sun Comic, 1901. 3rd left: Caricature of a batsman carrying a tablet with ‘125’ on it, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. Bottom-left: caricature of a batsman picking up a cricketer by his head, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. Top-centre: Cartoon of Archie MacLaren fishing with caricatures of English cricketers as fish, ‘McLaren, he feesh for der Australy team, unde he godt some feesh. Put Ranji he not pite nodt at al.’ By Sol, Sun Comic, 1901. Middle-centre: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match focusing on the square. Bottom-centre: ‘Dropping the Pilot’ Morning Leader, 8 June 1899. Cartoon of W.G. Grace sailing away in a small boat with ‘L.C.C.C.’ on it, away from a much large ‘Gloucester’ ship. Top-right: Caricature of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. 2nd right: Caricature of Archie MacLaren carrying bats and English cricketers in his travel case, by Sol, Sun Comic, 1901. Caricature of a batsman standing up to a crowned figure, by Sol, Sun Comic, 1901. Bottom-right: Caricature of Brown sitting down with his bat and smoking a pipe, by Sol, Sun Comic, 1901.

Page 74: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman dropping his bat, Sporting and Dramatic News, 20 August 1881. Top-centre: ‘A Team for Australia’ Evening News Cricket Annual, 1901. Cartoon of a cricketer with a crown controlling English cricketers with strings as one kneels down begging to be taken. Top-right: Cartoon of a figure with leg pad for body and ball for head talking to a figure with boot for a body and glove for head, Fun, 12 September 1874. Bottom: Reproduced photograph 3 clowns standing next to a pantomime giraffe, explanation states Dan Leno was out for 999 in first innings after getting out 85 times.

Page 75: Top-left: Cartoon of Kaiser Wilhelm asking Joe Darling to play for Australia, Melbourne Punch, 20 July 1899. Middle-left: Cartoon of a batsman with a wide cricket bat, Sydney Punch, 27 March 1873. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a kangaroo carrying a bat and case with ‘Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney’ on it, by Rip, Evening News Cricket Annual, 1899. Top-centre: Cartoon of a woman batsman raising her cap, Melbourne Punch, 3 August 1899. Middle-centre: ‘Arrival of the Australian Eleven in England’ Melbourne Punch, 11 May 1899. Cartoon of a pack of kangaroos jumping across English countryside as lion looks on, ‘The Lion – “Um! They all seem plump and lively. I must give them my best attention.”’ Bottom-centre: ‘Map of England According to the Young Australian Idea’ Melbourne Punch, 1 June 1899. Cartoon of a cricket match taking place on a map of England. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a kangaroo wiping its brow, holding its case with ‘Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney’ on it, by Rip, Evening News, Cricket Annual, 1899.

Page 76: Top-left: Cartoon of a fielder getting hit in the stomach by a cricket ball. 2nd left: Cartoon of a cricketer getting hit on the pad and jumping into his wicket, Boys Own Paper, 22 June 1901. Top-centre: Cartoon of a Georgian cricket match with a scorer attempting to notch a stick, Sporting and Dramatic News, 15 June 1901. Top-right: Caricature of a bowler. 2nd right: Cartoon of Lord Sheffield looking shocked after being refused a licence, Ally Sloper, 13 April 1901. Bottom: 6 reproduced photographs of a cricket match between Dan Leno’s and Mr. T.R. Dewar’s (M.P.) cricket teams at the Oval, Leno’s players wear clown outfits whilst Dewar’s are in whites and top hats, The King, 14 September 1901.

Page 77: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman walking putting on his gloves, Pearson Magazine, August 1901. 2nd left: Cartoon of a child batting in an adult match. Top-centre: ‘Incidents of the Day’ The Captain, August 1899. Montage of comic sketches of incidents in a cricket match, ‘An American artist’s sketch of the English players – Philadelphia vs. Lord Hawke’s Cricket Team.’ Top-right: Cartoon of a batsman holding a hair, Pearson Magazine, August 1901. 2nd right: Cartoon of a fielder running to catch a ball. Bottom: 5 sets of series of reproduced photographs of a cricket match between Dan Leno’s and Mr. T.R. Dewar’s (M.P.) cricket teams at the Oval, with Leno scoring 999 ‘kicked out’ Black and White, 14 September 1901.

Page 78: ‘Shadowgraph’ caricature of Ranjitsinhji, by Rip. 2nd left: Caricature of W.G. Grace banging a ‘London C.C.C,’ drum, by Rip, Evening News Annual, 1899. 3rd left: ‘The Lammiodcock (Somerset)’ caricature of a cricketer as a bird, leashed around the neck. Bottom-left: ‘The Charlyteez’ Evening News Annual. Caricature of a cricketer as a 4 legged octopus, with description of animal. Top-centre: ‘Shadowgraph’ caricature of Bobby Abel, by Rip. 2nd top: Caricature of W.G. Grace sitting on a bench with a cane, The Captain, 1900. 3rd top: Caricature of a batsman having stumps destroyed, Sydney Bulletin, 22 July 1899. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of an elephant as a batsman, Little folks, June 1899. Top-right: ‘Shadowgraph’ caricature of W.G. Graph, by Rip. 2nd top: Caricatures of Harry Trott, by Rip, Evening News Annual, 1899. 3rd right: ‘The Crested Martin-Hawke (Yorkshire) Evening News, 1899. Caricature of Lord Hawke as a hawke perching on a rosebush. Bottom-right: ‘The Bobbz’ Evening News Annual, 1899. Caricature of Bobby Abel as a dog, with description of animal.

Page 79: Top-left: Small sketch of 2 batsman walking. 2nd top-left: Small sketch of batsman and wicket-keeper: Middle-left: ‘Batometer’ showing graph of Tom Hayward’s scores to date, Daily Mail, 16 August 1900. Bottom-left: Small sketch of batsman and wicket-keeper. Top-centre: Cartoon of 2 batsmen running, crossing paths. 2nd top: ‘Merely a Little Oversight’ Chums, 25 August 1897. Cartoon of a boy lifting himself above a fence to watch a cricket match.3rd top: Cartoon of a fielder getting his hat knocked off by a cricket ball, Pall Mall Magazine, February 1899. 4th top: Cartoon of a boy and a girl walking a dog, stopping to watch a cricket match, The Captain, July 1899. 5th top: Cartoon of a lion batsman sitting on a wicket, a kangaroo jumps away with ‘au revoir, but not ta-ta’ on its tail, to the right an oyster dances for some men, Black and White, 26 August 1899. Bottom-centre: ‘Abel’s Record Score – A Cinematograph Picture of his Great Boundary.’ Daily Mail, 1 June 1899. Cartoon of a frame by frame sketch of Bobby Abel playing a shot. Top-right: Small sketch of a bowler bowling at a batsman. 2nd top-right: Small sketch of batsman and wicket-keeper.; Middle-right: ‘Batometer’ showing graph of Ranjitsinhji’s scores up to date, Daily Mail, 16 August 1900. Bottom-right: Small sketch of batsman and wicket-keeper.

