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After a remarkable recovery

Author: J. M. Cajetan Gomes

Publisher: The Book Guild

Place of publication: Sussex

Year: 1982

The Ramblings of a rabbit

Author: Henry Grierson

Publisher: Chapman and Hall

Year: 1924

Cricket in my life. A story of cricket in the Bolton District 1917-1983

Author: Arthur L. Hargreaves

Publisher: Neil Richardson

Place of publication: Manchester

Cricket in my life (second innings)

Author: Arthur L. Hargreaves

The Lyttelton Hart-Davis letters: correspondence of George Lyttelton and Rupert Hart-Davis 1955-56

Author: Rupert Hart-Davis

Publisher: John Murray

Place of publication: London

Year: 1978

Heyhoe! The autobiography of Rachael Heyhoe Flint

Author: Rachael Heyhoe Flint

Publisher: Pelham

Place of publication: London

Year: 1978

Cricket memories

Author: Rev. Randolph Llewelyn Hodgson

Publisher: Methuen

Place of publication: London

Year: 1930

The happy cricketer

Author: Rev. Randolph Llewelyn Hodgson

Publisher: Frederick Muller

Place of publication: London

Year: 1946

Second Innings

Author: Rev. Randolph Llewelyn Hodgson

Publisher: Hutchinson

Place of publication: London

Year: 1933

Cricket on the brain

Author: Bernard Hollowood

Publisher: Eyre & Spottiswoode

Place of publication: London

Year: 1970

All on a summer's day

Author: Margaret Hughes

Publisher: Stanley Paul

Place of publication: London

Year: 1953

Beyond a boundary

Author: Cyril Lionel Robert James

Publisher: Hutchinson

Place of publication: London

Year: 1963