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Cricket Life 1898

1898-01-01 - 1898-12-31
Level of description
1 scrapbook
Part of
Alfred L Ford Scrapbooks (FORD)
Scope and Content
Scrapbook contains cut-outs of cricketing figures such as caricatures and playing matches, cartoons, engravings of cricket matches, reproduced photographic portraits, engraved portraits, caricatures of cricketers, crests of cricket teams

Page 1: Cricket Life 1898: Top: Engraving of a batsman at the top of his backlift with bat in the air, by S.T. Dadd, Sporting and Dramatic News, 22 June 1901. Bottom: 2 reproduced photographs of a batsman playing a pull shot and forward defensive shot.

Page 2: Top: Cut-outs of cricketers forming a cricket match as batsman is run out. Bottom: Cut-outs of cricketers forming a cricket scene as batsman on strike takes his guard.

Page 3: ‘Cape Cricket.’ The Idler, 18 June 1893. Cut-outs of racist stereotypes playing cricket and one of goats eating at a wicket. [THIS IS RACIALLY SENSITIVE]

Page 4: ‘An Angelic Game.’ Cut-outs of cherubs playing a cricket match.

Page 5: ‘A Scratch Match.’ Cut-outs of figures playing a cricket match, batsmen stand at the crease as fielder bends down to pick up a ball.

Page 6: ‘A Dark Team.’ Cut-outs of silhouetted figures playing a cricket match as bowler is mid-delivery.

Page 7: ‘A Weak Team.’ Cut-outs of stick figures playing a cricket match, batsmen run between wickets as a fielder goes to catch the ball.

Page 8: ‘A Dark Team.’ Cut-outs of silhouetted figures playing a cricket match, batsman on strike has hand up stop bowlers run-up.

Page 9: ‘A Skeleton Team.’ Cut-outs of skeleton figures playing a cricket match, as a batsman is run out.

Page 10: ‘Attitudes of Wicket-Keepers.’ Cut-outs of 25 wicket-keepers in different poses, such as crouching behind stumps, stumping batsmen and taking catches, includes one reproduced photograph.

Page 11: ‘Attitudes of Wicket-Keepers.’ Cut-outs of 32 wicket-keepers in different poses, such as crouching behind stumps, stumping batsmen and taking catches, includes 6 reproduced photographs.

Page 12: ‘Attitudes of Fielders.’ Cut-outs of 15 fielders, including 2 of W.G. Grace, in different poses such as standing in the outfield, taking catches and chasing balls.

Page 13: Cut-outs of 8 batsmen, 3 bowlers and 4 fielders, including 6 of W.G. Grace standing at the crease and playing strokes.

Page 14: ‘Attitudes of Batsmen.’ Cut-outs of 15 batsmen in different poses such as taking guard, at top of backswing and getting bowled.

Page 15: ‘Attitudes of Players.’ Cut-outs of 11 batsmen and 12 fielders in different poses, such as waiting in the outfield, taking catches, batsmen taking guard and playing strokes, includes 3 women batsmen.

Page 16: ‘Attitudes of Players.’ Cut-outs of 8 scenes of children playing cricket such as batsmen playing strokes and running for the crease, page also includes 3 cut-outs of adult fielders chasing balls.

Page 17: ‘Attitudes of Players.’ Cut-outs of 6 batsmen in different poses such as taking guard and resting bat on shoulder, and 2 cut-outs of fielders, one chases a ball and the other has hat over his head.

Page 18: Top: Sketch of a bowler mid-delivery, Daily Chronicle, 27 May 1898. Bottom: Sketch of a batsman playing a sweep shot, Daily Chronicle, 27 May 1895. Page also includes various cut-outs of batsmen and fielders including children.

Page 19: Cut-outs of 17 caricatures of batsmen, bowlers and fielders.

Page 20: Top-left and top-right: 8 cut-outs of batsmen, bowlers and fielders. Centre: 5 vignettes of bats, balls and stumps. Bottom-left: Reproduced signature of Billy Murdoch by bat, wickets, ball and pads. Bottom-right: Signature of Lord Harris above a bat, ball, stumps and pads.

Page 21: 5 birds-eye views of cricket-matches with all fielders fielding relatively close in, 1868.

Page 22: 5 engraved sketches of batsmen taking guard and playing strokes, engraved sketch of a round-arm bowler, engraved sketch of a wicket keeper.

Page 23: Top: Engraved sketch of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Middle: Reproduced photograph of 3 schoolboy batsmen posing for the photographer at Clifton College, August, 1894. Bottom-left: Engraved sketch of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot. Bottom-right: Engraved sketch of a wicket-keeper crouching behind stumps.

Page 24: 5 sketches of batsmen playing strokes one standing straight with bat by his side, 4 sketches of bowlers running in and mid-delivery, 2 sketches of fielders bending low to stop a ball.

Page 25: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Bottom-left: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. Top-centre: Sketch of Alfred Mynn bowling round-arm. Middle-bottom: Sketch of Fuller Pilch taking guard. Top-right: Sketch of a fielder bending over forward to pick up a ball. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard.

Page 26: 10 engraved sketches. Top-left: A batsman holds bat up about to strike a ball. Middle-left: A batsman plays a forward defensive shot. Bottom-left: A batsman holds his bat up high in the air about to strike the ball. Top-centre: A batsman holds his bat behind his head. 2nd top: A batsman plays a forward defensive shot. 3rd top: A batsman holds a bat far back to play an aggressive backward shot. Bottom: A batsman plays a defensive shot. Top-right: An All-England bowler mid-delivery. Middle-right: A batsman plays a forward defensive shot. Bottom-right: An All-England batsman takes guard.