Page 80: Top-left: Caricature of a batsman with bat tucked under his arm, Sun Comic, 1901. Top-centre: Cartoon of a cricket being played on a rooftop, ‘Londoners are promised the roof garden in the near future, but the real cricket pitch is already here. It belongs to the choir boys of St. Paul’s Cathedral, who are actively practising for the coming season. Daily Mail, 30 April 1901. Top-right: Caricature of a batsman with a hat covering the head, by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. Bottom: ‘Surrey’s Famous Cricketer, Lockwood, and his Greatest Feats, Daily Express, 25 July 1901. Series of images depicting William Lockwood’s graphs these include a graph showing greatest scores, his scoring of 1367 runs in 1900 would stretch cover distance from London to Epping, a reproduced photographic portrait, and taking 4 consecutive wickets in 1891.

Page 81: Top-left: Cartoon of 2 batsmen arguing. 2nd left: Cartoon of a batsman swinging his bat. 3rd left: Cartoon of a batsman putting on gloves with bat tucked underarm. 4th left: cartoon of a lion and kangaroo cricketers shaking hands, Ally Sloper, 26 August 1899. 5th left: Cartoon of a gentleman getting hit in the head by a cricket ball, Ally Sloper, 12 June 1886. Bottom-left: Cartoon of 2 batsmen running into each other, Ally Sloper, 12 June 1886. Top-centre: ‘The Early Bird’ Cricket, 12 April 1900. Cartoon of a bird standing by a cricket pitch at dawn, ‘”Rara avis in terries, Ranjique simillima Singha.” {Prince Ranjitsinhji was practicing at Cambridge very early in the season.] Middle-centre: Cartoon of the backs of 2 schoolboys watching an Eton vs. Harrow match at Lord’s, Ally Sloper, 9 July 1898. Bottom-centre: ‘”Rip” and his Circle of Friends.’ The Captain, June 1900. Reproduced photographic portrait of Rip with montage of his cartoons as a border, ‘Wishing you all a “Rip”ing good season. Top-right: Cartoon of a batsman throwing his bat at an umpire. 2nd right: Cartoon of a nervous batsman. Top-right: cartoon of a bowler mid-action, Ally Sloper, 1 July 1899. 3rd right: cartoon of W.G. Grace and a much smaller batsman, Ally Sloper, 17 June 1899. A rugby ball headed figure waves goodbye to a cricket bat with stumps for arms and legs, Ally Sloper 27 September 1884. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a batsman running with his foot hitting the back of the head of another cricketer. Ally Sloper, 3 June 1899.

Page 82: Top-left: Print of a picture of a batsman getting bowled, Badminton Magazine, August 1897. Print of a picture of cricketers sitting and standing by a bench in village cricket match, Badminton Magazine, July 1900. Top-right: Print of a picture of 2 batsmen running between wickets, Badminton Magazine, August 1897. 2nd top [spreads across width of page]: ‘Thirty Seconds in the Life of a Distinguished Amateur, Scraps 1 July 1899. 5 stage cartoon of a distinguished looking batsman getting clean bowled. 3rd left: Cartoon of a schoolboy batsman eyeing up a cricket ball, Takes of Charlton School, 1892. Bottom-left Cartoon of a batsman remonstrating with an umpire ‘”Again I tell you mine leg vas not before ze wicket”’ The Captain, August 1899. 3rd top: Cartoon of a boy throwing a cricket ball to a fielder ‘Feels for the rest of the day almost as if he had played in the match’ Illustrated London news, 19 August 1899. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of Mother and daughter playing cricket with a bucket and spade. 3rd right: cartoon of a wicket-keeper playing with stumps, Tales of Charlton School, 1892. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a bespectacled batsman holding bat upside down, The Captain, August 1899.

Page 83: Top Row: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman having just played a shot. 2nd left: Sketch of a batsman getting bowled. Centre: Cartoon of a giant kangaroo balancing a bat on its nose as cricketers come out of its pouch, ‘Here we are again’ by Rip, Evening News Cricket Annual, 1899. 2nd right: Sketch of a batsman standing at the crease. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. 2nd row: Left: Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot. 2nd left: Sketch of Archie MacLaren getting bowled. Centre: ‘The New Arrival Among the Inhabitants of the Dovecot.’ Cricket, 11 May 1899. Cartoon of notable cricketers as doves. 2nd right: Sketch of a batsman holding bat in the air. Right: Sketch of a wicket-keeper standing proudly. 3rd row: Sketch of a batsman missing the ball. 2nd left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Centre: Reproduced photograph of comedians playing cricket, Harmsworth Magazine, October 1898. 2nd right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Sketch of a batsman getting bowled leg stump. 4th row: Left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Sketch of a batsman playing a sweep shot. Centre: Cartoon of a batsman using various items as armour, Dan Leno Hys Booke, 1899. 2nd right: Sketch of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Right: Sketch of a batsman getting hit on the pad by a ball. 5th row: Left: Sketch of a batsman about to play an extravagant shot with a scoreboard behind. Right: Sketch of Syd Gregory with bat behind his head, ‘Middlesex vs. Australia, Gregory in form for the first time.’ Penny Illustrated, 29 June 1878. Bottom row: Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman getting bowled after failing to play a shot. Bottom-centre: ‘A Monthly Announcement’ Little Folks, April 1899. Cartoon of a figure with a Little Folks Magazine for a head is bowled, ‘”Little Folks” is out! (But he can’t be beaten, all the same.) Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman threatening bird with his bat, ‘The Lord’s sparrow worries Worrall.’ Daily Graphic, 3 August 1899.

Page 84: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman running to make the crease, Judy 1 January 1879. 2nd left: Cartoon of a sailor batting, Ally Sloper, 21 April 1888. 3rd left: Cartoon of a figure with a leg pad for a body, stumps for legs and ball for a head looks sad at a paper with headline ‘Cricket: last match of the season.’ Punch, 14 July 1877. 4th left: Cartoon of Mr. Punch batting. Bottom-left: Cartoon of Ranjitsinhji about hit a ball with ‘3000’ on it after reaching record of 2,780 runs, Punch, 30 August 1899. Top-centre: ‘Abel Stayed all Day at the Wickets’ Punch, 23 August 1899. Cartoon of Bobby Abel sitting in front of a wicket, bat on his lap and eating food. 2nd top: ‘Punch Bowls’ Punch, 16 August 1899. Mr. Punch bowls underarm with a dog as non-strike batsman. 3rd top: Cartoon of a bowler talking to umpire about a fat batsman, if he hits him in front it’ll be leg before wicket and if behind it’ll be a wide, Scraps, 15 September 1899. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of a woman talking to a batsman, “I should think you’re awfully glad you’re out Mr. Shortstop. It must be a horrid nuisance having to run from one set of wickets to the other, every time your opponents hit your bat with their ball!” Ally Sloper, 4 May 1889. Top-right: cartoon of birds playing cricket, Scraps, 22 April 1899. ‘Cricket Swamped’ Penny Illustrated Paper, 26 July 1899. 2nd right: Cartoon of Grace batting with water reaching the top of the wicket. 3rd right: ‘”W.G.” – The Herald of Spring, Cricket, 19 April 1900. Cartoon of a clock with 2 figures, one is W.G. Grace with other is a footballer. 4th right: Sketch of a batsman playing an extravegent shot with scoreboard behind. Bottom-right: Cartoon of W.G. Grace sitting on a wicket, holding a bat and a ball, Ally Sloper, 19 May 1888.

