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Cricket Life 1895

1895-01-01 - 1985-12-31
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1 scrapbook
Part of
Alfred L Ford Scrapbooks (FORD)
Scope and Content
Scrapbook containing engraving of scenes of cricket matches and cricket figures, prints of paintings of cricket matches, watercolours of scenes of cricket matches by patients at Colney Heath Lunatic Asylum, comic sketches cut-outs of cricketing figures, vignettes of bats, balls and wickets.

Page 1: Title Page: Cricket Life 1895. Cut-out of a kangaroo and an ostrich both holding a cricket bat. Cut-out of a hand holding a cricket bat. Image of a cricket bat at the centre of a tree. 2 vignettes of bat, ball and stumps.

Page 2: ‘Oxford vs. Cambridge at Lord’s’ 1 July 1893. Reproduction of a photograph showing perambulation taking place with the tennis building and Lord’s Hotel in the background.

Page 3: ‘Oxford vs. Cambridge at Lord’s’ 1 July 1893. Reproduction of a photograph showing perambulation taking place with Grand Stand in background and buildings behind.

Page 4: ‘England vs. Canada’ Toronto, 1872. Print of a painting of a large group of gentlemen in suits with a small amount in cricket whites standing in foreground generally looking in direction of artist. In the background a cricket match is taking place with stands filled with spectators and ornate pavilion to the right.

Page 5: ‘England vs. Victoria’ Melbourne, 1 January 1864. Coloured print of a painting of a cricket match taking place. The bowler is about begin run-up, large stand in background filled with spectators, next to it is a pavilion and tent, trees behind.

Page 6: ‘England vs. New South Wales 22’ Sydney, Illustrated London News, 10 May 1862. Engraving of a picture of a cricket match taking place. In immediate foreground crowd sit on a banking watching the match in the distance, this side of the ground a crowd stands along the boundary, on far side of the ground 2 stands are filled with spectators, buildings surround the ground.

Page 7: ‘An Exact Representation of the Game of Cricket Inscribed to all Gentlemen Lovers of that Diversion’ 1743. Rough print of the painting. Cricket match in progress. Players wearing breeches. Two umpires holding bats stand by the wickets wearing long coats, and tricorn hats. In the middle distance two scorers, seated, wear coats within the field of play. Several spectators gathered at a boundary fence in the distance.

Page 8: ‘Photograph of Original Oil Painting in pavilion at Oval’ Represented as by Morland, before repainting and alteration to present state, 1903. Photograph is of a painting of a cricket match in poor condition, picture is covered in cracks, faded paintwork and a hole in middle of canvas.

Page 9: ‘A Sign of the Times, Ladies Returning from Cricket’ by Phil E. Butt, original sketch for Graphic, 1871, 4 older women cricketers walking together, returning from a game of cricket holding bats, balls and stumps, accompanied by 2 young girls.

Page 10: ‘Cricketer in the Olden Style at Scarborough’ by Reginald Cleaven, original sketch for Graphic, 19 September 1891. A group of cricketers in old-style clothing including braces and top hats stand in a group by the pitch talking whilst 2 lie on the grass.

Page 11: ‘On to the Field of Honour!’ Watercolour of an adult with 9 children walking together, carrying bats and stumps, a dog runs beside them.

Page 12: ‘I’m Waiting for You’ Watercolour painting of a batsman standing by wicket holds bat behind him looking angry at a cricket ball in the air.

Page 13: ‘That Has It!’ Watercolour painting of a bowler having just released the ball, wears a pink shirt and blue cap.

Page 14: ‘Clearing the Ground, Porlock, Devon, 1894.’ Watercolour painting of 3 gentlemen each carrying a child in right hand by their side away from a cricket pitch.

Page 15: ‘W.G. Grace at Lord’s’ by an intimate of Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum, 1895. Watercolour painting of W.G. Grace in cricket whites and MCC cap holding a bat by his side, the Pavilion is filled with spectators behind him.

Page 16: Watercolour painting of a cricket match by a patient at Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum, 1895. Picture is of a scenic cricket match, players are in whites and wear red caps, trees border the ground.

Page 17: Watercolour painting of a cricket match by a patient at Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum, 1895. Picture is of a scenic cricket match, tent on far side of the ground, small crowd stand and watch, ground is bordered by trees.

