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Minute Book, 1873-1892

1873-06-30 - 1892-06-20
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1 volume
Part of
MCC Committee Minutes (MCC/SEC/1)
Scope and Content
Bound volume, MCC principle committee minutes [1873-1892]. Includes newspaper cuttings, annual reports, reports on annual general meetings and anniversary dinners and maps.

Items include:

Newspaper report of general meeting relating to county qualifications, 1 July 1873
Resolution of the County Qualifications stating that no amateur or professional is allowed to play for more than one county in a season and that a cricketer born in one county and living in another has the right to choose which one they want to play for, 29 October 1873
Agreement to pay W G Grace and G F Grace expenses for matches at Lord's Cricket Ground and at Canterbury, 17 August 1874
Decision to purchase the premises known as Henderson's Garden from the Clergy Orphan School which adjoined Lord's, 10 December 1875
Revised scheme of election for membership of MCC, 10 December 1875
Offer by Secretary R A Fitzgerald to resign his position due to illness, 10 December 1875
Minutes of special general meeting to discuss changes to the election of members, 2 March 1876
Report by Treasurer of a breakdown in negotiations for the purchase of Henderson's Garden, 14 March 1876
Decision to allow H Perkins to take over R A Fitzgerald's duties as secretary, 12 June 1876
Application from Middlesex County Cricket Club that their matches should be played at Lord's in 1877, 31 July 1876
Decision to accept R A Fitzgerald's resignation, 2 October 1876
Confirmation that Middlesex would play their matches at Lord's at the 1877 annual meeting, 2 May 1877
Decision by MCC to provide W G Grace with a National Testimonial, 21 May 1877
List of conditions for the annual Tennis competition, 21 May 1877
Copy of memorandum of agreement between members of the committee and George Parsons of Cambridge that Parsons would be the licensed tenant of The Tavern, 21 December 1877
Agreement to host a dinner for the MCC and Australian teams in 1878, 13 May 1878
Decision by committee to elect members on the basis of their cricket qualifications, 13 May 1878
Resolution by committee that MCC should play Australia again in July 1878, 3 June 1878
Decision by committee to offer the use of Lord's to Australia for a game against Cambridge University because MCC could not get a team together, 17 June 1878
Copy of memorandum of agreement made between the committee and Robert Whitham and Frederick Butterworth allowing them to become tenants at The Tavern, 8 February 1879
Notification to the committee that James Lillywhite had made arrangements for an Australian team to visit England and he had asked whether they could play a match against the MCC which was refused, 24 February 1880
Arrangements for a Canadian team to play against MCC, 24 February 1880
Announcement that the committee had purchased 18 Elm Tree Road, 5 May 1880
Decision of committee to contact the secretary of the Australian team with a view to playing a match at Lord's as a game had already been arranged at the Oval, 10 May 1880
Notification by the committee that plans had been submitted by Thomas Verity for extending the roof of the Pavilion over the front seats to accommodate 300 members, 17 January 1881
Agreement that Australia would play two matches at Lord's in 1882 following a letter from Australia, 19 September 1881
Announcement that a 'new and spacious' dining room had been built for the members as well as a new terrace on the north side of the ground with 2,000 seats, May 1882
Statement by Alfred Shaw & [J] Selby to the committee relating to the players being offered a bribe in Australia and denying that any of the matches on the tour were fixed, 12 June 1882
Amendment to Law 7 to allow the rolling of the wicket for a maximum of ten minutes before the start of each day's play, 19 March 1883
Decision to arrange matches at Lord's for Australia to play MCC, Gentleman of England, and England in 1884, 20 November 1883
Decision by secretary to notify batmakers to comply with Law 2 relating to bat size, 20 November 1883
Discussion of a proposed visit to England by a Philadelphian XI, 20 November 1883
Report of special general meeting to discuss the revised code of the Laws of Cricket, including a proposal by Lord Harris to alter Law 48 relating to calling a no ball or a wide which was carried, 21 April 1884
Announcement in annual report that a match would be played against the Gentlemen of Philadelphia in the 1884 season, May 1884
Minutes of special general meeting to approve that before a match it would be agreed that an over consist of five or six balls, 26 May 1884 Announcement that a new set of dressing-rooms had been attached to the existing Pavilion, 6 May 1885
Announcement that a Parsee XI from India would play at Lord's in May 1886 and that an Australian team would play four matches at Lord's in the summer of 1886, 5 May 1886
Memorandum to the committee of recommendations for MCC including the position of paid staff and club expenditure, July 1886
Report of Sub-Committee for Tavern and Refreshment supplies to club members, 12 February 1887
Copy of annual report for the MCC's hundredth anniversary, 1887
Decision by committee to purchase the land known as Henderson's Nursery from the Clergy Orphan Corporation, 16 May 1887
Decision to admit 100 life members to MCC to help finance the purchase of Henderson's Nursery, 12 December 1887
Report of Sub-Committee investigating undue advantage to batsman or bowlers, with the decision to approve changes to the laws that an over should consist of five balls, a bowler could change ends as often as he likes and that the in-side could declare their innings on the last day of a match, 19 March 1888
Announcement that MCC had acquired Henderson's Nursery for £18,500 and that they had resolved that the practice of defending the wicket with the person instead of the bat be outlawed, 2 May 1888
Proposal by Lord Wenlock that due to inadequate accommodation there should be either a new Pavilion or improvements to the existing Pavilion, 28 May 1888
Decision of committee to build a new Pavilion, 10 December 1888
Approval of Thomas Verity's plans for the new Pavilion, 11 March 1889
Copy of newspaper report that Henry Perkins, MCC Secretary was summoned before the Marylebone Vestry for erecting a building in Wellington Road to cover the tennis court which was 'beyond the line of frontage', and ordering the building must be set back before the line, 1889
Discussion of how to resolve the magistrates order by cutting off a a section of the building, 22 July 1889
Decision by committee to extend the timeframe for building the new Pavilion to 1 May 1890, 29 July 1889
Congratulations to MCC members by committee on the erection of the new Pavilion in the annual report, 7 May 1890
Resolution that a portrait of W G Grace, commissioned by A J Stuart Wortley to be hung in the Pavilion had been completed, 21 July 1890
Determination of committee to oppose the Bill by Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway to build an extension through Lord's, 16 March 1891
Maps of Lord's with terms of proposed agreement between MCC and Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway, relating to creation of a railway line extension on parts of Lord's and Clergy Orphan School, 1891
Minutes of special general meeting to oppose the Bill to construct parts of the railway on Lord's Cricket Ground, in which members voted against the decision and offered the terms accepted by Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway, 7 December 1891
Confirmation that terms offered by Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway were accepted by the committee in the annual report, 1892.
William Gilbert Grace
George Frederick Grace
Clergy Orphan School
Robert Allan Fitzgerald
George Parsons
Robert Whitham
Frederick Butterworth
Thomas Verity
Alfred Shaw
John Selby
Henry Perkins
Archibald John Stuart-Wortley
Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Manchester
Clergy Orphan School
Henderson's Nursery
Beilby Lawley
Middlesex County Cricket Club
Philadelphia Cricket Team
Canadian Cricket Team
Parsee Cricket Team
James Lillywhite
Pavilion, ground redevelopment, laws of cricket, County Cricket qualifications, anniversaries, Life Membership, Lord's Tavern, Australia in England 1882, corruption in cricket, Australia in England 1884, Australia in England 1878
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