Page 85: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman leaning over a cricket ball to play a shot, Comical Cricket, 1893. Middle-left: Cartoon of a batsman stained at the crease with bird holding up a sign ‘100 not out’, Comical Cricket, 1893. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a batsman taking guard, Comical Cricket, 1893. Top-centre: Cartoon of a cricketer standing in a boat holding an umbrellas ‘”Sun’s” patent dress for cricketers, Sun, 11 May 1903. 2nd top: Cartoon of outlines of R.E. Foster playing many shots at the crease, ‘R.E. Foster, Sydney Dec 14 1903. Bystander, 23 December 1903. 3rd top: Reproduced Photograph of plate commemorating his century of centuries, Coalport China, 1895. 4th top: Cartoon of a cricket match at Davos, Daily Mail, 7 January 1903. Bottom-centre: ‘Cricket Pictures’ Pure Fun, 1903. Comical sketches of cricketers in action. Top-right: Cartoon of a bird locating using a telescope to locate ball, Comical Cricket, 1893. Middle-right: Cartoon of a fielder a jumping in the air taking a catch, Comical Cricket, 1893. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a batsman pointing at his eye, Comical Cricket, 1893.

Page 86: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of Albert Ground, Sydney, from a distance as match takes place, stands filled with spectators, W.G. Cricket Reminisces. 2nd left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman walking off cricket pitch. 3rd left: cartoon of 2 boys playing cricket with watering can for wicket, Cricket, 13 April 1899. Bottom-left: ‘The Great Cricket Match Between the Kangaroos and British Bow-Wows’ The Captain, August 1899. 10 stage cartoon of kangaroos and dogs playing a cricket match. Centre: 6 cut-outs of cricket figures of 5 batsmen and a bowler. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Harrow, spectators sit on benches in foreground. 2nd right: Reproduced photograph of an elderly batsman. 3rd right: Engraving of a batsman being hoisted on teammate’s shoulders, Boys Own Paper, 11 June 1887. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a sketches of ‘the batsman from bowler’s point of view, the bowler as the batsman sees him, the batsman from wicket keeper’s point of view, how the batsman feels’ Rip Karikatures, 1899.

Page 87: Reproduced photograph of W.G. Grace practicing in the nets, Black and White, 11 May 1901. Middle-left: ‘New Zealand’ Sporting and Dramatic News, 15 June 1901. Reproduced photograph of 2 boys posing for the camera in foreground with spectators watching the cricket match in background, Canterbury and hills in distance [copy of image on page 87.] Bottom-left: Reproduced print of a woman batsman with male wicket-keeper, Windsor Magazine, August 1901. Centre: 10 different crests for the Boys Own Cricket Club. Top-right: ‘Sport in the Navy’ Royal Magazine, February 1901. Reproduced photograph of sailors playing a cricket match on board a battleship. Middle-right: Cartoon of a batsman playing against dozens and dozens of Indians, by Rip, The Captain, July 1899. Bottom-right: Reproduced print of a boy having just played a shot in a children’s cricket match, Windsor Magazine, August 1901.

Page 88: Cartoon of a woman hitting a gentlemen in face by a ball on a boat deck, by Rip, More tales from the Stumps, 1902. Middle-left: Cartoon of batsman and bowler on a boat deck, by Rip, More Tales from the Stumps, 1902. Bottom-left: Reproduced print of a woman batsman, Tales of the Stumps, 1901. Top-centre: Reproduced photograph of women cricketers at Physical Training College, Dartford. 2nd top: Reproduced photograph of group portrait of the women’s team Wycombe Abbey Eleven, Cassell Magazine, July 1902. ‘How we Kept our Nurses Fit in South Africa’ Cricket of Yesterday and Today, 1902. Reproduced print of nurses playing a cricket match, a batsman is run out. Bottom-centre: ‘The Hat Trick’ Punch Almanack, 1902. Cartoon of a woman having her hat knocked off by a cricket ball, ‘Bowles’s last drive to the boundary won the match, completed his century, and ruined his wife’s new hat!’ Top-right: Cartoon of a bowler mid-action, by Rip, More Tales from the Stumps, 1902. Middle-right: Cartoon of a batsman talking to a fielder as other batsman walks off out, More Tales from the Stumps, 1902. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a batsman looking away from cricket match behind, Sporting and Dramatic News, 8 August 1891.

Page 89: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard with wicket-keeper behind. 2nd left: Cartoon of a women’s cricket match, Ally Sloper, 20 July 1889. 3rd left: Cartoon of a batsman about to hit a ball with hair standing on end, Scraps, 10 June 1899. 4th left: Small sketch of a country cricket match. 5th left: Cartoon of a smoking pipe as a batsman putting gloves on, Ally Sloper, 24 April 1886. 6th: Cartoon of a cricket bat with ‘The Sloper Bat’ on it with image of Ally Sloper. Bottom-left: Ally Sloper, 29 June 1899. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a batsman getting his stumps smashed, Scraps, 10 June 1899. Top-centre: ‘The Cricket Benefit Barometer’ Daily Mail, 21 June 1900. Image of a barometer showing gate receipts of benefits for different cricketers. 2nd top: Wagon Wheel diagram of Ranjitsinhji’s century at Lord’s the previous day, Morning Leader, 9 June 1899. 3rd top: Cartoon of kangaroos playing cricket. 4th top: ‘Wanted – A Cricketameter’ Daily Mail, 27 June 1899. Cartoon and description of a contraption where instead of making a run a batsman could press a button that would record his runs so would have to exert himself, Daily Mail, 27 June 1899. 5th top: Sketch of 4 people playing cricket. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of frogs playing cricket in the rain, Punch, 19 July 1879. Top-right: Sketch of a wicket-keeper taking a catch off W.G. Grace. 2nd right: Cartoon of a bowler with horns and a serpent tail, Ally Sloper, 22 June 1889. 3rd right: Cartoon of a batsman holding a bat in the air in front of a wicket, Scraps, 10 June 1899. 4th right: Small sketch of a country cricket match. 5th right: Cartoon of 2 children talking, one holds a bat, Colored Comic, 22 July 1899. 6th right: Cartoon of woman suing a beach ball for a ball, Ally Sloper, 24 April 1886. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a batsman getting hit on the head by a ball, Scraps, 10 June 1899.

Page 90: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of 3 cricketers walking by the boundary nets at Lord’s, [An experiment that failed – The Boundary Net at Lord’s, May, 1900], Sporting and Dramatic News, 15 June 1901. Middle-left: Reproduced print of a child batsman with a menacing look on his face, Rigmaroles and Nursery Rhymes by H. Miles. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a cat batsman with bandaged arm and head, by Louis Wain, The Captain, August 1901. Top-centre: Cartoon of a schoolboy and teacher, Daily Mail, 23 January 1902. 2nd top: Cartoon of ferocious Australian bowler and a small and nervous British batsman, Daily Mail, 5 February 1902. 3rd top: Cartoon showing outline of S.M.J. Barnes’ run up, Daily Mail, 2 February 1902. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of 2 batsmen running past each other, Daily Mail, 5 February 1902. Top-right: Reproduced print of Ranjitsinhji playing a leg glance, Sporting and Dramatic News, 22 June 1901. Middle-right: Reproduced print of a child batsman talking to an older bowler, Nister’s Holiday Annual, 1900. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a lion batsman, The Dandy Lion, 1900.