Page 27: 10 engraved sketches: Top-left: A round-arm bowler, Cricket. Badminton Library, 1898. Middle-left: Caricature of Fred Spofforth holding a ball in both hands. Bottom-right: A batsman has his back to bowler and is hit by the ball on his lower back, Cricket. Badminton Library, 1898. Top-centre: A batsman asks for his guard from the umpire, Cricket. Badminton Library, 1898. 2nd top: A bowler is mid-run up, Cricket. Badminton Library, 1898. 3rd top: A batsman plays a forward defensive shot. Bottom: A batsman is about to play a backward shot. Top-right: A round-arm bowler mid-delivery, Cricket. Badminton Library, 1898. Middle-right: Caricature of Alex Bannerman at the crease, 1884. Bottom-right: A batsman pads a ball away, Cricket. Badminton Library, 1898.

Page 28: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of a cricketer holding hands in front of body to take a catch. Middle-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman placing his foot forward and bat raised in the air. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of a cricketer with arms by his side. Top-centre: Sketch of a batsman taking guard. 2nd top: Sketch of a boy playing with a miniature bat and ball. 3rd top: Engraving of 2 batsmen in conversation, taken from the picture of ‘The Soldier’s Widow’ (1800). Strand Magazine, 1895. Bottom: Sketch of a girl with a paddle bat. Top-right: Sketch of a fielder with hands out wide to catch a ball. Middle-right: A batsman has bat up in the air to play a stroke. Bottom-right: A cricketer crouches low as if waiting for a ball.

Page 29: Top-left: Engraved sketch of a cricketer in smart clothing holding a ball. Middle-left: Caricature of rear view of a cricketer. Bottom-left: Cut-out of a bowler with ball by his side. Top-centre: ‘The Good Old Days.’ Cricket, 13 April 1893. Engraving of a batsman in a top hat taking guard. Bottom-centre: Engraved sketch of a batsman at the crease holding his bat in the air side-on to body. Top-right: Engraved sketch of a batsman wearing a cravat and top hat taking guard. Middle-right: Caricature of a batsman with a large leg stride. Bottom-right: Cut-out of a batsman resting his bat on his shoulder.

Page 30: Left: Engraving of William Lillywhite holding a ball in both hands. Middle: Engraving of Fuller Pilch resting a bat on his shoulder. Right: Reproduced engraving of Alfred Mynn bowling round-arm. All three from Sportsman Magazine, 1845.

Page 31: Top-left: Engraving of E.M. Grace sitting down with hands on lap, Cassell Magazine, 1893. Top-centre: Sketch of a cricketer in a vertically striped shirt and holding a ball. Top-right: Engraving of W.G. Grace sitting down and reading something, Cassell Magazine, 1893. Bottom: Engraving from a sketch of John Lillywhite, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 31 October 1874.

Page 32: Top-left: Sketch of a fielder stretching his arm out to take a catch. Middle-left: Sketch of a bearded batsman taking step forward with bat raised in the air. Bottom-left: Cut-out of a batsman with his bat raised in the air. Top-centre: ‘One of the Olden Time’ Sketch of a batsman in Stuart-period style cricket clothing, 1855. Middle-centre: ‘One of the Modern Time’ Sketch of a batsman dressed in mid-nineteenth century style clothing, 1855. Bottom-centre: ‘Some of the Modern Time’ Sketch of a bowler and batsman with fielder in background, they wear odd hats, 1855. Top-right: Engraving of a batsman asking for his guard. Middle-right: Engraving of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot. Bottom-right: Cut-out of a batsman with bat raised.

Page 33: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Middle-left: Sketch of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot. Bottom-left: Sketch of a round-arm bowler. Top-centre: Engraved portrait of Robert Grimston, English Illustrated Magazine, June 1891. Middle-centre: Sketch of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot. Bottom-centre: Engraved portrait of Fred Miller wearing a striped shirt and holding a ball in both hands, English Illustrated Magazine, June 1891. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Middle-right: Sketch of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman holding a bat by his side.

Page 34: Top-left: Engraving of E.M. Grace standing in front of a wicket holding a bat by his side, 1863. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of Thomas Hayward and Robert Carpenter in All-England shirts, holding bats by their sides and wearing bowler hats. Top-centre: Vignette of balls and stumps. Bottom-centre: Engraving of Heathfield Stephenson and William Caffyn standing side by side, Stephenson has his hand on Caffyn’s shoulder who holds a bat. Top-right: Engraving of William Lillywhite holding a ball in one hand and wearing a top hat. Bottom-right: Reproduced photograph of Richard Daft and George Parr standing side by side in cricket whites and holding bats, 1846.

Page 35: Top-left: Cartoon of K.J. Key and H.G. Owen by Rip. ‘K.J.K to H.G.O “You have got some clever boys and if you can beat us I don’t see who is to beat you.”’ Evening News, 18 May 1898. Middle-left: Reproduced photographic head portrait of Stanley Scott, Sporting and Dramatic News, 16 July 1892. Bottom-left: Cartoon of a fielder looking up to catch a high ball, Crickety Cricket by Moffat, 1898. Top-centre: Cartoon of W.G. Grace looking triumphant by Rip, Evening News, July 1898. Middle-centre: Cartoon of W.G. Grace by Rip ’”50 years of age and I feel 25”’ Evening News Cricket Annual, 1898. Bottom-centre: Engraved head and chest portrait of W.G. Grace, Crickety Cricket by Moffat. Top-right: Cartoon of W.G. Grace and K.J. Key by Rip, ‘W.G.: “You have been in the wet Key.” K.J.K. “Yes it seems to follow me about.”’ Evening News, 26 May 1898. Middle-right: Reproduced photographic head portrait of T.C. O’Brien, Sporting and Dramatic News, 16 July 1892. Bottom-right: Cartoon of W.G. Grace putting on a sweater, Crickety Cricket by Moffat, 1898.

