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Cricket Life 1895

1895-01-01 - 1895-12-31
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1 scrapbook
Part of
Alfred L Ford Scrapbooks (FORD)
Scope and Content
Page 1: Cricket Life 1895: Small engraved sketch of a tent. Sketch of covers of imaginary cricket books. Small image silhouettes of a batsman and bowler. Cut-out of top-view of a blue and white striped cap.

Page 2: Top: ‘Cricket Match at Balmoral Between the Abergeldie and Balmoral Teams’ Graphic, 9 October 1880. Engraving of a scenic cricket match, gentlemen in traditional Scots clothing in foreground, hills in distance. Bottom: Engraving of a cricket match at Castle Howard, [Visit of the Royal party to the cricket ground, at Castle Howard] large amount of spectators stand and watch, Illustrated London news, 7 September 1850.

Page 3: Engraving of a cricket match between Balmoral vs. Abergeldie, men and women in foreground with men in kilts, spectators spread out amongst tents watch the match, hills in distance, Illustrated London News, 1 October 1881.

Page 4: ‘An Incident at Esher’ Cricket Field, 15 June 1895. Sketch of a cricketer finding a birds nest in a scoreboard ‘”Why this thing won’t work, there’s a nest in it!”’ with description of incident. Top-left and top-right: 6 cut-outs of fielders. Bottom: Engraving of a cricket match between Balmoral vs. Abergeldie focusing of on spectators in foreground, part of image on page 4, Illustrated London News, 7 October 1882.

Page 5: Top: ‘The New Cricket-Ground, Manchester.’ Illustrated London News, 26 May 1857. Engraving of a cricket match at Western Club, Eccles, clubhouse in background, spectators stand or sit under a tent, trees in distance. Bottom: ‘The Cricket Ground at Enville’ Illustrated London News, 1 August 1857. Engraving of a scenic cricket match, group of women watch in foreground, pavilion and tents on opposite side of ground, bordered by trees.

Page 6: Top: Reproduced photograph of women playing cricket at Hampstead Girls’ Training College, Educational Review, March 1892. Bottom: Engraving of United All England vs. All England XI at Lord’s Cricket Ground, crowd of men and women watch in foreground with a gentleman on a horse, Pavilion and spectators on opposite side of ground, Illustrated London News, 6 June 1863.

Page 7: Top: Engraving of a cricket match between MCC and Sussex at Brighton, spectators to left in foreground lay on ground, buildings in distance, Illustrated London News. Middle: Engraved sketch of Lord’s Pavilion filled with spectators as a batsman walks towards it, World, 20 November 1889. Bottom: Engraving of a cricket match between Yorkshire and Gloucestershire at Cheltenham, men watch from tent in immediate foreground, church in distance. Left and right: Cut-outs of a bowler and fielder.

Page 8: Top: ‘A Sketch, Taken at the Recent Serious Incident Collision in the Cricket Field’ Illustrated London News. Engraving of 2 fielders running into each other. With description of the incident between Eton and Harrow in 1834, Cricket, 27 February 1896. Bottom: Engraving of a scenic cricket match with a very large and old tree dominating the image, Illustrated London News, 22 June 1850.

Page 9: ‘The Harrow and Eton Cricket-Match at Lord’s Ground, on Saturday Last.’ Illustrated Times, 16 July 1864. Engraving of a cricket match in men and women spectators in foreground with five gentlemen on horses, on opposite of the ground are trees and buildings. Bottom: ‘Cricket-Match at Winchester Between Eton and Winchester Colleges’, Illustrated London News, 9 July 1864. Engraving of a cricket match, schoolboys watch in foreground, cricketers sit in a tent to the left, trees on opposite side of the ground and Winchester Cathedral in distance.

Page 10: ‘Centenary of the Vine C.C. Sevenoaks.’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 3 July 1880. Montage of sketches of scenes at a cricket match of spectators and team portrait, with account of the match and scores.

Page 11: Top: Comic sketch of a bowler mid-run up, Comic Magazine, 1834. Bottom: ‘The Dry Season: the Bed of the Thames at Twickenham’ Illustrated London News, 5 July 1894. Three sketches of a dinner and cricket match taking place on a dried out River Thames with description of the events.