Page 91: Top row left to right: Sketch of a batsman getting bowled. Sketch of a batsman holding a bat in front of him: Sketch of a country cricket match. Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot. Sketch of a bowler mid-delivery. 2nd row: Sketch of a batsman getting bowled. Caricature of W.G. Grace with hands in pockets. Sketch of a bowler about to start delivery as batsman waits. Caricature of W.G. Grace with hands by his side. Sketch of a batsman playing a high ball. 3rd row: Sketch of a batsman standing in front of a wicket. Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot. Engraving of 2 school boy cricketers, one has cap in the air, the other puts his arm on his shoulder. Sketch of a batsman holding a bat by his side. Sketch of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot. 4th row: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at O Porto, Windsor Magazine, February 1899. Sketch of a batsman taking guard with face black out. Reproduced photograph of a cricket match in Montreal with Pavilion in background, Windsor Magazine, February 1899. 5th row: Caricature of a cricketer smoking a cigar and wearing a boater. Cartoon of a batsman with bat above his head, Ally Sloper, 28 August 1886. Engraving of a cricket match at Lord’s with tennis building to the left and Pavilion to the right, 1862. Cartoon of a boy holding a bat in the air, Judy, 18 June 1879. Sketch of a bowler mid-delivery. Bottom row: Sketch of a batsman getting bowled. Engraving of a schoolboy batting in uniform. Vignette of pads, glove, wickets and a net. Sketch of a wicket-keeper stumping a batsman.

Page 92: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of the First England Team in Australia, 71 Not Out by William Caffyn. Bottom-left: Head caricature of W.G. Grace, Rip Kricket Karikatures, 1899. Top-centre: ‘W.G.G. Born July 18 1848, “Not Out” 51. The Captain, May 1899. Illustration celebrating W.G. Grace’s fifty first birthday, includes a reproduction of a portrait, a drawing of his cricket case and 7 bowlers mid-delivery. Middle-centre: Reproduced photograph of a plate commemorating W.G. Grace’s century of centuries, W.G. Grace’s Cricket Reminiscenses, 1899. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Melbourne Cricket Ground, Country Life, 26 February 1898. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of the Surrey Eleven 1861-1862, 71 Not Out by William Caffyn. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a British batsman patting the head of Joe Darling, ‘Old J.B.: “I always doffed my cap to Billy Murdock’s ’82 team as the best I ever saw, but I think your boys are just a bit better, Joe.”’ Rip Kricket Karikatures, 1899.

Page 93: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of the 1899 Australian Team. Bottom-left: ‘Ford and the Kent Bowlers’ Rip Kricket Karikatures, 1899. Caricatures of F.G.J. Ford batting and Mason, Wright, Martin, Hearne and Bradley all scratching their heads. Top-centre: Reproduced group portrait photograph of the First All-England Eleven 1861-1862. Middle-centre: Cartoon of a batsman getting bowled in nets, Harmsworth Magazine, August 1900. Bottom-centre: ‘The “Cripples’ Picnic’ in Battersea Park, Sketch, 19 July 1899. Article with photograph on disabled boys of Ragged School Union playing a yearly cricket game. Top-right: Reproduced group portrait photograph of R.A. Fitzgerald’s Canadian, 1872. Bottom-right: Montage of comic sketches English cricketers, scenes include Fry missing out on a century and Pelham Warner and Hayman walking out to bat, C.B. Fry getting out for 98 and Ranjitsinhji hitting a century [copy of cartoon on page 44.] Rip Kricket Karikatures, 1899.

Page 94: All sketches and cartoons. Top row left to right: A batsman takes guard. A fielder is about to catch a ball. A batsman is picking up bat off the ground, Woburn Park School, 1883. A kangaroo and an emu hold a cricket bat. A wicket-keeper crouches behind stumps. A batsman takes guard. 2nd row: A batsman put his gloves on, bat tucked underarm. A batsman plays an aggressive forward shot. A batsman plays a leg glance. A figure with cricket bats for legs and rugby ball for body rides a back, Bat Ball and Wheel, 1898. A batsman plays a drive. A batsman plays a pull shot. A batsman walks with bat by side leg pad tucked underarm. An elderly batsman. 3rd row: An elderly batsman takes guard. Series of sketches of showing Young’s bowling action. An Indian batsman takes guard. 4th row: A batsman plays with bat the wrong way round. A batsman pokes a wicket-keeper in the face with toes of his bat. A batsman smokes. A batsman plays a hook shot. A group of children shout at boy ‘“The umpire can give his decision of ‘out’ or ‘not out’ without fear of favour.” – Daily Telegraph.’ Cricket, 13 April 1899. A batsman plays a ball of his legs, a batsman his hit in the forehead by a ball. A batsman picks up a stick as a balloon with a face flies by. 5th row: A figure leapfrogs a wicket. A fielder holds out hands to take a catch. A batsman holds out bat horizontally in front of him. A fielder holds out his hands to take a catch. A girl toddler takes guard. Bottom row: A batsman plays a defensive shot on his back foot. A ball hits batsman on knew roll of pad. A wicket-keeper attempts to run out W.G. Grace. Rear view of a batsman standing. A batsman takes guard at the crease.

Page 95: All sketches and cartoons. Left Column: Top: Reproduced photograph of the Eton Eleven in 1858, The Academy, 1 July 1899. A batsman is bowled. A batsman holds a large bat. Giant letters spelling MCC in a cricket ground, 1854. W.G. Grace with large hands out to catch a ball. A wicket-keeper looks on in direction of ball, batsman has taken a run. A batsman takes guard. A female batsman holds her kneel. Bottom: A wicket-keeper keeper in conquistador armour. Centre column: Top: Vignette of bats and wicket. 2 bats lie by a wicket. A bowler is about to complete his delivery to batsman. An old-style cricket match curved bats and stumpy figures. A country cricket match by a giant tree. Vignette of crossed bats with ball. ‘A Long Stop or a Fielder in Danger’ A fielder is hit in head by a ball, with a poem. ‘Lord’s as it Appeared Sixty Years Ago’ Echo, 27 April 1899. Bottom: A village cricket match in grounds of a mansion, A Cotswold Village by J. Gibbs, 1898. Right column: Top: Reproduced photograph of Australian Aboriginal Team, 1868, W.G. Cricket Reminiscenses. A batsman holds a bat up in the air read to strike ball. A cricket bat and ball inside an I. A country cricket match, 1827. ‘Young Australia.’ A toddler takes guard. Reproduced photograph of 2 batsman walking off field of play. A batsman puts weight on back foot to play a shot. An island native stands at the crease with head garment, wicket-keeper holds a shield. Bottom: ‘The Kay-Jay-Kay’ caricature of K.J. Kay as a bird.