Page 36: Top-left: Cartoon of W.G. Grace moving sawdust with is bat. Middle-left: Caricature of W.G. Grace ‘You will run up long scores, and never trouble yourself about wiping them out.’ Bottom-left: Reproduced photographic portrait of William Attewell wearing a sweater and cap, Sporting and Dramatic News, 25 June 1892. Top-centre: Sketch of Ranjitsinhji, 1898. 2nd top: Cartoon of A.E. Stoddart looking angry and smoking a pipe ‘Says he found the Australians deuced indigestible.’ Moonshine, 5 March 1898. 3rd top: Reproduced photograph of John Blackham crouching behind stumps, 1894. Bottom: Engraved portrait of John Baldwin, Illustrated London News, 5 December 1896. Top-right: Cartoon of W.G. Grace bowling. Middle-right: Engraved sketch of W.G. Grace at the crease waiting for ball. Bottom-right: Reproduced photographic portrait of Mordecai Sherwin seated in cricket whites and cap, Sporting and Dramatic News, 25 June 1892.

Page 37: Top: Reproduced photograph of Charles Baldwin, Charles Mills, Henry Wood and Bobby Abel practicing at the Oval in 1894, Abel takes a catch off Mills. Middle: Reproduced photograph of Charles Baldwin and Charles Mils practicing at the Oval in 1894, Baldwin is mid-delivery as Mills is non-strike batsman. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of Charles Baldwin, Charles Mills, Henry Wood and Bobby Abel practicing at the Oval in 1894, Baldwin fields the ball and prepares to throw it to Wood.

Page 38: Top-left: Engraved head portrait of W.G. Grace. Bottom-left: Engraved sketch of an All-England wicket-keeper. Top-centre: Reproduced photograph of Henry Wood and William Brockwell practicing at the Oval, Brockwell takes guard with Wood keeping. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of George Bonnor posing by a wicket with hand on hip and bat in other hand, 1889. Top-right: Reproduced photographic head portrait of Charles Green, 1867. Bottom-right: Engraved sketch of an All-England batsman taking guard.

Page 39: Top-left: Reproduced photographic head portrait of A.J. Webbe, Sporting and Dramatic News, 30 July 1892. Sketch of a batsman taking guard, umpire in background. Top-centre: Reproduced photograph of a cricketer in all-white with a white hat running with a cricket ball. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of William Gunn, 1895. Top-right: Reproduced photographic portrait of Arthur Shrewsbury in striped blazer and cap holding the top of a bat in his hand, Sporting and Dramatic News, 30 July 1892. Bottom-right: Engraved sketch of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot.

Page 40: Top-left: ‘A Wild Player.’ World, 27 November 1884. Comic sketch of an elderly batsman with long straggly hair and beard being bowled. Middle-left: Cartoon of a batsman ducking a high ball. Bottom-left: ‘Fireside cricket’ Cartoon of a cricket holding a cricket bat appearing next to a batsman. Top-centre: Cartoon of a batsman being hit in the eye by a ball, Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of a statue of a cricketer holding a ball in both hands in front of him. Top-right: Cartoon of a stout bowler, World, 27 November 1884. Middle-right: Cartoon of a batsman being bowled. Bottom-right: Cartoon of a player being hit on the nose by a ball.

Page 41: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman holding bat up in the air waiting for the ball, keeper behind. Bottom-left: Engraved sketch of a batsman playing a backward defensive shot. Top-centre: Engraved sketch of a batsman about to hit a ball. Bottom-centre: Engraved sketch of a batsman playing all round a ball and gets bowled. Top-right: Engraving of 2 children walking side by side carrying bats. Bottom-right: Engraving of a bowler about to take a catch.

Page 42: Top: Engraved from a picture of a batsman about to be caught by a wicket-keeper, by S.T. Dadd. Middle: Engraving from a picture of a batsman about to strike a ball as other players watch on. Bottom: Engraving of a batsman getting run out, by S.T. Dadd.

Page 43: Cartoons. Top-left: A batsman is bowled. 2nd left: A cricketer with long legs. 3rd left: A policeman is about to catch a ball as a fielder chases it. Bottom-left: 2 cricketers looking through lenses of a giant pair of glasses. Top-centre: ‘The Last Ball of the Season’ Punch, 13 October 1888. A nervous batsman is about to hit a ball. 2nd top: Mr Punch takes guard sitting on top of a horse, Punch, 6 June 1878. 3rd top: A child batsman with an oversized bat, Punch, 19 September 1868. Bottom: A batsman who looks like a batsman, Punch, 24 September 1864. Top-right: A batsman is bowled. 2nd right: W.G. Grace fielding. 3rd right: A batsman remonstrates with an umpire. W.G. Grace and another fielder share a laugh.