Page 18: ‘England vs. Australia, Adelaide’ by an intimate of Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum, 1895. Watercolour painting of a cricket match with spectators standing and sitting on a mound in foreground and stands filled with spectators in background.

Page 19. Watercolour painting of a cricket match by a patient at Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum, July 1893. Match is taking place in park space surrounded by bushes and trees and large neo-classical buildings in the background.

Page 20: ‘Ireland’s Royal Brighton Gardens’ 1837. Sketched print of a cricket match taking play at Royal Brighton Gardens, spectators watch from a hill as match takes play in a walled garden with large neo-classical building and botanical gardens behind.

Page 21: Pencil sketch of a cricket match, large crowd of spectators stand on the far side, with buildings behind.

Page 22: Coloured lithograph of a batsman dressed in military attire is about to be struck in the head by a cricket ball.

Page 23: Coloured print of a cricket match. Players are wearing everyday clothing, group of spectators sit on a grassy mound in right foreground, church in background, many trees and rolling hills in distance.

Page 24: Coloured print of the first England’s Women’s Team playing cricket, The Book For All, 1890. Both teams wear dresses with 3 bands, one team with red trim and the other in blue, the bowler is mid-delivery. Tent in background as spectators stand and watch.

Page 25: ‘A Demon Bowler’ Best Boys Paper. Coloured print of a wicket-keeper being hit right on the nose as the stumps have been smashed by the delivery.

Page 26: ‘Our Playtime’ 1893. Coloured print of children playing cricket, the batsman is about to strike at the ball.

Page 27: Top: ‘Oval, 1898’ Coloured print of the Oval pavilion and neighbouring stands, 2 groups of crickets stand on the outfield talking as small amount of people walk about. Bottom: ‘Oval, 1848’ Coloured print of the Oval as in 1848, a fence borders the ground as spectators stand and sit in front of it and building to the left, a match is taking place. Houses and trees are behind the fence.

Page 28: Top: ‘Sports and Pastimes of Merrie England’ Coloured print of a batsman, wicket-keeper and fielder in medieval clothing with walled castle in background. Bottom: Coloured print of a children’s cricket match as the bowler about to deliver the ball.

Page 29: Top: ‘Micky Magees Menagerie’ 1897. Black white print of a wide variety of animals playing a cricket match and as spectators. Middle: ‘An Improvised Game of Cricket’ Graphic, 9 July 1887. Engraved print of military men playing an improvised game of cricket using a dart as a ball, a mallet as a bat and tent pegs as stumps, the game is played amongst tents. Bottom: ‘An Almanack of 12 Sports by Nicholson’ 1897. Tinted print of a large rotund batsman at the crease with wicket-keeper in top hat behind.

Page 30: Top-left: ‘At Sea’ The Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic News, 24 November 1883. Print of a cricket match taking place on board a boat deck. Bottom-left: Print of a woman being hit by a cricket ball by Ally Sloper, Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday, 15 May 1897. Top-right: ‘West Indian Zouaves’ Graphic, 3 September 1897. Print for a West Indian batsman and wicket-keeper, the batsman is hit on foot by ball. Bottom-right: Racist caricatures of black natives playing cricket ‘The Cap’n: “Now, then W.G., catch ‘em with yer ‘ands and not with yer mouf – dey gits six runs for lost ball!”’ Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday, 21 August 1897. Middle: ‘Cricket, Biceps and Pincettes’ Print of a batsman in horizontal striped vest and cap.

Page 31: Top: Coloured print of a scenic cricket match, teams are wearing red shirts and blue shirts, ruins on top of a hill in far distance. Bottom: ‘Just Out!’ Coloured print of a batsman being hit in stomach by a cricket ball and hitting his own wicket.

Page 32: Top-left, top-centre and top-right: 3 small images of children’s cricket matches, all from Cricketer’s Guide. 2nd left: Sketch of a bowler, Cricketer’s Guide. 2nd right: Sketch of a batsman about to strike a ball. 3rd left and 3rd right: Sketches of a batsman playing a defensive shot and an aggressive shot. 2nd top: Print of 3 gentlemen cricketers talking. 3rd top: Small engraved print of young cricketers ‘March XXI Days’ Atlas Almanack, 1810. 4th top: Engraved print on book binding cloth of a children’s cricket match, Sports of Childhood, 1813. Bottom: ‘Le Criquet’ Les Jeux des Jeunes Garcons. Coloured engraved print of 3 children, the bowler bowlers underarm as he tries to get the ball between 2 stones and batsman with curved bat looks to hit it, windmill in background, possibly a version of Stonyhurst Cricket.

