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Forsan et haec

Author: H.J. B.

Year: ?1920

The Buccaneers cricket club 1930-1951

Author: Clifford Bax

Publisher: Stringer, Briggs, Stockley and Co. [for Buccaneers Cricket Club]

Place of publication: Kingston on Thames

Year: 1956

Chronicles of the F[ree] F[oresters] part 2

Author: the Rev William Kirkpatrick Riland Bedford

Publisher: Benjamin Hall

Place of publication: Birmingham

Year: 1867

Chronicles of the F[ree] F[oresters]

Author: the Rev William Kirkpatrick Riland Bedford

Publisher: Benjamin Hall

Place of publication: Birmingham

Year: 1863

Annals of the free foresters from 1856 to the present day

Author: the Rev William Kirkpatrick Riland Bedford, William Edmund Wood Collins

Publisher: William Blackwood & Sons

Place of publication: Edinburgh

Year: MDCCCXCV 1895

Sussex Martlets 1905-1955

Author: Geoffrey Bolton

Publisher: privately published

Year: 1955

A history of Lords and Commons cricket

Author: Eric Edward Bullus

Publisher: privately published

Year: 1959

Butterflies cricket club 1862-1962

Publisher: Butterflies Cricket Club

Year: 1962

Devon Dumplings cricket club: jubilee book 1902-1952

Author: Malcolm Elwin

Publisher: Devon Dumplings Cricket Club

Year: 1952?