Page 44: Cartoons. Top-left: A batsman stretches out his back foot to make the crease. 2nd left: A wicket-keeper is about to catch a ball. 3rd left: A batsman holds his bat flamboyantly up in the air to strike a ball. Bottom-left: A fielder throws himself to the ground to stop a ball. Top-centre: Caricature of W.G. Grace without a beard, Moonshine, 1 August 1896. 2nd top: Caricature of Henry Perkins without a beard, Moonshine, 1 August 1896. 3rd top: A skinny batsman with glasses is bowled ‘Young Grace’s Duck.- “What will the Guv’nor think?” Bottom: W.G. Grace wearing a coat and top hat ‘What the Guv’nor thought.- “That isn’t the family form.” Both from Evening News, 3 July 1896. Top-right: A fielder throws himself to the ground to stop a ball. 2nd right: A bowler has just released a ball. 3rd right: A batsman is about to play an aggressive backward shot. Bottom-right: A tall and skinny batsman leans on a bat.

Page 45: Cartoons. Top-left: W.G. Grace in coat, top-hat and holding a cane is carrying a cricket bag with his initials on. Middle-left: 2 lion cubs doff their caps to an adult lion batsman, Micky Magee’s Menagerie, 1897. Bottom-left: Caricatures of F.S. Jackson, Bobby Peel and George Hirst by Rip. Top-centre: K.J. Key stands proudly as a batsman, by Rip. Middle-centre: K.J. Key as a fielder runs, by Rip. Bottom-centre: K.J. Key leans on a bat in front of him, by Rip. Top-right: W.G. Grace as a fielder in sweater and MCC cap. Middle-right: A lion batsman is bowled with a bear as wicket-keeper, Micky Magee’s Menagerie, 1897. Bottom-right: Caricatures of Perrin, Townsend, Fred Holland, W.G. Grace, W.G. Quaife and David Denton by Rip.

Page 46: Cartoons. Top-left: A lady and a batsman in conversation, Scraps, 15 May 1897. Middle-left: 2 part of cartoon of W.G. Grace walking to the wicket and away from it after getting out. Bottom-left: A bat leans on a wicket with pads and a ball, World’s Comic, 26 May 1897. Top-centre: ‘A Duel in Earnest’ K.J. Key and another batsman duel with cricket bats, Evening News, 19 August 1897. Middle-centre: A batsman is wrapped up warm ‘A suggestion for the out-field’ Evening News, 9 June 1897. Bottom-centre: ‘The Great Duel’ by Rip, Evening News, 21 August 1897. K.J. Key stands over another cricketer laying prostrate on floor, both have broken bats, a figure in background with ‘Now we shan’t be long’ on his shirt and cone on his head runs off. Top-right: A batsman is hit in the face by a cricket ball, Scraps, 15 May 1897. Middle-right: A Skinny batsman walks immediately next to W.G. Grace. Bottom-right: A figure made out of bats for legs, pads for arms and ball for a head, World’s Comic, 26 May 1897.

Page 47: Top-left: Sketch of a batsman taking a large swing at a ball. Middle-left: Engraved head portrait of W.G. Grace, 1897. Bottom-left; Engraved head portrait of Richard Pilling. Top-centre: Cartoon of W.G. Grace running as a fielder, 1897. Middle-centre: Cartoon of W.G. Grace at the crease takes a bow, ‘W.G.’s diamond jubilee bow at Lord’s this morning.’ Evening News, 18 May 1897. Bottom-centre: ‘W.G. Grace Among the Colts’ by Rip, Evening News, 5 May 1897. W.G. Grace as a giant, towers over smaller cricketers. Top-right: A batsman walks away from the pitch as umpire buts bails back on stumps. Middle-right: Engraved head portrait of W.G. Grace, 1897. Bottom-right: Engraved head portrait of Walter Humphreys, Graphic, 12 July 1890.

Page 48: Cartoons. Top-left: Tom Richardson about to start his delivery, 1897. Middle-left: A young batsman looks to play a backward shot at a ball. Bottom-left: Bobby Abel with bat in hand takes large strides, 1897. Top-centre: Small cut-out of a beaming W.G. Grace’s head. 2nd top: Large cut-out of beaming W.G. Grace’s head. 3rd top: Cut-out of W.G. Grace looking in direction of an umpire. Bottom-centre: Cut-out of W.G. Grace fielding with hands placed on his knees, 1897. Top-right: John Hearne bowling mid-delivery. Middle-right: A young batsman plays a backward defensive shot. Bottom-right: Bobby Abel walking and scratching his head with bat tucked underarm, 1897.

Page 49: Top-left: Cartoons: Top-left: A bowler at the top of his delivery. Middle-left: A fielder falling to the ground to catch a ball. Bottom-left: Back-view of batsman with arms out wide. Top-centre: A cricket match and football match takes place on same pitch, Joker, 9 May 1896. 2nd top: A batsman sitting on his bat talks to a fielder. 3rd top: 2 kangaroo batsmen take a run. 4th top: Back view of a batsman stomping off. 5th top: A fielder bends down low to pick up a ball. Bottom-centre: W.G. Grace scratches his beard watching on as a batsman crouches and a fielder scoops up a ball. Top-right: A bowler mid-action standing still. Middle-right: A batsman stretches out back foot to reach the crease. Bottom-right: A batsman has his bat knocked out of his hands by a ball.

Page 50: Cartoons. Top-left: A fielder looks down at ball in his hand. Middle-left: W.G. Grace stretches out his arm to catch a ball. Bottom-left: W.G. Grace has one foot on tip-toe and fist forward. Top-centre: A tall and skinny batsman takes off his gloves. Middle-centre: A wicket-keeper crouches behind stumps. Bottom-centre: Bobby Abel takes guard. Top-right: A fielder in sun-hat stands with hands in pockets. Middle-right: W.G. Grace, bat in one hand strokes his beard with the other. Bottom-right: W.G Grace looks angrily at a broken wicket.

