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Minute Book, 1955-1959

1955-01-20 - 1959-02-05
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1 volume
Part of
MCC Committee Minutes (MCC/SEC/1)
Scope and Content
Bound volume, MCC principal committee minutes [1955-1959]. Includes minutes of the finance & general purposes Sub-Committee meetings, minutes of special advisory sub-committees, newspaper cuttings, annual reports of the committee, reports on annual general meetings, reports on anniversary dinners.

Items include:

A memorandum of a meeting held to discuss the MCC Trust Fund, 27 January 1955
A meeting of the special Sub-Committee to consider the future election of MCC candidates, 17 February 1955, 19 May 1955, 29 June 1955, 4 August 1955, 15 November 1955, 12 January 1956, 31 May 1956, 11 February 1957, 9 January 1958
Decision to make L Hutton a member of MCC despite not having retired from cricket, 20 January 1955
Agreement to alter Rule 12 to allow current players to become members in exceptional circumstances, 7 March 1955
Attempts to encourage the Football Association to change the date of the FA Cup Final to April rather than May, 15 June 1955
Suggestion by the president of the MCC committee that a committee should be established to investigate the 'tempo' of modern Test cricket, 15 June 1955
Special Sub-Committee appointed to consider elections of MCC members and Rover tickets as a consequence of rebuilding the 'A' Stand, 4 August 1955 and 15 November 1955
Minutes of the special advisory Sub-Committee to discuss nominations for the 1956-1957 committee, 12 January 1956
Notification by secretary that Queen Elizabeth II would be visiting Lord's during the Test Match with Australia on 25 June 1956 and that 12 July 1956 is the 150th anniversary of the first gentleman vs. players at Lord's, 9 February 1956
Decision of MCC committee to withdraw their MCC 'A' team from a Pakistan tour following an incident at Peshawar involving the umpire Idris Beg, 5 March 1956
Minutes of a special meeting of the MCC committee to discuss the MCC 'A' team tour to Pakistan condemning the 'ragging' given to the umpire Idris Beg by the MCC team, holding the captain D B Carr responsible for what could be perceived as 'an attack upon the umpire' by the team, 20 March 1956
Decision to take no further action over comments made in 'Time' magazine which were deemed inaccurate regarding incidents during the MCC 'A' team tour to Pakistan, 2 May 1956
Tributes paid to G L Jessop and L C Braund, May 1956
Acceptance by F R Brown to manage the MCC team to tour South Africa in 1956-1957, 13 June 1956
Naming of MCC team to tour South Africa in 1956-1957, 14 August 1956
Minutes of the meeting of the Trustees of MCC to decide to open an bank account for the South African Tour 1956-7, 3 September 1956
Minutes of a special Sub-Committee to discuss Middlesex membership resolving that Middlesex should appoint 250 associate members who were allowed use of the 'A' Stand and Pavilion, 4 February 1957
Report of the special committee re the Future of Modern Welfare Cricket due to falling attendances and criticism of the tempo of the game, 12 February 1957
Appointment of a Sub-Committee to consider introducing a knock-out competition in county cricket and consider introducing bonus points to whichever side has the highest first innings in County Championship games or had the faster run rate, 4 April 1957
Minutes of meetings of Presidents' Fund Sub-Committee set up to support projects to help encourage cricket around the world, 28 May 1957 and 21 August 1957
Confirmation of the change of the Law relating to declarations to allow the captain of the batting side to declare at any time during a match, 1 May 1957
Decision to provide life membership to members who have completed 60 years of membership, 23 July 1957
Decision not to introduce a knock-out competition after a meeting of the Knock-Out Competition Sub-Committee, 23 July 1957
List of associate members chosen for full membership, 1 October 1957
Minutes of the special Sub-Committee re Middlesex membership discussing privileges for Middlesex members and a breakdown of where members of MCC and Middlesex County Cricket Club could be allowed on certain matches and to increase the number of members of Middlesex County Cricket Club to 3,000, 16 January 1958, 7 February 1958 and 2 January 1959
Decision to accept the BBC's agreement to broadcast at Lord's for a fee of 100 guineas per day, 4 February 1958
Report of special Sub-Committee appointed to examine a request for additional privileges for Middlesex County Cricket Club full and associate members including a breakdown of stands where MCC and Middlesex members could sit, 1958
Agreement that the Warner Stand would be officially opened on 7 May 1958 which would be noted in the Annual Report, 6 March 1958
Decision to elect Sir Donald Bradman as a member of MCC, 22 July 1958
Report on J H Wardle's selection for the Australian Tour 1958-1959 and his criticism of Yorkshire County Cricket Club in articles written by him in the Daily Mail, and the subsequent decision by MCC to withdraw Wardle from the MCC team, 19 August 1958
Minutes of a Sub-Committee re election of overseas cricketers, 14 October 1958
Minutes of a meeting of the press Sub-Committee considering making players sign an undertaking not to write articles on cricket or give interviews without approval from the committee, 30 October 1958
Minutes of a Sub-Committee regarding election of overseas cricketers as honorary life members of MCC with a list of possible candidates from Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, India, West Indies, Pakistan, Canada, Kenya and Ireland, 25 November 1958
Approval of committee to send E R Dexter to Australia to play in Australian Tour of 1958-1959 because of injury to R Subba Row, 2 December 1958
Remarks on Australian Tour 1958-1959 including decision to send £100 to the team as their entertainment allowance of £200 had been used up and concern by the Assistant Manager over the expenses incurred by the team, 5 January 1959
Minutes of meeting of press Sub-Committee including recommendations that cricketers were not allowed to write or broadcast without consent from their counties, 26 January 1959.
Sir Leonard Hutton
Idris Begh
Gilbert Laird Jessop
Leonard Charles Braund
Donald Bryce Carr
Middlesex County Cricket Club
Frederick Richard Brown
Sir Donald George Bradman
John Henry Wardle
Yorkshire County Cricket Club
Edward Ralph Dexter
Raman Subba Row
Football Association
membership, MCC in Pakistan 1955-1956, MCC in South Africa 1956-1957, laws of cricket, press, Honorary Membership, MCC in Australia 1958-1959, Warner Stand
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1 volume
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