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Minute Book, 1984-1986

1984-10-24 - 1986-09-03
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1 binder
Part of
MCC Committee Minutes (MCC/SEC/1)
Scope and Content
Binder, MCC principal committee minutes [1984-1986]. Includes reports on annual general meetings and lists of elected members and candidates.

Items include:

Agreement to suspend A G Parker for five years from the club for lending his membership pass to someone else, 24 October 1984
Plans for a bicentennial match to be played in August 1987, between MCC and 'The Rest of the World', 19 December 1984
Outline of proposal by Graison Limited to the MCC finance committee relating to improvements to catering services, 18 January 1985
Agreement that C G A Paris become a life vice president of the MCC, 20 March 1985
Discussion of plans for bicentenary at annual general meeting including a match broadcast by BBC, a book to be written by A R Lewis and a television documentary, 1 May 1985
Decision to extend the catering contract with Grand Metropolitan who were represented by Graison Limited, 1 May 1985
Special general meeting to discuss the proposal to elect 2000 associate members, alter the over-65 subscription rate for members and not appoint a Trustee who is 70 or over, all of which was approved, 1 May 1985
Naming of MCC team to play Essex County Cricket Club (the champion county), 17 April 1985
Announcement that Queen Elizabeth II would be visiting Lord's for the Test Match between England and Australia in 1985, 1 May 1985
Report on the subject of negotiations with the Test and County Cricket Board (TCCB) including a necessity to safeguard important events at Lord's, 21 May 1985
Decision to re-open the new library on 11 September 1985 at the match between Middlesex and Essex, 18 June 1985
Agreement to notify Canadian Cricket Association that they are not allowed to interfere with the selection of MCC touring parties, 18 June 1985
Agreement that Lieutenant Colonel J R Stephenson become manager for the MCC team to tour Canada, 23 July 1985
Report that planning approval had been granted to build the New Mound Stand, 23 July 1985
Copy of proposal submitted to MCC committee for the cost of construction of the New Mound Stand, July 1985
Minutes of special general meeting of the committee to approve the development of the New Mound Stand which included confirmation that John Paul Getty had donated money to the development fund, 11 September 1985
Invitation for Tim Rice to join the Arts and Library Sub-Committee, 23 October 1985
Minutes of committee meeting to discuss ways of improving relations with TCCB including establishing a joint liaison committee and recognise that TCCB would take responsibility for matches played at Lord's, 20 November 1985
Appointment of Michael Mence as an additional assistant secretary to deal mainly with International Cricket Conference (ICC) matters, 22 January 1986
Notification by president to the committee that the England B match with Zimbabwe had been called off due to interference with team selection by both countries' governments, 22 January 1986
Announcement that Queen Elizabeth II would be visiting Lord's during the England vs. New Zealand Test match, 22 January 1986
Minutes of meeting of subscriptions working party to discuss membership prices with tables of numbers of members and prices between 1976 and 1985, 11 February 1986
Agreement by MCC committee on the terms of the joint liaison committee including agreement that the TCCB have control of matches at Lord's, 22 January 1986
Agreement to suspend R W A Scott from the club for two years for misusing his membership pass, 19 February 1986
Minutes of special meeting of MCC committee to discuss the abandonment by the TCCB of the joint liaison committee, 9 April 1986
Decision by president J G W Davies to invite M C Cowdrey to be his successor, 7 May 1986
Decision by MCC committee to allow TCCB 'ultimate responsibility' for matches played at Lord's, 24 June 1986
Copies of correspondence between Raman Subba Row, chairman of TCCB, and the president of MCC, concerning negotiations for major matches at Lord's, 30 June 1986, 2 July 1986, 14 July 1986 and 28 July 1986
Announcement that C H Lloyd would manage the Rest of the World team to play the bicentennial match and A R Border would be captain, 19 August 1986
Statement by J A Bailey, MCC secretary, of his views on the negotiations with TCCB, 19 August 1986
Discussion by committee of a letter sent by Raman Subba Row, chairman of TCCB in August 1986 including consideration of removing the secretary from his position following the breakdown of relations between MCC and TCCB, 3 September 1986
Copy of letter from Raman Subba Row, chairman of TCCB, to J G W Davies, president of MCC, outlining a lack of co-operation from the MCC Secretariat in recent years and asking the MCC to 'convince the Board that it has control of its Secretariat', 26 August 1986
A G Parker
Grand Metropolitan PLC
Essex County Cricket Club
Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Elizabeth II
Canadian Cricket Association
Lieutenant Colonel John Robin Stephenson
Sir John Paul Getty
Sir Timothy Miles Bindon Rice
Jack Gale Wilmot Davies
Raman Subba Row
Jack Arthur Bailey
Test and County Cricket Board
International Cricket Conference
Michael Mence
Allan Robert Border
Clive Hubert Lloyd
Michael Colin Cowdrey
R W A Scott
membership, royal visits, MCC teams, bicentenary match, bicentenary event 1987, refreshment, Mound Stand, Australia in England 1985, Marylebone Cricket Club Library, Relations between MCC and TCCB, MCC tours, Relations between MCC and ICC
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Requires permission from Club Chief Executive and Secretary.
1 binder
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