Page 51: Cartoons: Top-left: A batsman plays a forward shot. Middle-left: An umpire is hit in the chest by a ball. Bottom-left: A bowler is at the top of his delivery. Top-centre: A small batsman talks to a cricketer with hands in his pockets. 2nd top: Two fielders talk to each with other with hands behind their backs. 3rd top: A wicket-keeper stumps a batsman. 4th top: W.G. Grace stroking his beard talks to another fielder. Bottom-centre: A batsman playing a flamboyant shot is bowled. Top-right: A batsman plays a ball behind him. Middle-right: K.J. Key controls a robotic cricketer. A bowler is at end of his action having just released the ball.

Page 52: Top-left: Engraved head portrait of Lord Harris, 1878. Bottom-left: Engraving of a cricketer holding a ball in one hand. Top-centre: Engraved portrait of a young H.G. Liddell wearing braces with a bat resting on his shoulder and hand on hip, Shipping World, 1884. Bottom-centre: Caricature of Fred Spofforth as the moon, ‘”Well, here is my leg.” Henry IV., Part 1, ii,.4.’ Moonshine, 1884. Top-right: Engraved head portrait of Johnny Briggs, 1884. Bottom-right: Engraving of a fielder with arms out about to catch a ball.

Page 53: Cut-out of a batsman with bat behind his head. Middle-left: Engraved head portrait of G. Willsher, 1860. Bottom-left: ‘The Village Terror’ Cut-out of a batsman with bat behind head. Top-centre: Reproduced photograph of Richard in 1858, wearing a striped shirt and bowler hat, holds a bat by his side standing in front of a wicket. Middle-centre: Bats and a ball lay by a wicket, cricketers and tent in background. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of Richard Daft in 1888, wearing cricket whites and a cap, holding a bat in front of a wicket. Top-right: Cut-out of a batsman playing a forward shot. Middle-right: Engraved head portrait of R.A. Fitzgerald, 1874. Bottom-right: ‘The Village Pride’ Cut-out of a country cricketer rubbing his hands with bat between his legs.

Page 54: Reproduced photograph of a batsman taking guard and wicket-keeper. Middle: Reproduced photograph of a batsman stretching forward to play a ball. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of a bowler having just released the ball and non-striker batsman.

Page 55: Top-left and top-right: Tw0 reproduced photographs of a bowler releasing the ball in his delivery. Middle-left and middle-right: Two reproduced photographs of a batsman playing a forward defensive shot. Bottom-left and bottom-right: Two reproduced photographs of a batsman playing a cut shot. All form 1893.

Page 56: Top-left: Engraving of a batsman playing a defensive shot. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of a batsman standing on a carpet looks to play a backward shot. Top-centre: Engraving of a batsman holding a bat in both hands in front of him. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of two batsmen, one with bat over his shoulder and the other holding it in front of him. Top-right. Engraving of a batsman playing a defensive shot. Bottom-right: Reproduced photograph of a batsman in cricket whites and pads, sitting on a chair holding a bat in front of him.

Page 57: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of A.G. Steel wearing cricket whites and a cap with hand on waist, 1886. Bottom-left: Reproduced chest-height photographic portrait of Fred Morley, wearing a white shirt and tie. Top-centre: Engraving of Lord Hawke wearing flannels, pads and striped cap and blazer, sitting with cricket bat on lap, 1893. Middle-centre: Reproduced photographic portrait of Lord Hawke with head resting on hand (From a photo by Russell.), Windsor Magazine, May 1898. Bottom-centre: Engraved portrait of E.G. Wynyard, Baily Magazine, December 1897. Top-right: Reproduced photographic portrait of H.F. Boyle, resting on an altar, hand on waist, wearing cricket whites, tie and a cap. Bottom-right: Reproduced photographic Portrait of Richard Fillery, wearing cricket whites and a tie, sitting down and holding a ball.

Page 58: Top-left: Reproduced photograph of Frank Silcock holding a cricket ball in both hands, 1864. Middle: Reproduced photographic head portrait of A.C. Maclaren, 1895. Bottom-left: Reproduced photographic portrait of George Parr wearing a suit, 1877. Top-centre: Reproduced poster of portraits of 1882 Australian XI, including McDonnell, Massie, Jones, Bannerman, Murdoch, Bonnor and Horan. Bottom-centre: Reproduced poster of portraits of 1882 Australian XI including Boyle, Palmer, Spofforth, Garrett, Beale, Giffen and Blackham. Top-right: Reproduced photographic head portrait of Allen Hill, 1879. Middle-right: Reproduced photographic head portrait of W.G. Grace. Bottom-right: Photographic portrait of J. Grimshaw holding a bat by his side, located in a photographer’s studio.

Page 59: Engraving of a ball in a wicket-keeper’s glove. Bottom-left: Caricature of W.G. Grace taking guard, 1894. Top-centre: Engraved head portrait of Charles Absolon wearing a cap and cravat. Bottom-centre: Engraving of W.G. Grace taking guard, Athletic News, 7 September 1894. Top-right: Vignette of a wicket and two balls. Bottom-right: Engraving of E.G. Wenman bending over behind a wicket, 1840.

Page 60: Top: Engraving of Mitcham Common, 1893. Bottom: Engraving of a portrait of W.G. Grace by A. Stuart Wortley done by W. Spielmeyer. Grace takes guard at the crease at Lord’s with tennis building in the background, 1891.

