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Ground and Works Working Party Corresponence November 1995-May 1996

1995-11-03 - 1996-06-04
Level of description
1 folder
Part of
Estates Correspondence (MCC/EST/4)
Scope and Content
Correspondence of the Grounds and Working Party. Items include drawing plan of shrub bed of Wellington Road Car Park, relocation of Test and County Cricket Board [TCCB] to new offices, maintenance schedule for work on Wellington Road car park, planned work for Banqueting Suite roof drainage, go ahead and costing for repair to stonework of Grace Gates following sustained damage, budget for boundary wall cleaning, redecoration of 4 Grove End Road, estimated costs of building a new print room, external work to TCCB offices, relocation of offices with diagram, applications from companies to make approved list of contractors, design plan for refurbished TCCB offices, design plan for tennis and museum entrance, quotation and diagram for Long Room lighting, considerations off MCC offices relocations, programme of works for 1996/1997, Westminster Council completion certificate for work on lavatories, summary of health and safety files for redecoration of Mound Stand, Tavern Stand and Boundary Wall and Tavern Stand repairs, suggestions on what to do with press area in Warner Stand, concept design for extension to International Cricket Council Offices, cost estimates for replacement of Pavilion floor tiles, commission for Alan Evans to construct new railings and gates to Wellington Road, update of 1996 works, price estimates from David Morley Architects for Lord's Shop redevelopment, estimate for landscape works alongside Nursery Ground, notification report for Tavern Stand terrace repairs.
Test & County Cricket Board
Knight Frank and Rutley
International Cricket Council
Alan Evans
David Morley Architects
Wellington Road, building plans, ground redevelopment, Grace Gates, Grove End Road, banqueting suite, Long Room, Tavern Stand, Mound Stand, Warner Stand, Pavilion, Lord's Shop, Nursery Ground
Conditions governing access
1 folder
Hierarchy browser
  • Estates Correspondence (MCC/EST/4)
    • Ground and Works Working Party Corresponence November 1995-May 1996 (MCC/EST/4/20)