Page 96: Top-left: Reproduce photograph of a batsman having just played a shot. 2nd left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman playing a cut shot. 3rd: left a batsman teaches a child how to stand at the crease. 4th left: Reproduced photograph of a young boy taking guard. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of W.G. Grace wearing whites with bat tucked underarm. Top-centre: Reproduced photograph of schoolgirls playing cricket, Girl’s Realm, September 1901. 2nd top: Reproduced engraving of a cricket match at Lord’s, 1840, Sporting and Dramatic News, 15 June 1901. 3rd top: Reproduced engraving of a batsman in top hat about to strike a low ball, Sporting and Dramatic News, 15 June 1901. 4th top: Reproduced photograph of a match at Lord’s in 1901, half-full Mound Stand in background. 5th top: Reproduced photograph of a match at Sussex County Cricket Ground 1901, with Brighton in background. Bottom-centre: Reproduced engraving of a cricket match at Lord’s as a batsman runs to make at the crease with ball reaching wicket-keeper, Sporting and Dramatic News, 22 June 1901. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of a wicket-keeper whipping off bails. 2nd right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman holding a bat up in the air about to strike a ball. 3rd right: Reproduced photograph of a boy taking guard. 4th right: Reproduced photograph of a boy taking guard. Bottom-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman standing at the crease with bat in the air, Sphere, 4 October 1901.

Page 97: Left and right: 6 caricatures of cricketers by Sol, Sun Comic, 1901. Top-centre: reproduced coloured print of a batsman taking guard with wicket-keeper behind. 2nd top: ‘’The Boy Who Beat the Record’ Sketch head portrait of A.E.J. Collins with 2 bats above him reading ‘628 not out’ Evening News, 28 June 1899. 3rd top: Cartoon of a small young child looking like a girl taking guard, ‘Imaginary portrait of Master Collins of Clifton arrived at after reading the evening papers last week. Mere child’s play – 628 not out.’ Punch, 12 July 1899. Bottom: Reproduced photographic portrait of A.E.J. Collins holding a bat by his side, Black and white, 8 July 1899. Report of match in which A.E.J. Collins scored 628, Daily Mail, 28 June 1899.

Page 98: Top-left: Cartoon of W.G. Grace kicking ball away with his pad, by Rip, Tales of the Stumps by Bleackley 1901. Middle-left: Cartoon of a Georgian cricket match with curved bat and 2-stump bails, Tales of the Stumps by Bleackley 1901. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a fielder with arms out to catch ball. Top-centre: Cut-out of bat, wicket and ball. Engraved head portrait of Ranjitsinhji. 3rd top: Cut-out of 2 bats leaning against a wicket with a ball. Bottom-centre: Scorecard for a Komik Kricket Match between Music Hall Artists (captained by Dan Leno) and Old English Team (captained by T.R. Dewar. Top-right: Cartoon of W.G. Grace pulling the collar of another batsman going into a pavilion, by Rip, Takes of the Stumps by Bleackley. Middle-right: Cartoon of a wicket-keeper taking his glove off in pain, by Rip, Tales of the Stumps by Bleackley 1901. Bottom-right: Cartoon of an imperious looking batsman.

Page 99: Top-left: Cartoon of women’s match against men, a female batsman is bowled, by Rip, Takes of the Stumps by Bleackley, 1901. Middle-left: Cartoon of a batsman with a leg pad wrapped around his body, Sporting and Dramatic News, 28 July 1887. Top-right: Cartoon of a male batsman hitting the ball over the head of female bowler, by Rip, Tales of the Stumps by Bleackley, 1901. Middle-right: Cartoon of a woman watching a man practice in nets, by Rip, Tales of the Stumps by Bleackley, 1901. Top: 11 series cartoon of W.G. Grace coming to the crease, gets bowled and trudges off, Evening News, 1 July 1898. Bottom: ‘The First and Last Matches in England.’ Sporting and Dramatic News, 15 June 1901. 2 montages of sketches of England vs. Australia matches on the left is England defeating Australia by 5 wickets at the Oval in 1880. On the right a drawn match at the Oval in 1899.

Page 100: Top-left: Cartoon of 2 kangaroos standing by a wicket, Strand Magazine, August 1902. 2nd left: Cartoon of 2 batsman, one is wearing a blazer with stars on it, ‘”Guess it was the American invasion, John, set you thinking of wider wickets, eh?”’ Evening News Annual, 1903. 3rd left: Sketch of a batsman swinging bat behind his body. 4th left: Cartoon of a batsman wearing half cricket clothing and half a football kit. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman wearing a wrapped bat and cricket ball as figure behind does up his laces. Top-centre: Cartoon of a little demon perching on W.G. Grace’s shoulder pouring water on a little boy covering himself with ‘Australia’ on his bat, Adelaide Quiz, 1 April 1902. Middle-centre: ‘The Cricket Match at Cheltenham’ Sporting and Dramatic News, 31 August 1878. Sketch of gentlemen watching a cricket match from a tent. Bottom-centre: Sketch of a cricket match at Lord’s, Grand Stand to the left, spectators stand around playing area. Top-right: Cartoon of E. Dowson getting hit in the head by a ball and falling on his wicket in 1801, Royal Magazine, June 1902. 2nd right: Cartoon of Bobby Abel and Tom Hayward wearing woollen sweaters, ‘“I don’t like beginning so near Easter Tom, it suggests eggs.”’ Evening News Annual, 1903. 3rd right: Sketch of a batsman standing in cricket nets. 4th right: Sketch of a batsman walking wearing blazer and boater carrying a cricket bag. Bottom-right: Caricature of a batsman holding bat by side and hand in pocket.

Page 101: Left Column: Reproduced photograph of a batsman a taking guard with a tree behind wicket. Reproduce print of ‘A Match Played for 500 Guineas at Swaffham, 1797, Strand Magazine, July 1903. Reproduced photograph of a young batsman taking guard. Reproduced photograph of a village cricket match. Reproduced photograph of a batsman standing at the crease. Reproduced photograph of a bowler standing by a wicket. Reproduced photograph of a Yorkshireman batsman playing a defensive shot. Reproduced photograph of an Australian batsman playing a defensive shot. Top-centre: Sketch of a wicket-keeper taking a stumping. Sketch of a country cricket match. 3rd top: Sketch of a country cricket match. Reproduced coloured print of a wicket-keeper crouching behind stumps. Original sketch of 3 figures playing cricket. Reproduced photograph of a batsman taking guard. Sketch of a cricketer with bat tucked underarm. Reproduced photograph of a bowler mid-delivery. Crest of Worcestershire County Cricket Club. Sketch of a batsman taking guard, Bottom-centre: Small sketch of a batsman taking guard. Right column: Reproduced photograph of a bowler mi-delivery in a photographer’s studio. Reproduced print of a one-legged vs. a one-armed match at Walworth in 1796, Strand Magazine, July 1903. Sketch of schoolboys holding bats and standing in a street. Reproduced photograph W.G. Grace walking with bat by his side. Reproduced photograph of a batsman taking guard. Reproduced photograph of a bowler standing by a wicket. Reproduced photograph of W.G. Grace bowling mid-delivery. Reproduced photograph of a Middlesex wicket-keeper holding a ball in hands behind wicket. Reproduced photograph of a Yorkshire bowler mid-delivery.