Page 61: Top-left: Reproduced photographic head portrait of E.M. Grace. Bottom-left: Engraved head portrait of G.F. Grace, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 8 August 1874. Middle: Engraving of portrait of A.N. Hornby, wearing flannels, pads, striped blazer and holding a bat by his side, 1892. Top-right: Reproduced photographic head portrait of A.E. Trott, 1893. Bottom-right: Engraved head portrait of W.G. Grace, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 8 August 1874.

Page 62: Top-left: Engraving of photographic portrait of William Lambert, Pearson Athletic Record, 23 June 1897. Top-centre: Reproduced photographic portrait of William Lambert wearing a suit and hat, 1889. Top-right: Engraving of Arthur Haygarth taking guard, Pearson Athletic Record, 7 July 1897. Bottom: Engraving of portrait of W.G. Grace wearing a sweater and cap, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 6 May 1893.

Page 63: Top-left: ‘Zingari Stoddart’ Cricket Field, 20 June 1895. Caricature of A.E. Stoddart in mariachi clothing using a guitar as a bat. Bottom-left: ‘”W.G.” – “Ready, boys, ready!” Penny Illustrated Paper, 25 May 1895. Engraving of W.G. Grace taking guard. Top-centre: Caricature head portrait of W.G. Grace ‘”My turn to-day.”’ Evening News, 3 July 1895. Middle-centre: Caricature of W.G. Grace ‘”Sixteen-c and b-ugh!”’ Evening News, 1 July 1895. Bottom-centre: ‘The Cricket King (With sincere apologies to Mr. W.S. Gilbert.)’ Engraving of W.G. Grace taking guard. Top-right: Caricature of W.G. Grace wearing a sun hat, Cricket Field, 8 June 1895. Bottom-right: ‘The Centurion of Cricket Centuries’ Christian Million, 23 May 1895. Engraving of W.G. Grace taking guard.

Page 64: Top-left: Reproduced photographic portrait of James Pycroft wearing clerical clothing, Cricket Field, 11 August 1894. Middle-left: Reproduced photograph of Henry Perkins wearing a suit, Saint Paul’s, 8 September 1894. Reproduced photographic portrait of Edward Lyttelton wearing clerical clothing, Cricket Field, 8 December 1894. Middle-right: Engraved portrait of Colonel Banastre Tarleton wearing soldier’s uniform, Westminster Magazine, March 1872. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of George Lohmann wearing a suit and holding a cane, Sporting Sketches, 3 December 1894. Page also includes five small circular reproduced photographs of Charlie Howard Batting.

Page 65: Top-left: Engraving of A.N. Hornby leaning on a bat with one hand on his waist, he is wearing a tie, 1887. 2nd left: Small engraving of a batsman with bat raised in the air. 3rd left: Cut-out of a cricket ball. 4th left: Engraving of a batsman taking guard. 5th left: Small engraving of bowler at top of his delivery. Bottom-left: Small engraving of a child batsman. Top-centre: Bat, stumps, ball and pads lay on ground. 2nd top: Engraved head portrait of Alfred Lyttleton, he is wearing a suit. 3rd top: Reproduced head portrait of S.W. Scott, he is wearing a suit, Cricket Field, 2 February 1895. 4th top: Bat, stumps, ball and pads lay on the ground. Bottom: Bat and ball lay on the ground. Top-right: Engraving of John Lillywhite leaning on a bat with hand on waist, 1865. 2nd right: Small engraving of a wicket-keeper. 3rd right: Small engraving of a batsman about to strike a ball. 4th right: Engraving of a batsman taking guard with tent in background. 5th right: Small engraving of a batsman standing at the crease. Bottom-right: Small engraving of a batsman and wicket-keeper.

Page 66: Top-left: Engraved head portrait of William Gunn, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. Middle-left: Reproduced photograph of R.A.H. Mitchell, he is wearing a suit, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 25 February 1893. Bottom-left: Reproduced photograph of William Chatterton wearing a striped blazer and cap, holding a bat in front of him, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 10 September 1892. Top-centre: Crest for Derbyshire County Cricket Club. “2nd top: Crest for G.C.C.C. 3rd top: Crest for Newhaven Cricket Club. 4th top: Cartoon of a woman being hit in the face by a ball ‘Bowling a maiden over’. 5th top: Cartoon of a fielder pointing and shouting out as a batsman is bowled, Scraps, 4 December 1897. 6th top: Caricature of W.G. Grace, 1897. Bottom: Cartoon of K.J. key taking large strides. Top-right: Engraved head portrait of Bobby Peel, he is wearing a suit, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 27 June 1885. Middle-right: Reproduced photographic head portrait of Ivo Bligh, he is wearing a suit, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 11 February 1893. Bottom-right: Reproduced photograph of J.T. Rawlin wearing cricket whites, sitting on a bench holding a ball in his hand, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 24 September 1892.

Page 67: Top-left: Reproduced photographic portrait of Arthur Mold wearing cricket whites sitting on a chair, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 24 September 1892. Middle-left: Engraved head portrait of Arthur Shrewsbury, 1890. Bottom-left: Engraved head portrait of William Barnes, 1881. Top-centre: Sketch of a batman getting bowled. 2nd top: Sketch of a fielder lying on the ground holding hands in the air as if he just caught the ball. 3rd top: Sketch of a bowler taking a caught and bowl chance. Bottom: Engraving of a cricket match taking place at Hastings, with town visible in background, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 17 September 1887. Top-right: Reproduced photographic portrait of Johnny Briggs wearing cricket whites and a blazer sitting on a chair, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 20 May 1893. Middle-right: Engraved head portrait of William Gunn. Bottom-right: Engraved head portrait of Bobby Abel.