Page 33: Top: ‘”Out! So you don’t fatigue yourself I beg Sir?”’ Humorous Sketches by Seymour, A large batsman is stumped. Bottom: ‘The Ladies Cricket Club – Matches to Come’ Punch Pocket Book, 1869. Coloured print of the Lillywhite Ladies playing a cricket match as crowd of women watch on, trees and large ornate building in background.

Page 34: Top-left: ‘A Duck and a Pair of Spectacles’. Coloured print of 2 batsman chatting to a lady sat on a bench. Top-right: ‘A Neat Cut’ A female batsman stands at a crease holding a bat as male fielder standing close in takes off his cap. Bottom: ‘A Hard Hit’ A comical coloured print of a wicket-keeper being hit right on the nose by a cricket ball.

Page 35: Top: ‘New Grand Stand, Lord’s Cricket Ground’ Illustrated London News, 10 August 1867. Engraved print of the Lord’s Grand Stand. Bottom: Coloured print of a children’s cricket match, between teams of blue and red.

Page 36: Top: Engraving of 4 children playing cricket, tent and church in background. Children are coloured whilst scenery is black and white. Middle: Somerset County Cricket Club crest for 1890. Bottom: I Zingari banner and crest. Left and right: cut-outs of batting figures in red caps, cravats and belts.

Page 37: Top: Sketch of a woman’s cricket match, players are in dresses and wearing boaters, undetailed background. Bottom ‘Miss Nellie Navette’ by Tom Merry, Music Hall Review, 13 September 1890. Coloured lithograph of music hall star, Nellie Navette in the first England Women’s Team costume with blue lining and stockings. She is holding and looking at a cricket ball.

Page 38: Top: Cut-out of a large purple cricket ground. Bottom: Reproduction of frontispiece to ‘The Cricketer Song Dedicate to the Cricket Clubs of the United Kingdom’ as sung by Howard Paul, written and composed by W.J. Bullock. In the centre is a cricketer in red cap ad holding a ball in right hand, the image is bordered by an ornate frame with flowers. Surrounding the frame are portraits of William Clarke and Fuller Pilch in top-left and right corners respectively and of Lord’s showing a match taking place with the original Grand Stand in background in bottom-left and a cricket match at the Oval in the bottom-right corner.

Page 39: Top: Engraved print of a cricket match, batsman is about to strike the ball, stone wall with gate in the background, trees and hills in distance. Bottom: Coloured engraving of 2 cricketers. On the left a bowler is in whites, holding a ball in right hand and wearing blue and white striped cap. On the right a batsman wears turquoise and yellow striped blazer and cap, yellow tie and white trousers, he holds a bat by his right side.

Page 40: Top-centre: Coloured engraved print of an elderly W.G. Grace taking guard at the crease with wicket-keeper behind and stand in background, 1897. Top-left: Cigarette card portrait of George Ulyett in Yorkshire cap, 1885. Top-right: Cigarette card head portrait of Hon. A Lyttelton in MCC blazer and cap, 1885. 2nd left: Cigarette card head portrait of William Gun in Nottinghamshire cap, 1885. 2nd right: Cigarette card head portrait of Willie Bates in Yorkshire cap, 1885. Bottom: Montage of 5 sketches. 1) W.G. Grace is bowled “The champion bold”. 2) Fred Spofforth takes a glass of punch from a bowl “The demon bowler”. 3) An animal chases a demon “100 – runs”. 4) A batsman wipes his brow standing by a lady and scoreboard “Cut”. 5) A man holds a stick in the air as in distance a man walks tough a gate with a lady under his arm “Caught at the wicket”.

Page 41: Top: Coloured print of a children’s cricket match as the batsman hits the wicket-keeper on the back of the head with his bat. Bottom: Coloured print of a children’s cricket match as a fielder chases the ball. In between the 2 prints are cut-outs of 3 cricket figures and wicket is broken by a ball.

