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Cricket's silver lining 1864-1914 : The 50 years from the birth of wisden to the beginning of the great war

Author: David Rayvern Allen

Publisher: Willow Books

Place of publication: London

Year: 1987

Famous writers on cricket compiled by Roger Adams with photographs by Patrick Eagar and Adrian Murrell

Author: Roger Adams

Publisher: Partridge

Place of publication: London

Year: 1988

The essential Neville Cardus

Author: Neville Cardus

Publisher: Jonathan Cape

Place of publication: London

Year: 1949


Author: Leslie Thomas John Arlott

Publisher: Burke

Place of publication: London

Year: 1953

My favourite cricket stories

Author: Leslie Thomas John Arlott

Publisher: Lutterworth

Year: 1974

In praise of cricket: an anthology for all lovers of cricket

Author: John Atkinson

Publisher: Frederick Muller

Place of publication: London

Year: 1946

The observer on cricket: an anthology of the best cricket writing

Author: Scyld Berry

Publisher: Unwin Hyman Ltd.

Place of publication: London

Year: 1987

I was there: twenty exciting sporting events

Publisher: Collins

Year: 1966

Best Cricket stories

Author: Denzil Batchelor

Publisher: Faber & Faber

Year: 1967

Edmund Blunden: a selection of his poetry and prose

Author: Edmund Charles Blunden, Hopkins Kenneth

Publisher: Rupert Hart-Davis

Place of publication: London

Year: 1950

The joy of cricket

Author: John Bright-Holmes

Publisher: Secker & Warburg

Place of publication: London

Year: 1984

The Book of cricket verse: an anthology

Author: Arthur Gerald Norcott Brodribb

Publisher: Hart-Davis

Year: 1953