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Larger than life

Author: David Mark Smith, Paul Newman

Publisher: Two Heads

Place of publication: London

Year: 1995

You Guys Are History! An Autobiography

Author: Devon Malcolm

Publisher: Collins Willow

Year: 1998

No Surrender: The Life and Times of Ian Botham

Author: Dave BOWLER

Publisher: Orion

Place of publication: London

Year: 1997

Cricket Brawl. The 1912 Dispute

Author: Rick Smith

Publisher: Apple Books

Year: 1995

A.C. MacLaren justice denied?: a look at Ponsford's 429

Author: Irving Rosenwater

Publisher: privately published

Place of publication: London

Year: 1996

Tampering with cricket

Author: Don Oslear, Jack Bannister

Publisher: Collins Willow

Place of publication: London

Year: 1996

One-Man Committee: The Controversial Reign of England's Cricket Supremo

Author: Raymond Illingworth, Jack Bannister

Publisher: Headline

Place of publication: London

Year: 1996

My Autobiography

Author: Allan Lamb

Publisher: CollinsWillow

Year: 1996

War Minus The Shooting. A Journey Through South Asia During Cricket's World Cup

Author: Mike Marqusee

Publisher: Heinemann

Year: 1996

Stirred but not Shaken

Author: Geoff Howarth, Ian Hepenstall

Publisher: Hodder Moa Beckett

Place of publication: Mairangi Bay, Auckland

Year: 1998

The Race Game: Sport and Politics in South Africa

Author: Douglas Booth

Publisher: Frank Cass

Year: 1998

Glory days: forty years of one-day cricket 1963-2003

Author: Edward Griffiths

Publisher: Viking

Place of publication: London

Year: 2003