Page 102: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman with a wide bat covering whole wicket. Middle-left: Cartoon of a batsman holding a broken bat, Comical Cricket, 1893. Bottom-left: Silhouette of a bowler mid-delivery, Cricket ABC, 1903. Left of top-centre: Reproduced photograph of a cricketer in a blazer with bat by his side. Top-centre: Cartoon of a fielder with very long legs. Right of top-centre: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. 2nd top: Sketch of a figure with curved hat and bat leaning against back legs spelling out an R about to catch a ball. 3rd top: Silhouette of a figure with to hat and holding a bat. 4th top: Sketch of schoolmasters playing cricket. 5th top: Small reproduced photograph of a cricket match. 6th top: Cartoon of little monkeys playing cricket. Sketch of a wicket-keeper about to take a high catch. Bottom-centre: Sketches of Alfred Mynn and W.G. Grace, Leader Annual, 1903. Top-right: Caricature of a batsman taking guard. Middle-right: Cartoon of a batsman playing a ball by his legs, a bird rests on wicket, Comical Cricket, 1893. Bottom-right: Silhouette of a fielder with arms out to catch a ball.

Page 103: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman holding a bat by his side. 2nd left: Silhouette of a bowler mid-delivery, Cricket ABC, 1903. 3rd left: Silhouette of a batsman sliding to make the crease, Cricket ABC, 1903. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a batsman getting bowled. Left of top-centre: Head portrait of W.G. Grace in bat and ball frame and a vignette of bats, wicket and ball. Top-centre: Cartoon of a portly cricketer carrying a bat on shoulder and stumps underarm. Right of top-centre: Head portrait of Ranjitsinhji in bat and ball frame and a vignette of bats, wicket and ball. 2nd top: Caricature of a batsman at end of playing a shot. 3rd top: Engraving of 3 young boys playing cricket. 4th top: Sketch of a batsman standing nonchalantly with bat by his side and hand on waist. 5th top: Cartoon of a fielder contorting his body into an awkward position to catch a ball. Bottom-centre: reproduced print of a cricket match on Goodwin Sand in April, 1854, Strand Magazine, 1903. Top-right: Cartoon of a figure with half a cricket kit and half England football kit. 2nd right: Silhouette of a batsman playing off his back foot. 3rd right: Silhouette of a fielder with arms out in ready stance. Bottom-right: Reproduced photograph of Stonyhurst Cricket, with a circular bottomed bat and stone for a wicket.

Page 104: Top-left: Silhouette of a batsman standing at the crease with bat in air, Cricket ABC, 1903. Middle-left: Carton of a schoolboy batsman about to strike a ball, by Thomas Donnison. Bottom-left: Silhouette of a fielder holding arm in air to catch a ball, Cricket ABC, 1903. Top-centre: ‘Some Attitudes in Cricket’ Pure Fun for Boys of All Sizes. Montage of comic sketches of batsmen and fielders. Bottom-centre: ‘During the Interval’ Punch, 3 June 103. Cartoon of Joseph Chamberlain and Arthur Balfour by steps to a clubhouse ‘Right Hun. J. Chamberlain. “I say, Arthur, don’t you think we might declare our innings now closed now?” Right. Hon. Arthur Balfour “O, fielding’s such a bore. Let’s lose a few more wicket’s first!” Top-right: Silhouette of a batsman holding bat high in the air, Cricket ABC, 1903. Middle-right: Cartoon of a schoolboy batsman getting bowled, by Thomas Donnison. Bottom-right: Silhouette of a fielder about to pick up a low ball, Cricket ABC, 1903.

Page 105. Top-left: Reproduced photograph of Len Braund taking guard. Middle-left: Reproduced photograph of Tom Hayward taking guard. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of George Simpson-Hayward bowling underarm. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of Bernard Bosanquet taking guard. Middle-right: Reproduced photograph of George Hirst mid-delivery. Reproduced photograph of Herbert Strudwick crouching behind a wicket. Top-centre: ‘Cricket in the Zoological World’ by Thomas Donnison’ Pure Fun for Boys of All Sizes. Cartoon of animals playing a cricket match. Bottom-centre: ‘Cricket in the School World’ by Thomas Donnison, Boy’s Own Paper. Cartoon of a schoolboy cricket match.

Page 106: Top row left to right: Cartoon of a nervous schoolboy batsman, by Thomas Donnison. Silhouette of a batsman walking out of a pavilion, Cricket ABC, 1903. Caricature of W.G. Grace, Adelaide Quiz, 1 April 1892. Silhouettes of a batsman and a boy, Cricket ABC, 1903. Cartoon of a schoolboy wicket-keeper. 2nd row: Reproduced photograph of a match at Lord’s with half-filled Mound Stand. 3 small reproduced photographs of a bowler mid-delivery, wicket-keeper crouching behind stumps and a cricketer with ball in hand. Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Melbourne. 3rd row: Cartoon of a fat fielder at point ‘A material point.’ Reproduced photograph of a batsman taking guard. ‘Modern Batting’ Punch, 23 July 1902. Cartoon of a batsman playing the ball with his pads, ‘One reason why the University Match is so exhilarating. Mr. Punch says “Take away either his bat or his pads, if he doesn’t use them properly.” Reproduced photograph of a batsman taking guard. Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot with wicket-keeper behind.

Page 107: Left column: Engraved print of a batsman taking guard. Engraved print of a batsman taking guard. Engraved print of a batsman holding bat up in a defensive shot. Cartoon of an All-England bowler. Engraved print of a batsman taking guard with no wicket behind. Small engraved print of a batsman taking guard, no wicket. Reproduced photograph of a teenage batsman taking guard. Cartoon of a sulking boy batsman. Sketch of a batsman playing a straight defensive shot. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of W.G. Grace bowling mid-delivery. Centre-column: Small engraved print of a batsman taking guard. 2nd top: Cartoon of a player wearing half a cricket and half a football kit. 3rd top: Small Cartoon of a batsman and fielder, Pictorial Grammar by Crowquill, 1874. 4th top: Sketch of a country cricket match. 5th top: A bowler a top hat bowls underarm. 6th top: Engraving of a country cricket match in front of a large tree. 7th top: Sketch of a bower bowling at a batsman in a match with stand in background. Bottom: Engraving of an old country cricket match with players wearing top hats. Right column: Engraved print of a round-arm bowler. Small engraved print of a cricketer holding hands to his chest. Engraved print of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Cartoon of a country batsman in a checked shirt. Engraved print of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot. Vignette of bats, wicket and ball. Reproduce photograph of a teenage batsman taking guard. Cartoon of a boy resting a bat on is shoulder. Bottom: Engraving of a batsman taking guard. Reproduced photograph of playing a shot in nets.

Page 108: Top-left and top-right: 8 small sketches of scenes of a cricket match, including batsmen getting bowled, batsmen plays shot and batsmen running. Middle-left: Caricature of Johnny Briggs bowling at the top of his delivery, Royal Magazine, August 1901. Middle-right: Caricature of Albert Trott batting, Royal Magazine, August 1901. Left and right of centre: 2 photographs of schoolboy bowler’s mid-delivery. Middle-centre: 7 reproduced photographs of a cricket match played on ice at Davos Platz, Royal Magazine, and December 1902. Bottom-left: 2 reproduced photographs of young batsmen taking guard, a large gothic building in background in one of them. Bottom-right: 2 reproduced photographs of a batsman taking guard and bowler mid-delivery. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match played on ice at Sheffield Park, Cricket of Today and Yesterday, 1902.