Page 68: Top-left: Engraved head portrait of W.R. Gilbert, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 1 May 1886. Middle-left: Reproduced photographic portrait of J.T. Hearne wearing cricket whites sitting down, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 18 June 1892. Bottom-left: Engraved head portrait of A.E. Stoddart, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 10 October 1885. Top-centre: Small sketch of wicket-keeping gloves. 2nd top: Crest of a cricket team. 3rd top: Vignette of wicket, ball and bats. 4th top: Engraving of W.G. Grace walking down steps of a pavilion. 5th top: Sketch of a woman walking with a cricket bat. Bottom-centre: Engraved of man putting stumps into pitch. Top-right: Engraved head portrait of A.J. Webbe, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 29 August 1895. Middle-right: Reproduced photographic portrait of William Gunn, wearing cricket whites and Nottinghamshire cap, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 18 June 1892. Bottom-right: Engraved head portrait of William Attewell, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 6 June 1885.

No number: Top-left: Engraved head portrait of E.M. Grace, 1880. Middle-left: Engraved head portrait of Fred Morley, 1884. Bottom-left: Reproduced photographic portrait of Lord Hawke wearing a suit and bowler hat, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 11 June 1892. Top-centre: Engraved portrait of W.G. Grace taking guard, 1897. Middle-centre: Engraving of a batsman resting a bat on his shoulder. Bottom-centre: Engraving of a batsman (possibly Lord Hawke) taking guard. Top-right: Engraved head portrait of E.M. Hadow, 1881. Middle-right: Engraved head portrait of A.D. Pougher, 1887. Bottom-right: Reproduced photographic head portrait of Alfred Shaw wearing a suit and hat. Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 11 June 1892.

Page 69: Engraving of W.W. Read taking guard, wicket-keeper behind wicket and a leg slip stands in background, Sketch, 10 July 1895. Bottom: ‘Cricket Match During the Pilgrim Season: View of the Town Showing the European Promenade, Jeddah.’ Graphic, 29 June 1895. Engraving of a photograph of pilgrims playing a cricket match but posing for the camera with Jeddah in background.

Page 70: Engraving of Adelaide Oval scoreboard showing England 416 for 9, 1895. Bottom-left: Reproduced photographic head portrait of Edmund Peate. Top-centre: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match taking place at New College, Eastbourne, 1895. Bottom-centre: Engraving of a cricket match in St. Lucia with fielders searching huts looking for a lost ball. Top-right: Reproduced photograph of perambulation during an Oxford vs. Cambridge match at Lord’s Cricket Ground. Bottom-right: Reproduced photographic portrait of A. Watson (possibly Alexander Watson) 1884.

Page 71: Top-centre: ‘Cricket’ Sketch of a cricket match, tents and trees in background. Middle-centre: Engraving of W.G. Grace taking guard at the crease, Black and White, 25 May 1895. Bottom-centre: Reproduced autograph of W.G. Grace in a frame with bat, wicket and ball. Left and right: Ten cut-outs of caricatures of cricketers, batsmen and fielders.

Page 72: Top-centre: Reproduced photographic portrait of W.W. Read wearing cricket whites, pads and holding a bat sitting on a plinth, Sporting and Dramatic News, 1895. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photograph of a painted portrait of W.G. Grace by Ernest Breun, wearing cricket whites with bat tucked underneath arm, Graphic, 25 May 1895. Left and right: Ten cut-outs of caricatures of cricketers, batsmen, bowlers and fielders.

Page 73: Engraved chest-height portrait of Johnny Briggs holding a cricket ball, Baily Magazine, 1895. Bottom-left: Reproduced Photographic portrait of A.G. Steel, wearing cricket whites and cap, leaning on a plinth. Top-centre: ‘John Bowyer, The Oldest Living Cricketer’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 3 August 1878. Engraved head portrait of John Bowyer. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photographic head portrait of George Lohmann wearing a suit and boater, 1895. Top-right: Engraved head portrait of George Lohmann in cricket whites and cap, Baily’s Magazine, 1892. Bottom-right: Reproduced photographic head portrait of James Lillywhite wearing a suit, 1864.

Page 74: Left: Reproduced photographic portrait of Henry Graham wearing cricket whites, pads and holding a bat by his side, 1895. Top-centre: Reproduced photographic portrait of George Giffen aged 18 wearing cricket whites, pads and boater, bat tucked under arm and leaning on a plinth. Bottom-centre: Reproduced photographic group portrait of Billy Murdoch, Fred Spofforth, Henry Boyle and Alexander Bannerman in a photographer’s studio and wearing suits, by E. Hawkins and Company, 1883. Right: Reproduced photographic portrait of G.H.S. Trott wearing cricket whites, pads and sun hat, holds a bat by his side, 1895.

Page 75: Top: ‘The Hero of the Hour’ Penny Illustrated Paper, 9 July 1881. Engraving of a cricketer being carried by cheering supporters. Bottom: ‘A Dull Innings’ Punch, 24 July 1901. Cartoon of an elderly underarm bowler, ‘Umpire Mr. Punch (to himself). “Well if they don’t score off this sort of bowling, they must be a feeble lot!”’

Page 76: Top-left: Cartoon of a batsman getting hit in the face by a ball, Strand Magazine, July 1900. Bottom-left: Cartoon of Ranjitsinhji as a wicket-keeper about to catch a heart with ‘Australian female hearts’ on it, comes with description, Sydney Bulletin, 20 November 1897. Top-centre: Cartoon of a darker-skinned Ranjitsinhji wearing a suit ‘Voice from crowd: “Hi, Ranji, loosen your collar – you’re going black in the face!”’ Sydney Bulletin, 22 January 1898. Bottom-centre: Cartoon of Archie Maclaren and Harry Trott with joke and comment on how a test matches are won by team who wins the toss, Melbourne Punch, 27 January 1898. Top-right: Cartoon of a batsman having his bat destroyed by a cricket ball, Strand Magazine, July 1900. Bottom-right: ‘A Man of the Moment – Ranji’ Sydney Bulletin, 27 November 1897, Cartoon showing montage of sketches of the life of Ranjitsinhji.

