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Minute Book, 1959-1962

1959-02-20 - 1962-08-02
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1 volume
Part of
MCC Committee Minutes (MCC/SEC/1)
Scope and Content
Bound volume, MCC principal committee minutes [1959-1962]. Includes minutes of the finance & general purposes Sub-Committee meetings, minutes of annual special advisory sub-committees to discuss nominations to the committee, newspaper cuttings, annual reports of the committee, reports on annual general meetings, reports on anniversary dinners and lists of associate members granted full membership.

Items include:

Minutes of a special Sub-Committee concerning players writing for the press with a draft of rules and regulations relating to press communication, 20 February 1959
Tributes paid to D R Jardine in Annual Report, 1959
Confidential report by R Aird, secretary on a lunch he and S C Griffith, assistant secretary, had with the sports editors of The Daily Express, The Daily Mail, The Times, The News Chronicle, The Daily Mirror, Reuters, The Daily Herald and The Daily Sketch, 7 May 1959
Minutes of a special meeting of the MCC to make K R Miller a member of the club, 19 June 1959
Minutes of a meeting between representatives of the MCC and Cricket Writers' Association to discuss relations between the two before the West Indies tour of 1959-1960, 7 October 1959
Minutes of press Sub-Committee, 7 October 1959
Minutes of Sub-Committee re-election of overseas cricketers with a list of recommendations for honorary life membership and list of associate members to be granted full membership, 21 October 1959 and 2 June 1960
Minutes of Sub-Committee appointed to consider election of overseas cricketers for honorary life membership of MCC, 12 January 1960
Minutes of a special advisory Sub-Committee held to discuss nominations for the 1960-1961 committee, 18 January 1960
Minutes of a Sub-Committee appointed to consider the management of future overseas MCC tours including suggestions of appointing an additional assistant secretary and choosing a manager for the tour from the MCC committee, 27 January 1960
Reaction to enquiries from the press as to whether MCC should boycott South Africa because of apartheid, 4 April 1960
Decision to terminate J C Laker's honorary cricket membership of the MCC because of his book 'Over To Me' which criticised Surrey County Cricket Club, 26 May 1960 and 14 June 1960
Copy of president's interview with the umpires for the Test Match at Lord's between England and South Africa, asking the umpires to 'interpret Law 26 without fear of favour on the simple basis of what you see' in reference to the action of G Griffin, 23 June 1960
Report by the president of a private conversation which he had with Sir Donald Bradman concerning the selection of bowlers with suspect actions for the Australian team, 27 July 1960
Suggestion of the committee launching an enquiry into the status of First-Class cricket as many counties were in a poor financial state, 28 July 1960
Discussion by the committee of the president's meetings with Sir Donald Bradman and the question of 'calling' on bowlers with suspect actions, 23 August 1960
Discussion by committee on the Wolfenden Report on Sport and the Community recommending that a Sports Development Council be set up by the government, 13 October 1960
Decision to remove Major H J M Millican from the membership of the club, 13 October 1960
Minutes of meeting of Sub-Committee regarding membership and privileges to discuss increased membership despite limited accommodation in the Pavilion stand, 19 October 1960
Minutes of meeting of special advisory Sub-Committee to discuss nominations to the committee with the suggestion that members should be elected by postal votes, 19 October 1960
Minutes of meeting of Sub-Committee to discuss increased membership and privileges to members of Middlesex County Cricket Club, 2 November 1960
Report on a special meeting attended by the president of the Board of Control to discuss Law 26 (Throwing), 10 November 1960
List of wage increases for clerical staff at Lord's, 17 January 1961
Memorandum on the photographic rights at Lord's, December 1960
Election of A V Bedser as an honorary cricket member of the club, 12 January 1961
Resignation of Sir P F Warner as a trustee due to ill health, 9 February 1961
Minutes of special advisory Sub-Committee which recommended that Sir P F Warner be appointed the first Life Vice President and that Treasurers were to take up the position for five years, 27 February 1961
Report by secretary that South Africa was no longer a member of the Imperial Cricket Conference as they had left the British Commonwealth, 6 April 1961
Revised salary structure for Pavilion staff, 31 May 1961
Report by secretary that Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh would be visiting Lord's on the first day of the Test match vs. Australia on 22 June 1961, 31 May 1961
Decision to allow South Africa to attend the meeting of the Imperial Cricket Conference in 1961 as 'observers', 31 May 1961
Report on possibility of increasing the membership of MCC, June 1961
Minutes of meeting of policy committee to recommend that there should be no more than three Trustees and discuss changes to the nomination of the president, 3 October 1961
Minutes of meeting of special Sub-Committee to discuss advertising for an assistant secretary, 3 October 1961
List of wage increases given to staff from 1962, 7 December 1961
Minutes of meeting of special Sub-Committee to announce the appointment of D B Carr as assistant secretary, 20 December 1961
Memorandum on the proposed rise in membership, 19 December 1961
Decision to replace the injured J T Murray with J G Binks for the tour to India, Pakistan and Ceylon 1961-1962, 11 January 1962
Report by president on the MCC tour of India, Pakistan and Ceylon, 15 February 1962, resolution at annual general meeting to allow the committee to appoint an honorary life vice-president and that Trustees will be in office for three years, 2 May 1962
Minutes of meeting of Sub-Committee for the elections of overseas cricketers and honorary cricket members, 12 June 1962
Minutes of meeting of Sub-Committee to discuss South Africa's membership of the Imperial Cricket Conference, 28 July 1962
Minutes of meetings of the MCC committee to discuss the tour to Australia and New Zealand in 1962-1963 including decision to make E R Dexter captain and The Duke of Norfolk manager with S C Griffith replacing The Duke of Norfolk when he returned home between the middle of December and the beginning of January, 19 and 24 July 1962
Minutes of meeting of Sub-Committee to discuss overseas cricketers and honorary cricket members including the decision not to reinstate J C Laker as an honorary cricket member, 2 August 1962.
Douglas Robert Jardine
Ronald Aird
Stewart Cathie Griffith
Daily Express
Daily Mail
The Times
The News Chronicle
The Daily Herald
The Daily Sketch
Keith Ross Miller
Cricket Writers' Association
James Charles Laker
Sir Donald George Bradman
Geoffrey Merton Griffin
Major H J M Millican
Sir Alec Victor Bedser
Sir Pelham Francis Warner
Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Elizabeth II
Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip
Imperial Cricket Conference
Donald Bryce Carr
Edward Ralph Dexter
Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard
The Daily Mirror
royal visits, press, Honorary Membership, MCC tours, apartheid, throwing, bowling, Wolfenden Report, membership, Marylebone Cricket Club Staff, photography, MCC in Australia and New Zealand 1962-1963, South African cricket
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