Page 12: Top: ‘View From the Zingari Tent’ Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic News, 16 August 1879. Sketch of Spencer Ponsonby-Fane and Henry Percival ‘Some “Old Stages”’ watching a cricket match from a tent. Bottom: ‘Indoor Cricket at Lambeth Baths’ Illustrated Times, 8 February 1868. Engraving of a cricket match from inside a tent, as spectators watch on.

Page 13: Top: ‘Opening of the Surrey Cricket Ground, Kennington Oval’ Illustrated Sporting News, 10 May 1892 Engraving of first match at The Oval, gentlemen spectators in foreground, building on opposite side of the ground. Underneath is an identical image from Illustrated News of the World, 13 May 1865. Bottom: ‘The Opening Day of the Season at Lord’s’ Illustrated Sporting News, 20 May 1865. Engraving of a cricket match at Lord’s spectators, trees and houses on far side of ground. Identical image is underneath from Illustrated News of the World, 17 June 1865.

Page 14: Top: Engraving of a cricket match at Lord’s Cricket Ground, gentlemen spectators standing in foreground, tennis court on opposite side of the ground, other buildings further along, Illustrated News of the World, 22 May 1858. Bottom: Engraving of a cricket match at Lord’s Cricket Ground, group of men and women watching in foreground, the Pavilion is to the back right with people watching from outside, trees and buildings in distance, 1854.

Page 15: Engraving of a cricket match at Eton. Men and women watch from chairs in foreground, trees dominate the opposite side of the ground, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 9 May 1874.

Page 16: Top: ‘Their Little Game’ Graphic, 17 July 1880. Engraved sketch of an Eton and Harrow match at Lord’s Cricket Ground with Grand Stand in background, above this are sketches of spectators watching on. Bottom: ‘A Reminiscence of Lord’s Cricket Ground (Eton v. Harrow.) Punch, 17 August 1878. Cartoon of men and women spectators by carriages taking lunch ‘Charles (postprandaily). “Aw! – awfully jolly if it weren’t for the cricket, ain’t it?” Fred (ditto). “Yaas. Cricket’s awfully slow. If it were only rounders, now – or skittles, you know!”’ 17 August 1878.

Page 17: ‘Eton and Harrow at Lord’s’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 22 July 1893. Montage of sketches of scenes during an Eton and Harrow match focusing on spectators.

Page 18: Top: ‘Clifton College Cricket Ground’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 2 September 1893. Reproduced photograh of a cricket match taking place with school buildings in background. Bottom: ‘”Oh! Well hit” – A Cricket Match in the Playing Fields’ Graphic, 27 June 1891. Engraving of a scenic cricket match at Eton, spectators watch from underneath trees in middle-distance whilst sheep graze and watch on in foreground.

Page 19: Top: Cartoon of a fielder stooping low to take a catch, Daily Graphic, 5 August 1892. Bottom: ‘Eton and Harrow Sketches’ Montage of sketches of a cricket match and spectators at an Eton and Harrow cricket match with poem underneath.

Page 20: ‘Cricket at Lord’s – Eton and Harrow’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 21 July 1877. Engraving of a cricket match at Lord’s Cricket Ground, backs of heads of male and female spectators in foreground, Pavilion to the right, tennis building and hotel on opposite side of the ground, scenes of lunch and collection of scores in top-left and top-right corners.

Page 21: ‘Eton v Harrow at Lord’s Yesterday’ Daily Courier, 11 July 1896. Montage of sketches of cricketers and spectators during an Eton and Harrow match.

Page 22: ‘Cricketiana.’ Punch, 22 September 1883. Women spectators watch a cricket match, ‘Lady Mildmay (who is fond of technical terms). “By the way-a-are they playing ‘Rugby’ or ‘Association’?”’ Bottom: ‘Cricket at Lord’s – Eton v Harrow. Hoisting the Victor’ Graphic, 16 July 1870. Engraving of a cricketer being carried by teammates from the Pavilion surrounded by many spectators.

Page 23: top: Engraving of a painting of a cricket match at Eton, taken from the top of a school building with a match taking place in middle distance. Middle: Reproduced photograph between Eton and Winchester at Eton, Country Life, 13 November 1897. Spectators and trees on opposite side of the ground. Bottom: Reproduction of a cricket match at Harrow, Country Life, 10 July 1897. Spectators sit on chairs in foreground, spectators and trees on opposite side of the ground.