Page 42: Top: Engraved print of a boy putting his hands in the air to catch a ball as in background the batsmen run looking towards fielder, Pen and Pencil. Bottom: Coloured print of a cricket match, a fielder runs out a batsman from quite a distance, a crowd stand and watch, match is at dusk.

Page 43: Top: Coloured print of a batsman and wicket-keeper, the batsman wears a red cap with A.S.A on and ‘The Flash’ on the bat. Middle: ‘How’s That Umpire?’ Engraved print of a batsman being hit in the eye ball by a ball, the print has a gold frame. Bottom: Coloured print of a batsman about to strike at a ball.

Page 44: Top: Engraved print of an overhead view of a cricket match with tent and cricketers to the left, Arbroath Cricket Club Bazaar Album, 1889. Middle: Coloured print of a cricket match with a bowler bowling at a batsman, pavilion in the background with flack with initials ‘A.U.C.C.’ on it. Bottom: Coloured print of a cricket match with teams in blue and red horizontal striped shirts, a bowler bowls at the batsman, 1894.

Page 45: Top-left: Engraved print of a batsman playing a defensive shot at a ball. Top-centre: Engraved print of a batsman swinging bat back to hit a ball. Top-right: Engraved print of a batsman taking a run as wicket-keeper calls for the ball. Bottom-left: Coloured print of a batsman taking a large backswing to hit a ball. Bottom-centre: ‘Black-Balling a Member’ P. Cruickshank, Comic Almanack, 1869. A black wicket-keeper stumps a batsman. Bottom-right: Coloured print of a bowler bowling at a batsman, view from behind batsman’s back.

Page 46: Top-left and top-right: Engraved print of a boy batsman at the crease, one is black and white and the other is tinted blue. Top-centre: Middle-centre: Coloured print of bats crossed in front of a wicket, ball immediately above and at the top is a striped cap, flowers in background. Middle-left: Cut-out of a wicket-keeper. Middle-centre: Sketch of wicket-keeper figure on the left. Middle-right: Cut-out of a bowler mid-delivery. Bottom-left: Photograph of a wicket-keeper in a suit and bowler hat posing behind a wicket. Middle-centre: Coloured print of a batsman taking a large backswing at a ball close to the ground. Bottom-right: Sketch of a batsman taking guard in front of wicket.

Page 47: Top-left: Sketch of batsman waiting for ball in front of a wicket. Top-right: Sketch of a batsman playing a defensive shot. Middle-left: Sketch of a batsman playing an aggressive shot at a ball, Ironside Australian Cricketer’s Handbook, 1880. Middle-right: Sketch of a batsman taking a backswing, Ironside Australian Cricketers Handbook, 1880. Top-centre: Small coloured print of a fielder. 2nd top: Print of a batsman about to strike at a ball. 3rd top: Cut-out of crossed bats in front of a wicket with ball perched on top of handles. Bottom: Coloured print of batsmen running between wickets, 3 figures are raised from image, stands and crowds in background.

Page 48: Top-left: Cut-out of a cat wicket-keeper getting hit a by a ball. Top-right: Cut-out of a cat batsman. Top-centre: Illustration of a batsman being bowled. Bottom-right: Illustration of a caveman being hit on foot by a rock, stumps are made of sticks and a club is used for a bat. Bottom-centre: W.G. Grace at the crease holds a bat and ball in either hand. Bottom-right: Illustration of a fielder letting a ball go through his legs.

Page 49: Top: Cut-out of a batsman about to strike a ball. Middle: Cut-out of a large cricket ball. Bottom: Sketch of a bat with ‘The End’ above and below.
Illustrated London News
Phil E. Butt
Reginald Cleaven
Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum
Ally Sloper
Somerset County Cricket Club
I Zingari
Nellie Navette
Fuller Pilch
William Clarke
George Ulyett
William Gunn
Alfred Lyttelton
Willie Bates
William Gilbert Grace
W. J. Bullock
perambulation, First Tennis Building, Lord's Hotel, matches at Lord's, 19th century cricket, Oxford vs. Cambridge, Grand Stand, R A Fitzgerald's XI in North America 1872, Toronto, Canada, George Parr's XI in Australia and New Zealand 1863-1864, Melbourne, Australia, England in Australia 1861-1862, women's cricket, Royal Cricket Grounds, Brighton,, children's cricket, Oval, London, England, animals, The Cricketer Song
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