Page 109: Large engraving of the Oval pavilion with spectators and cricketers standing in front of it, British Architect, 14 May 1897.

Page 110: Top-left: Caricature of Alfred Lyttelton, ‘Alfred Lyttelton takes the (Colonial) Wicket. (Vice Joe retired.) Punch, 14 October 1903. 2nd left: Reproduced photograph of a bowler at the top of his delivery. Top-centre: Cut-out of a batsman taking guard. 2nd right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman taking guard at practice. Top-right: Caricature Lord Harris standing by a wicket, ball in and arm by his side, ‘”Talk about bowling slows.” (Lord H-rr-s)’ Punch, 8 July 1903. Bottom: Large engraving of the pavilion at Headingley with stand next to hit, spectators take part in perambulation, British Architect, 13 June 1890.

Page 111: Left column: Caricatures of W.G. Grace and a smaller older cricketer. Cartoon of a black cat batting, taking guard, by Louis Wain. Reproduced photograph of a female batsman in a dress, talking guard. 2 cut-outs of Wisden cricket bats. Cartoon of a player wearing half a cricket kit and half a football kit. Coloured print of a batsman taking guard. Cut-out of W.G. Grace with bat swung behind his head. Centre column: Top-centre: Vignette of crossed bats and wicket. 2nd top: Crest of Melbourne Cricket Club. 3rd top: Cut-out of coloured vignette of crossed bats and wicket with cap on top. 4th top: Reproduce photographic head portrait of Johnny Briggs, 1902. 5th top: Reproduced photograph of a young girl with child bat and wicket. 6th top: Reproduced coloured print caricature of W.G. Grace sitting down with bat in front of him. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of Dan Leno in a clown outfit, batting with a giant bat. Right column: Cartoon of a batsman placing his foot on a bench. Cartoon of boy batsman and wicket keeper with both in sailor clothing. Reproduced photograph of an Australian photograph taking guard. Reproduce photograph of a female batsman taking guard in front of a wicket. 2 cut-outs of Wisden cricket bats. Coloured print of a wicket-keeper about to take a ball which has gone through a wicket. Cut-out of a highwayman wearing pads, with bat tucked underarm and aiming a gun at someone.

Page 112: 18 cut-outs of reproduced drawings of Wisden cricket bats.

Page 13: Accounts and reports of notable cricket matches, feats and events. 1) A missile shell landed by a railway station where a staff match was taking place, the bowler during delivery died, the ball remained in hand, Cricket, 1900. 2) Curiosity of the average of a Reverend A.P. Wickham who had an average of 22.66 despite only having a highest score of 19, Cricket, 8 September 1898. 3) Amusing rules of the Veterans Club of Toronto., Cricket, 22 February 1900. 4) A ball hit the heel of a batsman so hard the foot recoiled and hit the wicket, Sportsman, 26 July 1899. 5) A batsman hit a ball so hard he broke the parasol of a female spectator, Pearson Athletic Record, July 1897. 6) Calculation that George Ulyett travelled 258,000 miles in his career, Tit Bits, 1899. 7) At a match in Hampshire got stuck up a drainpipe, Cricket, 14 May 1896. 8) A middle-stump was removed and travelled, Talks with Old Yorkshire Cricketer, 1898. 9) Account of George Ulyett playing a series of village matches where each time the stakes were increased, Tales with Old Yorkshire Cricketers, 1898. 10) A court case between Birmingham and Warwick Cricket Clubs over Warwick fielding a play from Leamington, 1833. 11) A village match in Samoa which had gone for 3 months, Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette, 24 January 1898. 12) In a match between New South Wales and South Australia 10 new balls were needed due to condition of the ground. 13) In a match at Albert Park, Melbourne, a middle-stump was removed span twice in the air and stuck upright in the ground again, later as result of the same bowler the wicket-keeper was hit on the left eye and right ear by bails, a stump struck him on the thigh, another stump on the wrist and his chin was hit by the ball, Cricket, 23 March 1899. 14) Boys in Otago, New Zealand, kept hitting balls into a neighbour’s garden, after she threatened to burn the next ball. The boys laced some gunpowder inside, thankfully no accidents occurred when the ball was placed in a fire, Australian Cricket, 10 December 1896. 15) Reproduced advertisement for a cricket match on Hartham Mead between Non-commissioned Officer of the Hertford Volunteers on 11 September 1804. 16) Customs of the village of Bartley, which includes some families inter-marrying to create top breed of cricketers, a visiting team depositing a sovereign to guarantee their turning up to a match and a Married vs. Singles ladies match, 1862. 17) Reference to a cricket field appearing in Clerkenwell Parish Book in 1668, Cricket, 20 April 1899. 18) At a match in Sri Lanka a fielder was wearing a high crown, which the ball had landed on without him initially knowing, Cricket, 26 January 1899. 19) A willow tree planted in 1835 was felled and measured 101ft long an 5 ¾ft wide, it produced 1179 cricket bats, Sportsman, 22 April 1899. 20) A Mr. Bowyer died ages 90 and was buried with a cricket bat screwed onto the lid of his coffin, Tit Bits, 13 May 1899.

Page 114: Scores of cricket matches. 1) Score of Eleven Daft’s vs. Skegness in 1882, the match was drawn but Richard Daft scored 103, Cricket, 26 July, 1900. 2) Eleven Hornby’s defeated Knowsley Hall, Sportsman, 27 July 1898. 3) Tied match between Brighton Grammar School and Brighton Brunswick Juniors, Cricket, 3 May 1900. 4) XI Le May’s defeated Mr. Angus’s XI, Cricket, 17 August 1899. 5) Drawn match between Kirbymoorside and Eleven Franks, Cricket, 22 September 1898. 6) Rockley House School all out for 0, Cricket, 16 June 1898. 7) A match between Bicton and Honiton where a wicket was not taken, Devon and Exeter Gazette, 18 August 1900. 8) Match between Melbourne University and Essendon in Australia, Melbourne scored a total of 1094, Wisden Almanack, 1899. 9) Single wicket match between Five of Kent and 5 of Sussex, every batsman scored 0. 10) Clarke’s House vs. North Town, A.E.J. Collins scoring 28 runs, J. Lillywhite Annual, 1900. Appleby scoring a total of 0 in first innings, J. Lillywhite Cricket Annual, 1900. 11) Plaintiffs defeating Defendants in a match at Dripping Pan, Lewes, Wisden Almanack, 1900. 12) Match between Royal Munster Fusiliers and Tenby, all 4 innings was a total of 51. 13) In a match between Mr. Low’s Eleven and Wellesbourne both teams scored 172 in first innings and 110 in the second, Standard, 23 July 1898. 14) Harraway Family defeated Pollard’s Opera Company at a match in Carisbrook, New Zealand, Cricket, 4 May 1899. 15) In only innings New South Wales scored total of 839 (Trumper contributing 292), Tasmania could only reply with 130 and 222, Cricket, 26 January 1899. 16) In only innings Surrey scored total of 811, Somerset replied with 214 and 198, Cricket, 1 June 1899.