Page 24: Top: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Eton, Upper Shooting Fields. Spectators sit on chairs in foreground, spectators and trees on opposite side of the ground, 23 October 1897. Middle: Reproduction of a photograph of a cricket match at Merion Club, Philadelphia, Pavilion to the right, stands to its right, 6 November 1897. Bottom: Reproduction of a photograph at Eton’s 6th Form Ground, Country Life, 30 October 1897. Spectators sit on benches in foreground.

Page 25: Top: ‘Kent v. Lancashire 1897. St. Lawrence Ground, Canterbury.’ Windsor Magazine, May 1898. Reproduced photograph of a cricket match with at least 8 tents on opposite side of the ground. 2nd top: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Lynton with rocky hills in background, 1896. 3rd top: ‘A Big Match at Lord’s’ Engraving of women watching a cricket match as a field takes a catch in front of them, the Pavilion is on the opposite side of the ground. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of an Eton vs. Harrow match at Lord’s Cricket Ground, Sporting Dramatic News, 20 July 1895. Original Mound Stand filled with spectators on opposite side of the ground, tennis building just visible to the right.

Page 26: Top: Rough engraving of a cricket match, tent in background. Middle: Engraving of a picture of a cricket match at Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum by a patient, bushes in foreground, asylum buildings in background, 1893. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of cricket match on Eton playing fields, a gentlemen talks to a lady in foreground, spectators stand in front of trees in the background, 1895.

Page 27: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Eton, Spectators sit and stand around the boundary, tent on far side, trees in background, 1895.

Page 28: Engraving of an Oxford vs. Cambridge match at Lord’s Cricket Ground, with pitch in front of the tennis building and Pavilion in background to the right, with description underneath in French, Le Monde Illustre.

Page 29: Reproduction of a photograph of Cambridge vs. Australia at Cambridge. Rows of spectators on far side of the ground, buildings and trees border the ground, 1894. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of Oxford vs. Cambridge at Lord’s Cricket Ground, original Mound Stand filled with spectators on opposite side of the ground, 2 July 1894.

Page 30: Top: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Littlehampton, half-filled stands on far side of the ground with town buildings in background, 1895. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of a cricket match at Canterbury, ten tents on far side of the ground with trees behind, 1895.

Page 31: Top: Reproduced photograph of Oxford vs. Cambridge at Lord’s Cricket Ground, original Mound Stand filled with spectators on opposite side of the ground, batsmen take a run, July 1895. Bottom: Reproduced photograph of Oxford vs. Cambridge at Lord’s Cricket Ground, original Mound Stand filled with spectators on opposite side of the ground, the batsmen take a run, July 1895.

Page 32: ‘A Country Cricket Match in Ireland’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 4 October 1884. Montage of sketches of a cricket match in Ireland including creating the pitch, the match itself, scorers and spectators.

Page 33: Top: ‘Clifton College During a “Three Graces” Cricket Match’ Graphic, 28 August 1875. Engraving of a cricket match at Clifton College with rows of spectators on far side of the ground and school buildings behind. Bottom: ‘Notes at Country Cricket Match’ by Harry Furniss, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 28 August 1875. Montage of comic sketches country cricket match.

Page 34: ‘A Cricket Match in Ireland, Garrison v. Ballybat’ Graphic, 20 April 1895. Montage of sketches of a cricket match in Ireland including pitch rolling, batsmen in action, and child spectators, with account of the match, from sketches by Captain A.W. Crawford McFall, drawn by W. Ralston.

Page 35: ‘A Country Cricket Match: Out First Ball.’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 21 May 1881. Cartoon of a batsman looking snobbish in front of cricketers by a clubhouse, as batsman in background trudges back.

Page 36: Top: ‘Amateur and Professional Jockeys’ 30 July 21881. Montage of head portraits of cricketers and jockeys, at the bottom are bat and ball and jockey cap and whip. Bottom: ‘Cricket.- Amateur v. Professional Jockeys at Prince’s Ground.’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 30 July 1881. Engraving of scene of spectators in various conversations in members area foreground with cricket match taking place in background, inset shows three figures watching above a wall as outsiders.