Page 77: Left: Admission card for James Southerton’s Benefit, a match between North and South at the oval, 1879. On the inside are two images of cricket matches, one is a match at Lord’s the other at Broadhalfpenny Down with spectators consisting of people and animals across the world ‘All the world’s a stage and all the men and women are merely players.’ Inside also consists of a portrait of J. Southerton, bats through the ages and a cricket match in 1743, by Cyril Hallward, biography on reverse. Middle: Scorecard for England vs. Philadelphia, rules on reverse, not dated. Right: Letter to a Mr. Gaskin from unknown person (signature illegible) asking if he will be attending a cricket match, 29 November 1886.

Page 78: ‘Cricketana. Young Ladies v. Boys.’ Punch, 12 September 1891. Cartoon of a woman batsman pointing at a child ‘Fair batter (aetat. 18) “Now, just look here, Algy Jones – none of your patronage! You dare to bowl me to me with your left hand again, and I’ll box your ears!”’ Bottom: ‘Great Match between the Gentlemen and the Players.’ Tom Spring Life in London, 12 September 1841. Engraving of a Gentlemen vs. Players match, the batsman is about the strike the ball, tents, buildings and spectators in background.

Page 80: Top: Engraving of children playing cricket on a village street, Games Book for Boys and Girls, 1901. Middle-left: Engraving of a country cricket match, Middle-centre: Engraving of an old cricket match with batsman holding a round cricket bat in one arm, Middle-right: Engraving of cricketers sitting inside a tent. Bottom: Engraving of Melbourne Cricket Ground Grand Stand, 1868.

Page 81: Top: Cartoon of a cricket match with lady in a dress in immediate foreground, Cricket Field. Bottom: Cartoon of a wicket—keeper being knocked upside-down and falling into the wicket ‘”That’s out, I doubt.”’ Sport by W. Ralston, 1899.

Page 82: Top-centre: Silhouette of a bowlers swing showing lines of movement. Page also has fifteen caricatures of cricketers, Sun Comic, 1901, batsmen are playing strokes and bowlers mid-delivery, cricketers include W.G. Grace, Ranjitsinhji and Gilbert Jessop. Bottom: ‘Finis’.

William Gilbert Grace
Frederick Robert Spofforth
Alexander Chambers Bannerman
William Lillywhite
Fuller Pilch
Alfred Mynn
Edward Mills Grace
Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News
John Lillywhite
Robert Grimston
Frederick Peel Miller
Robert Pearson Carpenter
Thomas Walter Hayward
Heathfield Harman Stephenson
William Caffyn
Roland Pretty Hill
Stanley Winckworth Scott
Kingsmill James Key
Hugh Glendwr Palmer Owen
Sir Timothy Carew O'Brien
William Attewell
Kumar Shri Ranjitsinhji
Andrew Ernest Stoddart
John McCarthy Blackham
John Loraine Baldwin
Mordecai Sherwin
Charles Baldwin
Charles Henry Mills
Henry Wood
Robert Abel
William Brockwell
Charles Ernest Green
Alexander Josiah Webbe
William Gunn
Stephen T. Dadd
Henry Perkins
Evening News
Francis Stanley Jackson
Robert Peel
George Herbert Hirst
Fred Holland
William George Quaife
David Denton
Richard Pilling
Walter Alexander Humphreys
Thomas Richardson
John Thomas Hearne
John Briggs
G. Willsher
Allan Gibson Steel
Fred Morley
Martin Bladen Hawke
Edward George Wynyard
Richard Fillery
Frank Silcock
Archibald Campbell MacLaren
George Parr
Percy Stanislaus McDonnell
George John Bonnor
Hugh Hamon Massie
Arthur Owen Jones
William Lloyd Murdoch
Thomas Patrick Horan
Thomas William Garrett
George Giffen
John McCarthy Blackham
George Eugene Palmer
Henry Frederick Boyle
Charles William Beal
Allen Hill
Charles Absolon
Edward Wenman
Archibald James Stuart Wortley
George Frederick Grace
Albert Edwin Trott
William Lambert
Arthur Haygarth
the rev. James Pycroft
Edward Lyttelton
Banastre General Sir Tarleton
George Alfred Lohmann
Charlie Howard
Alfred Lyttelton
Stanley Winckworth Scott
Albert Neilson Hornby
Richard Arthur Henry Mitchell
William Chatterton
Ivo Bligh
John Thomas Rawlin
Arthur Webb Mold
Arthur Shrewsbury
William Barnes
Edward Maitland Hadow
Arthur Dick Pougher
Alfred Shaw
Walter William Read
Edmund Peate
Alexander Watson
Baily's Magazine
John Bowyer
J. Lillywhite
Henry Graham
E. Hawkins and Company
George Henry Stevens Trott
Melbourne Punch
James Southerton
Gilbert Laird Jessop
wicketkeeping, wicket keeper, caricatures and cartoons, cricket in Canada, 19th century cricket, 19th century cricketers, women's cricket, Adelaide Oval, benefits, Gentlemen vs. Players, Melbourne Cricket Ground
1 scrapbook
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