Page 115: Scores and accounts of cricket matches. 1) Family matches between XI of Hemsley Family and Isfield in Sussex and Backwell House (XI Robinsons) and Clifton), Cricket, 15 August 1901. 2) Royal Marines defeated a team of Half-Hours, so called because it took half an hour to get the team together, Western Daily News, 20 August 1901. 3) G.A. Ring’s Xi defeated Eleven Lovell’s, Cricket, 4 July 1901. 4) Story of a cricket match at Fenner’s where a fielder was walking slowly with hands behind is back, the bowler being impatient bowled and the batsman straight into the fielders hands, Cricket, 25 July 1901. 5) Account of a ram swallowing a cricket ball in a match between Worcestershire and Brecknockshire, Cricket, 2 June 1897. 6) Account of a bowler claiming he bowled so fats he took part of a batsman’s moustache off, Cricket, 2 June 1897. 7) A match between 2 Parsee teams was called off due to waterlogged pitch, attempts were made to clear it with fire engines, Cricket, 10 August 1899. 8) Score of a match where New South Wales reached a total of 918 against South Australia, Cricket, 28 February 1901. 9) Score of 2 cricket matches between Backwell House (XI Robinsons) and Flax Bourton, 29 August 1901. 10) Score of a cricket match in Madras where Ladies scored 134 against the Gentlemen’s 34, Lady E. Lygon retied weary, Cricket, 18 April 1901. 11) Score of a cricket match between XI of Groom Family and XI of Gardom Family in Hunstanton, Cricket, 12 September 1901.

Page 116: Scores and accounts of cricket matches. 1) Score of cricket match of Pembury defeating Eleven Le Mays, Cricket, 16 July 1903. 2) Score of cricket match between Eleven Newhalls and Baltimore in Philadelphia, Cricket, 4 September 1902. 3) Story of an Eton schoolboy being given 40 cricket bats from schoolmates and Old-Etonians, he kept them in his room before giving half away, keeping the best. 4) Score of cricket match between Winchester and Eton with Eton winning by an innings and 194 runs [previous story possibly goes with match] Memories of Eton, 1899. 5) Story of 2 butchers playing a cricket match on Tothill-fields, Westminster, wickets were placed each side of large piece of water 24 yards apart and played naked in the water, Waghorn Scores, 1899. 6) ‘The Game That Grace Played’ Melbourne Punch, 25 December 1873. Satirical verse about W.G. Grace getting paid to play cricket and the wide professionalism issue. 7) Story of a bowler bowling on mating where it hit a spike and bounced back towards him, Cricket, 17 July 1902. 8) Story of a cricket match played on the bank of the River Mersey in Corby, they managed 4 innings before the tide stopped the match, Cricket, 17 July 1902. 9) An amusing story about Alresford Players form 1812, a game between Alresford and Droxford was called off, being in losing position Alresford refuse to complete match, after receiving criticism they decide to stop playing a cricket and do an auction to raise money for 11 washerwoman, lots included standard cricket equipment and clothing, the resignation of the 11 men, collection of sighs and regrets, collection of jokes, register of bad debts and future humiliations, embarrassing remembrances and bitter reflections, Cricket, 30 April 1903. 10) At a cricket match in France a gendarme was fielding near the umpire at bowlers end and kept warning bowlers for bowling too fats, Illustrated London News, 7 October 1865. 11) Score of cricket match between Eleven Newhalls and Baltimore played at Mount Washington, 19 December 1901. 12) Score of cricket match between Eleven Gentlemen of Godalming and District and Twelve Caesars at Godalming in 1850, Cricket, 12 December 1902. 13) Score of a cricket match between Canterbury and Isle of Thanet, Waghorn Scores, 1899. 14) Score of cricket match between Bethersden and Ashford played at Bethersden in 1771, Waghorn Scores, 1899.

Page 117: Left and right: 8 caricatures of cricketers by Sol, Sun Comic 1901. Top-centre: Cartoon of a wicket-keeper in odd clothing. Bottom-centre: ‘The Australian Excursion’ Athletic News, 10 May 1901. Cartoon of Archie MacLaren pointing at an old lady with ‘MCC’ on her dress, ‘Archie: “Oh! I daresay we can manage to take care of ourselves without old mother MCC.”’ ‘The End’ with a skull and crossed-bones.
George Robert Canning Harris
John McCarthy Blackham
Thomas Mycroft
Robert Allan Fitzgerald
William Gilbert Grace
Alfred Bryan
Badminton Magazine
William Lambert
Vanity Fair
Phil May
Daily Graphic
I Zingari
John Loraine Baldwin
Sir Spencer Cecil Brabazon Ponsonby-Fane
Albert Craig
Kumar Shri Ranjitsinhji
Sydney Higham
Illustrated London News
Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News
Thomas Box
George Griffith
Eton College
Alfred Lubbock
Roland Pretty Hill
Clifton College
Orleans Club
Thomas Richardson
Kingsmill James Key
Evening News
Martin Bladen Hawke
Australian Cricket Team
Robert Abel
Samuel Moses James Woods
Hugh Trumble
Victor Thomas Trumper
Joseph Darling
James Joseph Kelly
John Worrall
Henry Donnan
Charles Lucas Townsend
John Thomas Hearne
Albert Edwin Trott
John Briggs
William Peter Howell
Tom Summerhayes Warne
Thomas Edward Donnison
Gilbert Laird Jessop
George Alfred Lohmann
Ally Sloper
William Lloyd Murdoch
Melbourne Punch
Major Wardill
George Robert Canning Harris
James Edward Gooden
Gregor MacGregor
Dan Leno
Thomas Walter Hayward
William Henry Lockwood
Boy's Own Paper Office
Francis Gilbertson Justice Ford
Arthur Edward Jeune Collins
Alfred Mynn
Stonyhurst Association
Bernard James Tindall Bosanquet
George Herbert Hirst
Herbert Strudwick
George Hayward Thomas Simpson-Hayward
Leonard Charles Braund
Alfred Lyttelton
Albert Neilson Hornby
Woburn Park School
19th century cricket, 19th century cricketers, caricatures and cartoons, animals, engraving, Professionalism, amateurs and professionals, Curiosities, spectators, cricket poetry, cricket in Burma, pitches, Winchester college cricket, Kennington Oval, Australia in England 1899, cricket in South Africa, cricket in New Zealand, cricket in Fiji, Eton vs Harrow, Lord's Cricket Ground, Sheffield Park, Lord Harris's XI in Australia 1878-1879, England in Australia 1901-1902, cricket in Sudan, cricket in France, Paris, France, R A Fitzgerald's XI in North America 1872, cricket in Egypt, Gentlemen vs. Players, Ashes, county cricket, Australia in England 1878, school cricket, clown cricketers, women's cricket, children's cricket, accidents, injuries, Aboriginal cricket, private clubs, benefits, England in Australia 1861-1862, disabled cricket, Headingley (Leeds), family teams
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