Page 37: ‘Jockey’s Versus Huntsman at Lord’s’ by S.T. Dadd. Montage of sketches of scenes of a Huntsman vs. Jockey’s match at Lord’s. Bottom: ‘Huntsman vs. Jockey’s’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 11 June 1881. Montage of sketches of players involved during a Huntsman vs. Jockeys match.

Page 38: Engraving of a female batsman of the first England Women’s Cricket team, she has taken a large step forward and bat raised in air about to strike the ball, crowd of spectators in background, fielder in foreground. Penny Illustrated Paper, 20 June 1891.

Page 39: Montage of sketches of scenes of a women’s cricket match, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 30 June 1888.

Page 40: Montage of comic sketches of scenes of a women’s cricket match, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 10 August 1889.

Page 41: Top: Engraving of old-style cricket match with curved bat and 2-stump wicket, small crowd in Georgian clothing in background. Bottom: ‘The Original English Lady-Cricketers at Liverpool’ Pictorial World, 4 July 1870. Montage of sketches of a women’s cricket match.

Page 42: Top: ‘The Captain Carries Her Bat’ Daily Graphic, 25 May 1891. Engraving of a female batsman for England Ladies returning to her team’s tent in a match against Honourable Artillery Company. Bottom: ‘Greenwich Pensioners’ Cricket Match, at the Priory Grounds, Near Lewisham.’ Illustrated London News, 9 September 1848. Engraving of teams of one-legged and one armed players in debate, large crowd of spectators in background, including a band.

Page 43: Top: ‘The New Charterhouse, Godalming, Surrey’ Everyday Life in Our Public Schools. Bottom: Engraving of an All England XI match at Durham in the middle distance, behind is the city of Durham with Cathedral and Castle clearly in sight, Illustrated London News, 12 May 1849.

Page 44: Top: Engraving of a group of boys walking out to a cricket match as a dog runs beside them. Bottom: ‘Cricket on Horseback – A Vision of the Future’ Graphic Summer Number, 1883. Cartoon of a cricket match being played on horseback as a fielder bends over to pick up a ball.

Page 45: Top: Engraving of a workman taking a roller back to storage at Lord’s Cricket Ground, walking beside the Pavilion, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 2 May 1874. Bottom: ‘The “Top Score.”’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 27 June 1874. Engraving of a batsman being carried off cricket pitch by teammates as two women watch on.

Page 46: Top-centre: Engraving of a batsman being serenaded by spectators. Top-left: Engraved head portrait of W.W. Read, 1881. Top-right: Engraved head portrait of K.J. Key, 1881. Bottom: ‘The Nursery of Cricket’ Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 21 May 1892. 3 part engraving of Broad Halfpenny Down, The Bat and Ball Inn and the road to Petersfield.

Page 47: Top: Engraving of a batsman walking back from the pitch passing a clapping group of spectators, Pall Mall Magazine, August 1897. Bottom: ‘Cricket on the Ice, 1837’ Badminton Magazine, April 1897. A fielder slips and stop a cricket ball by a pair of women.

Illustrated London News
All England XI
Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News
Merion Cricket Club
Eton College
Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum
Harry Furniss
Stephen T. Dadd
Horace Morehen
Bat and Ball Inn
Walter William Read
Kingsmill James Key
Thomas Box
Charles George Taylor
Nicholas Wanostrocht
William Richard Hillyer
William Lillywhite
Edward Wenman
Charles Hawkins
Fuller Pilch
Alfred Mynn
Walter Parker Mynn
Charles Inglis Thornton
Charles Ernest Green
William Gilbert Grace
Vyell Edward Walker
Frank Carroll Cobden
Walter Baptist Money
Frederick Eustace Reade Fryer
cricket in Scotland, Manchester, Lancashire, England, Lord's Cricket Ground, Eton vs Harrow, spectators, Philadelphia, USA, Eton, Buckinghamshire, England, cricket in Ireland, women's cricket, Broadhalfpenny Down, Hambledon, Hampshire, England, 19th century cricket, 19th century cricketers, Lynton, Devon, England, Mound Stand, spectators
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